On a normal day at a normal school there it was, several loud bangs. A student with a pistol came around the corner and into a classroom. The teacher tried to go for the gun in his desk, consequently, it was in a locked drawer. By the time he reached, it it was too late, the teacher and five students were killed before the assailant was taken down. Teachers should not have guns during school hours for the following reasons, it won’t get rid of school shootings, it's uncertain if teachers can be trained on how to use them, and it won't improve school safety.
Teachers having firearms won’t get rid of school shootings. People on this issue claim that having firearms in the class will help in stopping them. They say that it will give the teachers
That why the teachers should have guns some people may think that if teachers had guns than the teachers could stop the persons that came into the school looking to hurt people.Yet what people do not understand is that the odds of no one becoming hurt during the chaos of a teacher fighting off the shooter is that someone could get hurt if not careful. Not saying that it may not work the way people may hope it will, just pointing out that the odds of something going wrong is truly high. And there are a number of reasons why this could go bad real fast. Yes some could say this so call reasons can be fix in a flash. Sure the reason can be overlooked and may be easy to fix , but they can still happen.
An excerpt from the article “Arming Teachers and School Staff with Guns” takes a quote from their president Kenneth S. Trump, he states, "School districts considering arming teachers and school staff with guns would take on significant responsibility and potential liabilities that I firmly believe are beyond the expertise, knowledge-base, experience, and professional capabilities of most school boards and administrators," (National School Safety and Security Services). Meaning that, most teachers do not know how to aim, fire, handle, and care for a firearm. Therefore, a teacher should not be able to possess a firearm in case of an
Is arming teachers the last way to stop violence? The number of school shootings is increasing rapidly in the United States. One of the ways people are thinking to solve this problem, is to arm teachers. Almost all of us understand that arming teachers will stop these school shooting from ever happening again. In this essay I will strongly argue that teachers should have guns, because a shooter can be disarmed, it may prevent the trigger from ever getting pulled, and any teacher to become, will have to prove that they are mentally stable to carry guns.
Why Teachers Should Not Be Armed Recently when I was talking with my family, the topic of how unsafe some schools are came up. My family was pretty equally divided on the topic. After researching it I chose to side with teachers not being armed. The students they are teaching might get to the gun, arming teachers is very expensive, and the teacher may not be mentally stable. One reason why teachers should not be armed is that if they were students may be able to find the gun.
When it comes down to it, what does everybody pointing guns at each other solve? Do we really want more people to get hurt than needed to? The job of teachers is to teach, not to guard the school. Schools should hire trained armed officers to do that job. Teachers should not be required to carry concealed weapons because of the dangers that it can cause to the school’s safety, the inexperience some have with weapons and the negative message doing so might send to children.
With the recent events of school shooting occurrences and student led protests, the media has been buzzing about new gun law proposals. We wanted to know “should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools”. We figured people's response might differ based on our approach and what groups of people we surveyed. We then decided to ask a group of students and teachers, to see if they’d have different perspectives.
According to TIME magazine, since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on December 14, 2012, there have been over 290 school shootings all around the United States. Teachers, with proper training and determination to save lives, should be able to carry a concealed handgun in schools. Teachers should be able to carry for many reasons, including protecting students until police can arrive, eliminating the amount of school shootings, and helping the students feel more safe in the school if this were to happen.
Imagine yourself in school. It is your 7th period class and you are just waiting for the bell to ring to finally go home. The day has been totally ordinary until you and your classmates hear a loud gunshot coming from outside the window. Students are screaming and running frantically around the room. Teachers are rushing around doing all the procedures they learned from past drills. Except this is not a drill. This is real. You and your classmates huddle in the corner. Outside the school you hear more gunshots. Would this situation be different if teachers had guns? The answer is no. Teachers and staff at schools shouldn’t be armed with guns.
There have been many pieces of legislation on the state level and on the congressional level regarding guns on school property. A very polarized piece of legislation was introduced in the Nevada Senate. Nevada Senate Bill 286 was created in response to several violent acts involving school shootings (Taylor, 2008). The bill would have given teachers the right to possess and carry guns on school property regardless if the school is a gun-free zone as long as the teacher possessed proper permits the bill specifically required the teacher to possess a concealed weapon permit along with a proof of completion of a specific firearm training program (“SB286,” n.d.). The bill did not pass in the Nevada Senate, but the bill did help to start the much-needed conversation about the ineffectiveness methods of the prevention of school shootings.
Imagine being in the family’s shoes when hearing through media reports that their child was killed in a school shooting. If teachers had the option of being equipped with the handguns, then that child (and the rest in the classroom) would have survived. How many more times are we going to learn about a deranged gunman walking into a school loaded and ready to kill? How many more innocent children need to die before we wake up and give our teachers the prospect to fight back? The only resolution is to grant our teachers a fighting chance. No shooter is going to target a school that can protect itself and fight back. Every second counts in a school shooting. Calling 911 and anticipating for police to arrive isn’t good enough. Spartanburg County South Carolina Sheriff Chuck Wright says, “Our form of justice is not making it. Carry a concealed weapon. That’ll fix it” (Miller, Fox News). Then there was Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. who lately created a nationwide uproar for advising citizens to master how to manage firearms so they can protect themselves, because he says, “simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option” (Handelman Fox 6 Wisconsin). What happens when the nearest police unit is 10
Many students in America, might consider school almost like a home because they spend about half a day in. We need students to be safe at school, so why not have an officer patrolling the hallways. To make the school much safer, the officers should have guns in case there is a threat towards the students. In the eyes of many United State citizens a gun can symbolize death; however, a gun can save several people’s lives. As U.S citizens, we have the right to keep and bear arms, so why do we not have police officers with guns patrolling schools. “Gun violence is a major social issue in America and American schools and university campuses have become targets of gun violence” (Bond). In the U.S we had several severe situations when someone comes to the school and starts to kill not only students, but teachers and staff, this could have been prevented if we were prepared and secured. Although the opposition may suggest it could be more dangerous to have an officer or guard be allowed with a gun; however, having an officer with a gun would decrease the number of shootings and other minor problems at schools.
Some people believe that guns have no place in schools and teachers focus should only be the education of the students in their room. If that is how the teacher feels they should not carry a gun it is a big responsibility and should only be given to the teachers and staff that want to take on that obligation. Others may worry about children being hurt in the cross fire, bullet proof mats are in the
Many current school shootings have brought to the attention of many people the dangers of guns. The debate across America still continues. Should gun laws be stricter or not? Yet many compromises can be made to help the safety of schools. Yet I believe that a new compromise regarding teachers has taken it too far. Recent shootings have caused a mass amount of commotion, therefore, teachers should not be armed.
One hundred seventy, that is a big number, especially when talking about shootings on school grounds that happened since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting(Lott). Now reduce that number to 12, that is the number of potential mass shootings that could've happened that were stopped by guns(Roosevelt). Guns don't shoot people. People shoot people. Teachers, staff, and security must be allowed to carry guns on school grounds in order to prevent mass school shootings. Overall individuals within a public school should have the opportunity to be armed in order to protect themselves and others.
You go to school to be educated by your teachers and peers. It brings unnecessary tensions and can cause problems. Students, teachers, and other staffs shouldn’t be able to bring guns to school. Who’s to say that person carrying around an assault weapon doesn’t have an unstable problem? We don’t know what is on someone’s mind or what they are capable of. Anyone could be having a bad day and decide to threaten someone with a gun. These kinds of circumstances should be made clear to the public and be banned from educational schools. Guns are used as protection, but they may be misapplied to be used as violence. There are more rational ways we could go about this such as; investing in more security guards or police enforcement. Needless to say, guns are dangerous especially when in the hands of a deadly person. What's more important, the second amendment or the lives of our teachers and students? Ultimately guns have no place to be in or around a school