I believe schools should not force students to be a part of a uniform dress code. I feel that not having a uniform dress code allows for students to express themselves, saves money for the parents, and does not define what clothing is right or wrong
Now I will say that there does have to be some type of dress code, otherwise people would be walking around naked if they wanted to. However, restricting students to wear clothes only from a small selection prevents them from expressing themselves to the fullest. According to the article “Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms” from ProCon.org, “School uniforms promote conformity over individuality.” One Chicago junior high student, Kyler Sumter, wrote in the Huffington Post, “They decide
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Who has the power to say that certain types of clothing are unacceptable? Uniform dress codes say there is only one way to dress: the right way. In this manner, uniform dress code fits into a hard universalists mindset. According to the Ethics Book, hard universalism is defined as “one universal moral code defining right and wrong.” The uniform dress code says that people should conform and wear only one type of clothing, meaning that people that must wear certain clothes for their religion cannot wear them and therefore must break their religious code for the dress code. That is an unacceptable way to conduct schooling; telling children at a young age that their way of life is wrong or inferior. I believe that by not having a uniform dress code, but one that restricts certain aspect, schools could take a soft universalist approach. The Ethics Book states that soft universalism is that “everyone has different beliefs, but people of different cultures can agree on certain morals.” In the case of dress codes, the “certain morals” could be to not allow people to walk around naked. With the soft universalist approach, kids can wear whatever they choose to and will not be deemed wrong for wearing certain
There are many reasons why dress code should not be a policy at schools. The dress code usually targets girls and is completely sexist. Hardly is it ever the case where the male is getting dress coded. It’s always the girls who have shorts that are “too short” or are showing “too much” shoulders. Dress code is also often saying that it’s a girls responsibility to not distract
I agree that all schools should have dress codes because of the fact that with strict dress codes can deter school shootings or bring the % down, take the columbine shooting for example, the kids that were responsible for the shooting were wearing long jackets with deep enough pockets to hide weapons.
At a young age, many students in Australia attend a public school that are required to include uniforms. For example, an elementary school in Beaumont Hills of Sydney has handy and safe uniforms that bring the community together. Since the temperature is very high from the dramatic heat of the sunrays, all students are required to wear their sunproof hat to eat lunch outside. Despite the fact that this is a public school, uniforms can give the environment improved assistance and equality. Should students still have to wear uniforms? Students at Cosumnes Oaks need to wear uniforms.
Schools that have dress codes are going too far. Dress codes take away students ability to dress and frame their personalities. In an article by Dylan Ankersen he explains how the ability to be free is the “power to write, speak, act or dress as one wants without hindrance” (Akerson). Akerson is saying that people need the power to be who they want and not be told who they want to be. The first amendment says that “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”(Bill of Rights).
“Dress codes can cause major money issues in some families. A lot of families aren't able to afford extra clothes for their children.” (“Enable JS and Cookies - Seacoastonline.com - Portsmouth, NH”). Parents struggle to buy new uniforms before school starts and obtaining them before the stores run out. This is a persistent problem because kids outgrow the uniforms and they need to be replaced. Regular clothes should replace uniforms because they cost more, uniforms limit expression, and you can tell the difference between the condition of some people's uniforms compared to others.
In summary, schools should not have uniforms. They do not allow students to express themselves. Also, they teach conformity over individuality. In addition to being useless in schools, they do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or test results. Really, they do not improve anything. If you were a principal, would you enforce a uniform
Dress code has been a crucial part of public schooling for years. It seems to be growing more strict every year, as it should, with the ever changing clothing trends. How far is too far though? Is it necessary to be so focused on what students wear to school, sometimes more so than their education? Dress code in some aspects is too strict and only promotes negative feelings and judgemental peers. In schools and communities it is an extremely debated topic because there is a broad spectrum of solutions. It is also hard to enforce because rules that may apply to some may not apply to others due to differences in body type and opinions.
Dress codes is not a new article; schools have always had dress codes. Some rules were made for safety measures, others simply to regulate indecent attire. There are people who will disagree and say it two sides to uniform. Their argument is imposing school uniform creates other problems. Such as: provocative or casual attire, body piercing, outrageous hair colors and styles. I disagree school uniform have no effect on those areas. Children are trendy and the love social media so if colored hair is trending that’s what they will wear. If denim is hot they all what denim. When good teeth or putting diamond on your teeth was trendy all the children want it.
I have a strong opinion about school dress codes and why I think they should be abolished. Dress codes prevent students from individualism and personality. No student should have to wear a school uniform; that shows that everyone has to be the same, which is dumb. Why do some schools make kids wear collared shirts, ties, and skirts? Why do we have to look the same and how does what we wear affect our learning? Why does it make sense to schools when a student isn’t wearing the right uniform requirements and they have to get sent home? Shouldn’t education be more important than what we decide to wear?
niform is a standard set of clothes which is worn by a group of people.But it seems that more and more people say that it may not be a must for students wearing their school uniform. People debate on this issue for many times. There are certain reasons why a student should wear uniform to go to school. School uniform is identification for students. It is a respect to the school.
School should not have dress code because I believe that when schools don't have dress code the students will focus better in class when they get to wear anything you want.
The main reason I disagree with schools dress codes in school is because it restricts students’ rights. The first amendment states that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely (School Uniforms ProCon.org). The way a student dresses is a crucial part of self-expressing. In 1970 there was a case called Richards v. Thurston, which revolved around a boy refusing to cut his hair shorter. This case went all the way to the U.S. court. They ruled that this does not “seem a justifiable part of the educational process.” “According to the American Civil Liberties
I personally disagree about getting uniforms for our schools because I don't think everybody would feel comfortable wearing clothing they don't want to wear. We wear things we want for a reason, not to look good for others, not to impress anybody, but to be ourselves. Just by changing our schools dress code is not going to change our school's environment or students. Most of us would rather come to school dressing in their normal clothes everyday rather than go to school in clothing every other student is wearing.
For years, there have been hundreds of debates about whether students should wear uniforms or not. Many schools agreed with the idea and have already required school uniforms, while others are still considering it. Some say that school uniforms represent discipline and instill school pride, but others think that it is not creativity and comfortable. Despite that there are still arguments about it; school uniforms have increasingly demonstrated their importance and influence in many ways. Students should have to wear uniforms because it will help students to perform better at school, give students a sense of discipline, lower the cost for parents, and decrease the rate of crime.
Being a student that goes to a high school with a uniform, I can affirm that it is a much smoother and easier process when having a dress code established. It is also much simpler for teachers when there is a strict dress code that they can refer to, to make sure students have the proper attire on. For example, at McKeel Academy, everyone is wearing basically the same clothing, so teachers only have to check a few things such as; the length of skirts/shorts, if the student has on a McKeel shirt, and if they are wearing a belt. That is very straightforward not only for the teachers but also for the students to abide by. At other high schools where they do not have a dress code it can be a bit more complicated. If there are 2,000 students then that means that there are 2,000 different shirts and shorts/pants being worn at once. Teachers and administration always have to keep their eye out, checking to make sure that there are no inappropriate clothes being worn by students. Teachers also have to be aware of what can and can not be worn. For instance, I know that at