
Should Students Have To Wear Uniform Dress Code Essay

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I believe schools should not force students to be a part of a uniform dress code. I feel that not having a uniform dress code allows for students to express themselves, saves money for the parents, and does not define what clothing is right or wrong
Now I will say that there does have to be some type of dress code, otherwise people would be walking around naked if they wanted to. However, restricting students to wear clothes only from a small selection prevents them from expressing themselves to the fullest. According to the article “Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms” from, “School uniforms promote conformity over individuality.” One Chicago junior high student, Kyler Sumter, wrote in the Huffington Post, “They decide …show more content…

Who has the power to say that certain types of clothing are unacceptable? Uniform dress codes say there is only one way to dress: the right way. In this manner, uniform dress code fits into a hard universalists mindset. According to the Ethics Book, hard universalism is defined as “one universal moral code defining right and wrong.” The uniform dress code says that people should conform and wear only one type of clothing, meaning that people that must wear certain clothes for their religion cannot wear them and therefore must break their religious code for the dress code. That is an unacceptable way to conduct schooling; telling children at a young age that their way of life is wrong or inferior. I believe that by not having a uniform dress code, but one that restricts certain aspect, schools could take a soft universalist approach. The Ethics Book states that soft universalism is that “everyone has different beliefs, but people of different cultures can agree on certain morals.” In the case of dress codes, the “certain morals” could be to not allow people to walk around naked. With the soft universalist approach, kids can wear whatever they choose to and will not be deemed wrong for wearing certain

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