Studies show that kids who sleep in get fantastic learning during the day. People sleep threw their alarms and they miss the bus and people are not as cranky. Schools make kids basically sleep during class because they can't stay awake. We can't drink coffee in school to keep us awake. The big problem that the schools are worried about is that the kids are going to stay up later. But that is their choice that they make. Kids are more behaved when they are more fully awake and they get terrific grades in school. Kids on test days tend to be more relaxed when they have a huge test. You might think that school should start the same time because the kids are used to that time and it is fantastic for adults. You might think that school should
One reason later start times should be introduced to more schools is the health benefits it can cause students around the world. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease control recommend that middle and high schools start
Having a later school start time can increase a student’s academic grades and awareness. Thirty-three percent of teens say that they fell asleep in class. Even though this is a small portion of teens, falling asleep in class shouldn’t even happen once. Also, this means they are getting less than what they need,(eight to nine hours of sleep a night). A school needs to pack as much teaching time as they can in a day, but if that means waking up a student at a time so early, then there's no point.When a student doesn’t sleep as much, students are not aware as they would be if they had a good night’s rest. If students had this sleep, the would pay more attention in class. Therefor, a student would have better grades.
School days should start later in the day because there are many benefits to doing so. Such as improved grades, Test scores, and safer roads because teens won’t be as drowsy if they sleep 8 plus hours.
First of all, schools should not start later because that would mean that they would
Suppose you are getting up out of bed to go to school in the morning. Your mom needs to arrive at work at 8:30, but your school just changed their start time to 9:45 because children at the school were falling asleep in class. You are forced to awaken at the same time you started waking up at, because your mom has to be at work. You have to go with your friend, who has his mother take him everyday. You have your mother take you at the same time as before to drop you off at your friend's house to wait.
For example, students actually perform worse when sleep deprived, dropping grades, and drop the school’s standardized test scores. With later start times children get more sleep, and children that get more sleep are generally prone to have better grades and overall better test scores. With longer sleep times children wake up with more energy and a better outlook on that day’s activities. Children that have later sleep times are proven to want to go back to school every day, and have a better attitude about learning. Children should have later start times, later
What do you think about the time your school starts? Have you ever thought about the affects of your opinion would have on other students? Some people believe school should begin earlier. Some people believe school should start later. In my opinion school start time should stay the same because it would affect students in a negative way by not getting enough sleep, not spending time with their family and not participating in after school activities.
I think that kids should just go to sleep earlier because the should be able to get up for school without complaining if they are going to sleep early. Kids should not stay up all night and they won’t be sleepy in the morning for school. Also kids should turn off there lights because I think that the lights like give you energy to be up all night and also that’s wasting electricity. If kids go to sleep early they would be able to wake up and get dressed and be ready for school. Research said “Many people are resistant to change and emotions can run high when someone is forced to alter his/her routine.
First of all, kids need their sleep. Waking up as early as 4:30 a.m. then working a seven hour school day is just way too much. For example, studies show that delaying school start times by at least one hour shows improvements in better work habits, increases in test scores,
School should start at the same time. If you start later in the day most kids would miss later classes.To appointments or sports.
Do you think that all schools should have later school starts? Some people say that schools should have later starts. Well,others would agree with people who say it should start later. School should start later because health,kids wouldn’t be late,and attitude.
Should school start later? Waking up to go to school early isn't beneficial for students. Waking up early is hard and it doesn't help. Waking up late has proven that students are more alert, test scores are better in math and reading, and your body is healthier. I don't want to wake up early just so I get bad grades and get less healthy.
Is sleep important? A question that many people wonder to themselves at night. Of course, the answer is yes. Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives, it keeps our brains healthy and working. It gives our brain cells time to relax and not over-work. However, some teens aren 't getting the 8.5 hours of sleep they need, and believe the school is responsible for it. In most districts, schools start times around 7:00 am in some cases. Parents and students believe that the school district should change this and make the start of the school day later, so that they can get the right amount of sleep they need to function. In the Scope article, “Should School Start Later?” by Justin O’Neill, “Teachers Oppose Later Start Times” by Julie Zauzmer and Dana Hedgpeth, and “Eight Major Obstacles to Delaying School Start Times” By The National Sleep Foundation, discuss the issue surrounding the idea of students not getting enough sleep at night and that we should make the start of school later. On the other hand, other people think that the school day should stay the same. Although some people argue to make school start later, I think the times should stay the same because school ending later will mess up students after school schedules, getting more bus drivers would be expensive, and changing the school times might send the wrong message.
Students need more sleep in the morning so that when they get to school they can listen more to the teachers and that they can understand what they are doing and they don 't have to fall asleep. Students can learn better if they can get some sleep at night and a little bit in the morning to help study whatever the class is doing for that day and that they can pay attention. Students should be able to understand that if they fall asleep then they will miss information and not pay attention.
First of all, I think schools should start later. They should start later because it shows improvement in the way students perform throughout the day. A study at the US Air Force Academy showed students that started classes