I feel that the regulation of speed limits is acceptable. It’s safe and responsible when driving on certain roads. Having limitations on the speed limits reduces deaths and injuries from car crashes. Additionally, having reduced speed limits near parks and schools, protects the community and the children living there. People should feel a sense of obligation to follow the speed limits when they drive.
First, I feel when driving with speed limitations make it safer and responsible for drivers. Without these limitations, it can put people at risk of car crashes. Car crashes occur every day, so imagine if there were no speed limits at all how many crashes would occur. No one will know how fast or how slow to go for the person ahead or behind
No matter the situation there is no reason for someone to be speeding. Only in emergencies and you should have on your emergency lights to avoid trouble. Many people forget what they are doing, however that should never happen. When you are driving you should always be aware of your surroundings and you should be alert at all times and ready for anything to happen. In order to do this you need to be going at an appropriate speed and be prepared to stop for anything that may occur to you or any others while driving. I have learned in this experience that speeding is not something that you should take lightly and worry about it when you actually get caught or when something awful happens. It is not worth losing your license, money, or even someone’s life. There is no excuse for speeding and it is no one’s fault except your own. I am very disappointed in myself because I have been raised to follow the rules and always do the right thing no matter the consequences, and I was taught to always drive safe and do not drive faster than I need to. I never need to drive fast because nothing is more important than the lives of
Rather you agree or disagree with having a speed limit; or even obeying the speed limit. It is our morally duty to accept the fact that lawmakers created speed limits in the citizens’ best interest to protect drivers for minor and fatal car accidents. Some citizens still question, if in fact the government claims to set speed limits are really for the public well-being, or simply to make a quick profit. Of course, one thing we can
More and more people are dying from those crucial disgusting accidents. People should understand that those crucial habits should not be tolerated and it cannot be done. Hopefully, this has been persuasive enough so that you don’t need to kill innocent people and you do not need to live with a miserable life. Driving is fun, but killing people is not. Hence, people can grow with some more aware driving skills, and simplify the deaths per year. If people stay away from texting while driving, impaired driving and speed
Allowing the speed limit to increase to 80 MPH will only make drivers speed more. The first piece of ground is the author’s assertion that raising the speed limit will make people drive even faster. According to auto attorney Steve Gursten, cell phone use is present all the time and talking about increasing the speed limit is easier said than done. Increasing the speed limit at the same time that distraction in cars is greater than it has ever been before could cause even bigger problems. For example, texting while driving makes a person 23 times more likely to crash. (National Hwy Transportation Safety Administration). So if drivers are already distracted, there should be no need to increase the speed limit to increase danger on the road. One warrant for this piece of ground is that drivers have a need for speed, so imagine people going close to 90 MPH on the highway. People
These drivers not only annoy me, but they also endanger other people. Fast drivers decide to push up right on my bumper, when I am going as fast as I can, making it hard to brake, for the fear of a car going into the back of my small car. It is always funny how when someone is late, the person they end up driving behind is the old lady with no care in the world about whether she gets to the store by next year. Driving should not be stressful, but because of all the bad drivers, it becomes a task that requires fast reflexes and develops patience. I love driving, but it would be so much better with the exclusion of bad
Since the first gasoline powered vehicle was invented, automobile technology has advanced at a rapid pace to bring us faster, safer vehicles (Managing Speed). Roads have improved from dirt and gravel to asphalt and concrete, and the number of vehicles on the road has increased exponentially. The motor vehicle has become the backbone of today’s society. Speed limits in the United States are at the highest they have ever been, yet vehicles today are powerful enough to easily exceed those posted speed limits. There are two very different groups of people advocating for what a reasonable speed limit is: a group lobbying for extreme safety and a group lobbying for faster travel times. Driving is an inherently risky undertaking no matter what the speed limit is, thus a compromise is tried to be met by increasing safety while allowing for practical travel times. There have been various methodologies theorized in setting speed limits, but which one is the best for today’s technologies and environments?
There are so many reasons that speed limits are important. The safety of those who are driving, and those who are not is first and foremost. Having a speed limit to me, is close to the same as having laws against drunk driving. I for one, do not see an argument against having a speed limit. Its nonsense to think that one would want to be on a road, where there is no limit to how fast one can drive.
Currently, teenagers as young as 15 or 16 are allowed to obtain a driver’s license. Usually, most teenagers are inexperienced and this could be a huge risk. Therefore, should driving restrictions and guidelines be stricter? Supporters argue that stricter driving laws should be put in place because teens tend to not only be inexperienced, but also irresponsible and prone to distractions. However, critics argue that making stricter guidelines would only make matters worse. They argue that teens gain freedom and responsibility when they obtain a driver’s license. With evidence providing proof that teen drivers have the highest rate of automobile accidents compared to any other age group, driving guidelines should be stricter.
Although Macbeth acquired some ambition after his encounter with the witches, it is not that ambition that caused him to lose sight of morality; it was his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth thirsts for power and glory, and she calls to the spirits to “unsex me here” (1.5.41), so that she would be a male that would reign and commit the murder of King Duncan herself. Instead, she lives vicariously through her husband and urges him relentlessly to murder the king, and considering Macbeth is a weak-willed and easily manipulated man, he follows what his ambitious wife orders. According to the Time article “Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed,” women lack the “appetite” for competition, which is directly connected to their ambition.
Over recent decades, driving has almost become a necessity to many young adults since some jobs require a farther commute and colleges are not located in every town. Driving is a privilege and many people neglect this privilege by developing dangerous driving habits. Some of these include speeding, distracted driving, road rage and driving under the influence. In today's age people live a very fast paced, rushed lifestyle. Speeding is becoming a problem because people are impatient. Speeding decreases your reaction time for avoiding collisions and is becoming a profitable scheme for law enforcement through speed traps. I speed all the time and realize the dangers of doing so. I have not been in a collision yet or been pulled over by a police officer because they could not keep
“Population and Drivers involved in Fatal crashes by age Group of 45 to 54 in 2008 was a high number and percent (Source 2).” I used to have a friend who was driving from his mother house and there was a driver and the old guy crashed into my friend, my friend died at the age of 20 years old by a old guy who was driving under the influence. When you think about it aging on both sides with the old people and the young people they can not drive, you just have to keep looking on both sides of this issue just to understand that this problem you have to get on one side you also have to get on the other side to. Before you incused the younger drives that they cannot drive and raised up the driving age limit, you should also look at the old people and check them out to because its not really fair that the DMV changes the rule but not for the old people
There are speed limits for a reason. It is to keep people safe so that everyone can travel the roads safely. Without speed limits there would be chaos everywhere. There would be more wrecks and more fatalities with speed limits not enforced. The roads wouldn't be safe to drive for anyone especially the elderly and new drivers.
Maintain a safe speed. Maintaining a safe speed and going the speed limit are not always the same thing. If weather conditions require you to drive slower to stay safe, reduce your speed. Maintaining a safe speed will help you to have better control of your vehicle. You are less likely to drive off the road. You are more likely
Everyday we drive to work, your house, the store, the gas station, we drive everywhere. When you're driving you probably aren't thinking going over five to ten miles will hurt anybody, but 31% of car accidents happen due to someone is speeding. (www.statisticbrain.com). So are speed limit's really necessary? Of course they are, those speed limits keep that other 69% of the 31% safe from server injuries and death, and if you get caught speeding that could cause you to get tickets.
Speeding is defined as the act or an instance of driving, especially a motor vehicle, faster than is allowed by law. Speeding is often one component of aggressive driving which is defined as committing a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property. There are strong direct relationships between the speed at which we drive and the risk of crash involvement and the injuries sustained if a crash results. The probability of injury and the severity of those injuries increases exponentially with vehicle speed. Even small increases in speeds result in a large increase in the forces experienced by the vehicle occupants or other road users. Put simply, the faster you drive, the harder you hit and the more severe the injuries you or someone else are likely to suffer. Traveling over the speed limit can be especially dangerous in bad weather conditions. Speeding was a factor in 53 percent of fatal crashes that occurred when there was snow or slush on