
Should Teens Be Tried As Adults?

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In the court of law many difficult decisions are made, and one is whether juveniles should be tried as adults or not. Many teens today are being placed in an adult prison for crimes they have committed. The crimes these teens commit are not necessarily their fault, but a poor choice they made. Teens should not be tried as adults for the risk of being sexually abused, not having a well developed brain, and having a higher risk of them committing suicide. Teens in adult prisons suffer from being sexually abused by both the staff and the adult inmates. When teens step into the doors of an adult prison they automatically become the prey. 1.8% of teens from the age sixteen to seventeen have reported as a victim of sexual abuse from another inmate. 3.2% of other teens reported as being abused by a staff member. If the teen inmate refers themselves as bisexual or gay, they have a higher risk of being sexually abused. As a result teens face the most danger when placed in adult prison where everyone is much more older than them. As a prey in a prison, teens do not have the power to protect themselves from anyone or anything. …show more content…

Scientific studies show how the brain of a human does not fully develop until they reach the age of 25. A teenager is someone who is between the age thirteen to eighteen. The brain of a teenager is not fully developed and could be the reason why teens make poor choices. In fact studies show how the brain of an adult and a teen work differently. Adults have the strength to think of situation, have a good judgement, and think ahead for consequences. Where in teens they have more of an emotional mindset. Meaning teens feel more than what they are thinking. Teens and adults both have a different type of mindset and both should have different types of

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