Yelena Gorrino Alejo
Should prostitution be legalized?
Most of us have heard of prostitution and the controversial opinions of people whether it should be legalized or not. The fact is that prostitution has been practiced for many years regardless of its legality. As defined in the dictionary prostitution is the exchange of sex for money. Out of the 50 states in the U.S., Nevada is the only states were prostitution is legal. On the other hand, in some European countries prostitution is not illegal and its safety practice with proper regulations. Therefore legalization should not be the issue; instead regulations should be placed to make the practice of prostitution safer. There are more important aspects of prostitution that need to be addressed; regulations on moral, heath, and crime should be established. These regulations should include laws on health standards for the security of prostitute, morality regulations should address age restrictions abiding with all current state ages of consent, both for those who practice prostitution or the people seeking for a prostitute, more specifically referring to people over the age of eighteen, and crime regulations should address more security were prostitution is practice.
In Germany, unlike in some other countries they do not look down upon prostitutes or the people who go after their services. Prostitution in Germany more specifically in Amsterdam is part of the culture and their views of
There are obvious cons and pros to the topic, but in this case the positive outcomes seem to outweigh the negative elements. In order to present my position on the issue I will provide three main positive outcomes that result from legalizing prostitution. The first being that legalizing this activity can benefit the economy as it can become a great source of revenue for the state considering it would be a popular business in Las Vegas. The topic which will be discussed secondly is in defense to the people involved in this profession, whether it be the workers or those who seek the services. I will discuss how in the 21st century this activity is not
To better discuss the legalization of prostitution there’s a need to know its definition. Legalization of prostitution is where prostitution becomes controlled by the government and becomes legal under specific conditions. Legalization may include prostitution-specific controls chosen by the state, which could include licensing, registration, and mandatory regular health checks ups. Prostitution has been legalized in Netherlands, Germany, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Turkey, Senegal, Nevada in the USA, and many Australian states (Mossman, 2007).
Women who can legally prostitute themselves will not need government assistance; therefore there will be a decrease of the number of women who need a form of government assistance to survive their everyday lives. As a result of the United States government declaring prostitution illegal, many women get arrested and serve long sentences for their conviction. The United States government spends approximately $45,000 to house an inmate in any state correctional facility or federal penitentiary per year (Hirby, 2013, p.1). The same $45,000 that the government is spending to send a woman that has been convicted of prostitution to prison, could be spent to send that exact female to any private college in any state to further her education. Education is knowledge; knowledge leads to innovation, and innovation leads to a bigger, brighter future.
To combat the problems associated with prostitution: trafficking, violence, and the objectification of women, two approaches are generally promoted. While advocates of prostitution as a form of employment suggest that legalization will improve these problems, policy makers tend to recommend penalties as a means to deter prostitution.
As a part of the legalization and support for prostitution, we need to clearly identify the definition of prostitution. The act of prostitution is defined as the willing participation in the use of sexual acts in exchange for compensation whether it was money or any other means of value gained from the use of the body of sexual pleasure. Prostitution is considered the world’s oldest profession that has been secretly practiced for centuries. Prostitution is not biased to gender or sexual orientation in any class. Prostitution is a multi-billion dollar industry that is very alive and visible according to law enforcement reports and arrest. Experts have determined that approximately 2 million prostitutes currently participate in the illegal sex industry for profit. Unfortunately, in the current state of illegal prostitution, people who
Prostitution is an issue that has been debated in many countries. 22 countries have legalized prostitution. In the United States, prostitution is only legal in 11 rural counties in Nevada. It used to be legal in Rhode Island due to a loophole, but since 2009, it has been illegal. Women are not the only ones who are prostitutes, about 20 to 30% of prostitutes are male, which means both genders are affected by laws against prostitution. Men and women should be allowed to choose how they want to use their bodies how they wish, and that includes prostitution.
Some say prostitution is the world 's oldest profession. Yet, only a small percentage of the world’s government allows it. The legalization of prostitution is a very controversial topic due to many people’s moral beliefs. Prostitutes all over the world are treated as outcasts. A reason for people to be against prostitution could be due to their religious beliefs, moral standpoints, or lack of knowledge over the subject. Many religions state that sex outside of marriage is a sin and those who do it should be looked down upon. Due to these beliefs people tend to be against the legalization of prostitution. Though there are many facts that show that prostitution should be legalized. Prostitution should be legalized in the United States because then it can be regulated, would help the economy, and would lower the prison population and crimes against prostitutes.
Prostitution is defined as the act of “providing or receiving sexual acts, between a prostitute and a client, in exchange for money or some other form of remuneration” (Hock 557). The idea of exchanging sex for valuables has been around since the beginning of human society. The first reported data about prostitution was reported around 3000 B.C.E in one of the first known civilizations, Mesopotamia (Caraboi and Fierbinteanu 362). It is often referred to as “the world’s oldest profession.” Today, even though prostitution is illegal in most parts of the world, it is still prevalent worldwide with different ways to exchange sexual services for payment and many different types of prostitutes. One of these types of prostitutes are brothel workers; brothel workers work in “a house of prostitution,” a brothel, which are normally in areas where prostitution is not criminalized or is legalized (Hock 560). Like prostitution, human trafficking has been around for thousands of years and is still present today.
Prostitution is a controversial topic with a faction of the society arguing that the ancient trade should be legalized whereas the opponents insist that prostitution should be an illegal business because it is unethical. The commercial sex effects and its nature elicit divided opinion because legalizing prostitution as a trade affects its characteristic as a gendered institution and social nature. A section of the society perceives prostitution as an unequivocal exercise of patriarchal control over women. The opponents of legalized prostitution business argue that the business is intrinsically sexually violent, which implies that it is an avenue of exploiting women. On the other hand, the proponents of prostitution state that it is an inevitable market exchange; thus, a form of business. Notwithstanding, prostitution has also been perceived as an expression of own sexual agency of women in the society.
A prostitute made plans with a man online to meet him and sell her wares. When they met, she asked to see the money. Instead of pulling out cash, he pulled out a knife and attempted to rape her. There was a brief struggle, and the man slashed her hand. She escaped and found shelter in a church while the pastor contacted the police. The person who assaulted the victim was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison (Riley, 2015).
Prostitution, which is the act of engaging in sexual intercourse for money, has been part of human society since Biblical times. It had become a common part of our society because the women that choose to take part in prostitution are often on the brink of bankruptcy or already are and need a way to provide for themselves and/or their families. They have few to no laws in place to protect them. This leads to the question of whether prostitution should be legalized or whether it should be kept as a common, but illegal occurrence. There are many reasons it is better for prostitution to be legalized.
When it comes to the topic of legalizing prostitution, some of us will readily agree that it is the oldest profession that involves money rather than the historic hunter and gather. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of the safety of the man or woman selling their body for financial gain. Though I concede that prostitution can be dangerous, I still insist that legalizing prostitution would not only benefit the men and women involved, it would also be a financial gain to the government.
Governments in many western countries have tried to change their approach to prostitution management. The governments have attempted to amend laws to deal with the prostitution, but the process has met fierce controversy. In Canada, a role of criminal code in regulating or prohibiting prostitution has been the area of long-standing debate ( Lowman & John, 16). The controversial opinions over the prostitution issues have been evident in parliamentary reviews and court challenges launched in this country over the last three decades (Backhouse & Constance, 400). In 2013, restrictions had done on; publically speaking about prostitution and paying for the prostitutes. It resulted from the Supreme Court culminated decision to strike down some acts terming them as unconstitutional. The federal government had up to one year to come up with some amendment on prostitution law (Lowman, & John.17). Parliament worked on the bill by doing the international consultation to get a solution to the prostitution. The Canadian government is still wrestling the issue to strike a balance by preventing exploitation of the sex workers and health and safety concerns while eliminating the increase in criminal activities associated with communities where the prostitution is common (Backhouse& Constance, 420).
Prostitution. Streetwalking. The sex trade. The sex industry. Whoring. Hooking. Et Cetera. The exchange of sexual activities for money. Prostitution is probably one of, if not the oldest taboos in our culture, and for good reason. Often times, prostitution is monitored in places called brothels, meeting places for finding prostitutes and sex in general. This scandalous practice is currently legal in many parts of the world, i.e. Germany, most of South America, Spain, Australia, Canada, France, Italy, here and there in Africa, Mexico and many more. It’s been legalized in many places, but why should a profession like this be outlawed? Well, there are many pros as to why prostitution should be abolished. A) Legalization of prostitution is an invitation to human trafficking and slavery. B) Legalization would attract more customers, promoting affairs and divorce. C) Prostitution is degrading. It turns woman into commodities, thus making them nothing but items to be used. I don’t think it would be a good thing to have more divorced couples, more human slaves and more sexism in America. Do you?
Prostitution is often referred to as the oldest profession. It is not a new topic in criminal justice and has remained controversial throughout history not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world. Prostitution, as stated in lecture, is defined as the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with a person for payment. There are many different types of prostitution ranging from street and brothel to virtual prostitution. Some prostitutes enter into this line of work willingly, whereas other women are forced into this field. Most of the controversy deals with violence and coercion associated with prostitution. Both sides make valid points as to why prostitution should or shouldn’t be legalized, however I personally think that prostitution should not be legalized. Over the past decade, the term sex trafficking has become commonplace. If prostitution were to become legal it would make penalties less severe for pimps and criminals who deal with prostitution, giving them more of a safe haven (Weitzer, 2011).