
Should Schools Maintain Honor Codes

Satisfactory Essays

Around the nation there are many professors who deal with an excruciating action; cheating. Cheating is pervasive on college campuses: however, the good news is that some professors only encounter cheating rarely and chances are the faculties that a professor may teach in upholds a strong honor code. Sources B, C, and F all indicate the significance of why my school, Union Public Schools, should maintain an honor code.
Honor codes are something more than a new set of rules and regulations, honor codes would help create a culture of integrity in Union. Alyssa Vangelli in source B demonstrates how honor codes ensure a level of an academic playing field and stress the notion that students are responsible for policing each other. She claims how “students have reminders of morals values and responsibility to perform honestly in the school environment” by signing a pledge of honor. This source can help students from my school understand what type of environment one would want to live in. Students are able to see the importance of behaving with integrity and the expectations that our actions can cause. Students are more likely to obey rules when they feel like they are …show more content…

Jennifer Dirmeyer and Alexander Cartwright explains how the culture that takes the enforcement seriously has a successful honor code. They mention how “peer-enforced honor code, the likelihood of being caught depends on other students’ tolerance for cheating”. Students in Union would sign a pledge that they would follow the code; doing so means the students are free to operate honestly and independently. However if they break the code, they would have to answer to their peers. The students who go to high school and have an honor code will more often choose not to cheat even if they are initiated to cheat, because the risk of them getting cost will be devastating and

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