
Should People Be Forced To Live Without A Shower And Drinking Water?

Decent Essays

Should people be forced to live without a shower and drinking water? Recently, the drought has created a significant amount of tension between farmers and citizens. The cause of the issue: Water. Water is a major resource in California because of all the agriculture that happens here. The farmers feel they have the right to all the water so they can grow their crops and support themselves, but because of this, citizens are having to live without basic necessities. There should be regulations for groundwater because people are losing access to water because the farmers are taking it all to water their crops. If rules were put in place, that would prevent farmers from taking all the groundwater, which allow people access to water.
“Pete Rodriguez, 63, a retired dock worker, lives four miles away from the fire station tank with his wife, Bertha, and five Chihuahua dogs. He says he spends about one and a half hours a day hauling water since the empty well behind his modest rented home went dry six months ago” (Source 2). Citizens should not have …show more content…

If all farmers downscaled, they would be able to support themselves and allow the citizens the amount of water they need. Most people don’t have access to a shower or clean drinking water. When it gets to that point, it’s time for government restrictions on the amount of water that farmers can use.
In conclusion, there should be regulations for groundwater because people are losing access to water due to the fact that the farmers are taking it all to water their crops. If rules were put in place, that would prevent farmers from taking all the groundwater, which allow people access to water. If regulations were put in place, farmers and citizens would be able to make a living off of the little water that California

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