I believe that the American government should always protect the life of human beings. The government should eliminate access to abortions and artificial contraceptives and defund abortion services through organizations like Planned Parenthood. However, I don’t think that Planned Parenthood should be defunded because it provides other positive health services for women like breast exams. As for abortions, my Christian faith provides me with an opportunity to believe that life begins at conception and ends at a natural death. A baby’s heart starts beating at 18 days after conception, so why does the baby not have the same rights that a living person may have. Some may say that, “Well, an unborn baby is not born yet, so the baby has no voice …show more content…
Opposed to contrary beliefs, I “hate the sin, but not the sinner.” I will not condone it. I will not vote for it. I will not hate them, and I will not be a bully. I recognize that we live in a nation full of Christians and not a Christian nation which separates the church from the state, but my Christian faith does not agree with the practices of homosexuallity. On top of that, if gay marriage is not a “big deal” then why did people force the Supreme Court embedded gay marriage in the Constitution? With everyone arguing about the Supreme Court decision and that “Same-sex marriage is [now] a fundamental constitutional right guaranteed under the 14th Amendment”, an easy response is to attack the opponent by arguing that what happens under the roof of someone’s home is not the business of the government. My bigger question, however, is if the marital status of two people is not the business of the national government, then why did the Supreme Court have to hear and review to the court case to please the people? Shouldn’t the judiciary branch of the government focus on imposing more important policies for the betterment of the American nation instead of personal
I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman, and ever since the recognition of marriage in all cultures, it has been that way. A lot of people have been trying to look at it as a right of the people protected under the Constitution. I say that it is being examined completely wrong. Marriage is, by my definition, the union of a man and woman recognized by the state. I do not think it is the union of two people. Regardless of what I believe, I do not think it was legally right for the Court to require all of the states to recognize gay marriage. According to Chief Justice Roberts,
The decision reached at the Supreme Court regarding the case of Obergefell v. Hodges is that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to be allowed to marry each other. To make it plain and simple, my belief is that I agree with the court’s decision. Whether you are a homosexual couple or heterosexual couple, I believe your marriage rights should be equal and not separated due to any religious beliefs and other’s personal feelings. I believe people have a fundamental right to practice their religion, but that right doesn’t grant anyone the power to force said religious beliefs onto anyone. America is the land of the free, you can do what you believe in as long as it doesn’t harm others and is safe for yourself and the people whom are affected
I'm all for intelligent discourse - but this is fucking ridiculous on most counts. Should the Supreme Court have made a ruling on Marriage? No - Marriage is in its own right a religious entity. But here's the problem
Your a dip shit. Your message is completely misleading. Folks aren't asking Congress to "end support for woman or family health care services" by defunding Planned Parenthood. They ARE asking for Congress to stop spending tax payers money on funding abortions by Planned Parent especially considering all the sick, twisted and damming evidence these videos have brought to light by Planned Parenthood.
As noted, the technical legal question to be addressed is whether the federal government or individual states have the right to legalize or prohibit same-sex marriage. To claim that this exact question is increasingly a public concern is to understate the issue. It may be ironic but, as the controversy has grown in recent years, there seems to be more of a demand from the society that the issue be settled once and for all, and for that eyes turn to federal authority. This came to a head in the presidential campaigns of 2013, as same-sex marriage became a “hot button” issue actually defining voter sympathies as either liberal or conservative (Levendusky 42). In plain terms, the Mitt Romney campaign directly appealed to conservative populations opposed to, or perceived as opposed to, gay marriage; the Obama reelection efforts not unexpectedly countered this with an appeal to more liberal factions, which typically favor same-sex unions. The differences in approach aside, the clear fact remains that the nation was emphatically looking to its highest leadership to make a decision, which in turn would lead to federal recognition or denial of same-sex marriage.
In the past year Planned Parenthood has been the topic of discussion in the Government and political circuit. A scandalous video came out this past year from an anti-abortion group who recorded employees of Planned Parenthood discussing the selling of fetal tissue to companies. Planned Parenthood has denied those allegations. It has been a heated argument among Democrats and Republicans, to keep, or to defund the organization. The issue was taken to the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss its fate in September of 2015 (Walsh, 2015). The bill did not end up passing, but many are still pushing to completely rid of the organization (Walsh, 2015). So, should the Government defund Planned Parenthood?
In today’s society, the separation of church and state is a fundamentally important aspect of our government. Most any citizen would agree that the government should operate based on the law and the constitution, not on the individual 's religious beliefs, yet when the issue is Abortion, that stance is flipped. The debate over abortion rages on despite the supreme court giving women the right to abortion in 1973 with the ruling of Roe v Wade. Looking at both sides objectively, the pro-choice arguments lineup with facts, while the pro-life arguments are either supported by facts yet purposefully misinterpreted, or simply not factual at all. State governments pass laws that regulate abortions and abortion centers all in the attempt to close these centers down and stop women from getting abortions at all, including situations of rape or incest. Just as the government in Brave New World controls the bodies of women by keeping them on contraceptives and controlling their bodily functions through medication, the American government seeks the same control over what women do and don’t do with their body by denying them abortions and birth control.
When discussing the idea of what role the government should play in the topic of abortion, I have a very strong viewpoint and perspective. I am a very pro-life Christian, so with that being said I strongly believe that abortions should be illegal. An abortion is defined as terminating or ending a pregnancy. To me, that is taking away one’s life, or as most call it, murder. Of course with that being said, there is always going to be the argument that it is not a life yet. Life is started at the moment of conception. Therefore by terminating a pregnancy one is ending a life. I believe a viable government policy would be to make abortions illegal, just as murder is. In a very well known U.S. Supreme Court case, Roe vs. Wade, abortions were made
God was the very center of America’s public life from the very beginning and is still somewhat engrained in American culture. However, the biased mainstream media and other forms of news and entertainment are creating a lack of Christian ideals held in our culture. Liberals and atheists have succeeded in separating church and state, and as a result, washing away the Christian ideals that Americans used to have. The meaning of separation of church and state has been manipulated and changed by liberals to accept their moral deviancy. The truth is that it was meant to protect religion from the government to ensure that Christianity remained a part of our lives for years to come. My faith has taught me that life is a gift from God, and that it should be protected; we have no right to take that away or to play god by aborting a fetus. It is plain to see that we need more Christian values to be enforced in this country, since abortion clashes with multiple Christian teachings. For example, God commanded that “thou shalt not kill” which stands as a clear indictment of the killing of unborn children, whether embryonic or fetal, abortion is an assault on the unique forming work of God. Also, abortion goes against the Biblical teaching of not shedding innocent blood, which obviously includes unborn children. It is so simple and obvious that it is morally repugnant to take the life of a child, yet our laws do not reflect that because of the widespread
On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Many conservative groups do NOT agree with this decision. The gay marriage debate has been simmering for as long as I can remember. The four articles I have selected give information from four different perspectives including that of liberals, conservatives, homosexuals, and orthodox Jews. With so many differing opinions, one can understand why it's been so hard for the nation to come to agree on this issue.
The government wants to pass an amendment to the Constitution that would rule gay marriage unconstitutional and therefore illegal. However, is it not true that there is a separation between church and state? How is it that the government can tell the churches, "Look we don't like gay marriage so you can't wed these two."? Is it not up to the church and the ministers to decide this for themselves? Does the government feel that the gays are now the biggest threat to American society? Is that what they have to protect us from? When it comes to protesting the government is even more protective. During the 2005 Presidential Inauguration you had to reserve a spot to protest, and there were many things that were not allowed down the parade route (such as picket signs). Yet isn't it in the US Constitution that it is legal to protest and gather in public. Susan Goering, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland put it best: "Public expression of sincere and deeply felt disagreement with government policies is one of the highest forms of patriotism and the lifeblood of a democracy."
The majority of the time a conservative politician is talking about same-sex marriage, they almost always refer to The Bible as their argument. The book of Leviticus is a notorious reference when it comes to criticizing same-sex marriage. The books states that "The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the Israelite people and say to them: ... Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman. It is an abhorrence" (Leviticus 18: 1, 2, 23). Since it is stated in this book, many Americans believe that because weddings are religious ceremonies that there should be no homosexuality involved. There is a huge flaw in this argument is in the Bill of Rights, Amendment I states that: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" (The Bill of Rights). There is no established religion within the United States, and there never will be, as long as that law stands. Marriage is a union of two people recognized by the state - a civil right. It is ordinary for a church to be aware of the ceremony as well; however, when a couple gets married in a city hall, the marriage is not recognized by a church. If two people are married by a judge, the marriage is not recognized by a church. So in all reality, same sex marriages would not have to be acknowledged by any religious group in order to be legal. A person who uses things such as The
Gay marriage is one of the most controversial topics being discussed in America today. Today in America, Christians feel like that because the bible states that homosexuality is a sin and then it should be illegal. A few states have taken the first step and started to accept the marriage of same sex marriage. I Believe that the government has no right to tell people if they can or cannot get married. Their choices doesn’t have any thing to with security or credibility of the nation , and it does nothing to affect
On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages be legal? Why should our nation accommodate such a dreadful Supreme Court ruling? Gay couples have become a major problem for our children. Children only repeat what they hear, see, and other habits from their role models. Our children are the ones who are being subjected to these horrifying situations.
Same sex marriage has been widely looked down upon for ages. People say, “It’s not the traditional constitutional marriage”, or “Children need a mother and a father”. It honestly doesn’t matter. If two people love each other, they should be allowed to marry. It’s just as simple as that. What other reason do you need? If two complete strangers of the same sex want to be together for the rest of their lives, we should let them.First, denying some people to marry is discriminatory. Judge Sarah Zabel of Miami-Dade Circuit Court ruled the gay marriage ban of Florida unconstitutional. She stated that it, “serves only to hurt, to discriminate, to deprive same-sex couples and their families of equal dignity, to label and treat them as 2nd class citizens, and to deem them unworthy of participation in one of the fundamental institutions of our society.” In other words, you’re looking down upon same sex couples that want to get married as if they’re lower than you; that they don’t deserve the same rights as us. Same sex couples would be able to enjoy the same benefits as heterosexual couples if they were able to be married.Furthermore, the General Accounting Office made an assessment in 2004 about the benefits that heterosexual married couples have that same sex couples could not. Some of these benefits include hospital visitation during an illness and the option of filing a joint tax return to reduce a tax burden. Imagine not being able to see your significant other in the hospital