
Should Prostitution Be Legal

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The process of legalization is a delicate matter because of the vast moral questions that it raises. Technically, if there are supply and enormous demand, there must not be any problems with providing particular services, just a profitable deal, and successful cooperation. Nevertheless, there is one great problem, an ethical one. Also, the fact is that prostitution will exist no matter what because men will always degrade women, and women, in turn, can do the same to men, even though these moral aspects are not connected with the legalization process, mostly depending on moral qualities of the society members, and not on a position on prostitution. Thus, the essay will try to prove why prostitution should not be legal with the help of …show more content…

Besides, Nussbaum argues that most of the problems associated with prostitution, so-called prostitution claims, such as excessive risks, little autonomy, and destructive effect, are not inherent in the work, but are functions of the prostitute’s working conditions. She supports the proposal to improve them by making prostitution legal, as one of the working activities: “An account of the actual social meaning of a practice is therefore just a door that opens onto the large arena of moral and legal evaluation” (Nussbaum 695). Throughout this article, there is a feeling that Nussbaum is mostly concentrated on the type of sexual relations when prostitution is the last measure to survive; thus, her theory cannot be a true reflection of prostitutes’ needs and demands.
One more opinion, which is quite opposite to the Nussbaum’s one in its sense, but sufficiently close to it and relative to some point, can be seen in the article “Markets in Women’s Sexual Labor”, written by Debra Satz. Her position is rather amorphic, indefinite in some moments, but closer to the reality, as she writes that “If prostitution is wrong it is because of its effects on how men perceive women and on how women perceive themselves. In our society, prostitution represents women as the sexual servants of men” (Satz 78). The interpretation of Satz's arguments can be as following: all practices and relations that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, such as prostitution and paid

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