" In my opinion, the United States government should have a minimal duty to monitor internet content. Also, I believe the state and local governments in particular should not have any duty to monitor what is happening on the internet. The United States government should have minimal duty to monitor the internet because it is an invasion of privacy, restricts citizens’ freedom, and should only be needed in extreme cases. Knowing that the government could see everything that I do on the internet including my text messages, emails, and listening to my phone calls leaves me with a very unsettling feeling. Back in April, President Donald Trump signed a bill that releases internet service providers from having to protect consumer data. This means that our information is being put out for anyone to see if they really wanted to. Many of the first ten amendments in the Constitution give privacy to the citizens of the United States. Amendments such as the first, third, fourth, and fifth protect us and provides us with privacy from certain things. Specifically, the Ninth Amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.†This means that we have other rights that exist, even if they are not clearly mentioned in …show more content…
Many governments put limit of content, block websites, and take control over internet service providers. There are many restrictions on the internet that we do not even realize and are unable to notice. These are clear violations of the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. Also, knowing that people could be watching what I am doing on the internet, makes me nervous as I do not want to accidentally do something or search something that could get me in a lot of unwanted or unwarranted
The internet is a vital part of our lives, but what if I said it was a completely public one? Privacy is a rare commodity in today's world. As Nicholas Carr writes about in his essay “Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty,” corporations pay close attention to citizens. The most frightening part is that this practice is perfectly legal. Even recently the government stripped more of our privacy away. In the beginning of April 2017, President Trump repealed regulations by the Federal Communications Commission that would have forced internet service providers to gain consent before selling data collected from their customers. However, corporations aren't the only ones capturing data from internet users. The government is also making use of these records.
The government sees what you do on the internet, but what if, that’s not all. They have the access to see your day-to-day life. They can track you, they can see your posts, and they can see what you have done through the course of your life. When is all this taking their privilege too far? They are on the verge of violating freedom of speech. Expressing in any way, your beliefs and perspective, just can’t be done anymore. Many
"The U.S. government, founded on the constitution and The Bill Of Rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees individual rights to all citizens that cannot be taken away, and those include the rights of life, liberty and property. The Bill of Rights was founded on the principles of government, and with those principles we made sure that all citizens were given equal rights and we had a strong government. In the fourth amendment it says that officers of the law must get a warrant from a judge to search and take property or persons. The government has the extent to make the internet a safe place for information, but they don’t have the right to without that information without the peoples say.
The Internet powers our country. Not only do hundreds of millions of Americans use it daily, our government and states use it to do important national and international business. Our government already utilizes it to monitor the activity of its people. This monitoring has especially risen after events such as the Boston Bombing and the attacks of 9/11. The main reason that the government does this is to keep us safe. If the government puts more slack on this matter, then it will give a chance for terrorists to complete their objective. The normal person does not know how many terrorist attacks may have been stopped in the past years due to this surveillance, and how many lives it may have saved. Therefore, we cannot let our government halt
There are bad internet users out there, that threaten the United States of America constantly. Part of the government`s responsibility is protecting its citizens and there is a need for protection having to do with the internet. Terrorists, spies, and other kinds of criminals use the internet as a medium to do their damage. There are boundaries in surveillance the government cannot cross, however there are necessary precautions that need to be taken in order to keep the American people safe. When telephones were first being installed, there was a debate about government surveillance of telephones because of criminals using phones to do their communication. Without the government using wire taps, the war against organized crime probably would’ve been lost a long time ago. Americans are sometimes willing to give up some of their freedoms to gain safety- “The natural liberty of man, by entering into society, is abridged or restrained, so far only as is necessary for the great end of society, the best good of the whole…” (Samuel Adams, The Rights of the
For over two centuries American citizens have bided by the first 10 commandments in the United States Constitution, otherwise known as the Bill of Rights, for protection over their personal liberties from the United States government. These personal liberties include, but are not limited to: The freedom of religion, speech, and press, the protection of privacy, and the right to life, liberty, and property. These personal liberties protected by the government, from the government, have always been strictly enforced with no unknown territory. That is until approximately three decades ago when the Internet was created. Over the last twenty-seven years technology has been quickly advancing creating an unknown world of the Internet and
I believe that the government does have a right to monitor internet content under certain conditions. As of now certain government officials are wanting to take internet freedom away which many believe isn't right. I personally believe that if the government believes and has proof that there is a serious crime happening on the internet then it should be taken care of. If not, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem.
Regulation of the internet restricts these rights by allowing us to only access the things the government finds acceptable. The first amendment to the United States Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech.” As citizens, we have the freedom of speech. Sometimes that freedom is taken to the extreme, especially in the case of the internet. If the government regulates what is displayed on the web and who can access things, is that not taking away out rights? We are protected in the constitution, and regulating the internet is not only taking away our freedom of expression or speech, but also out privacy. Some argue that the government regulating the internet is like securing the internet and keeping us safe, but on other’s stand point, they are also keeping things away from us that we could normally access through the
These days the internet has become an essential part to living for almost everyone but one of the controversial topics that people bring up is that whether or not the government should regulate information on the internet. Both sides have valid points which form a reasonable argument. Some people would say that they need to because of the dangers lurking around in the cyber world but the reasons for why the government shouldn’t regulate the Internet outnumber the reasons for why they should. The federal government should not regulate or censor information on the internet because doing so violates the first amendment and citizen’s right to privacy, degrades the educational value of the web, prevents the promotion and facilitation of
Now, someone really is watching your internet actions and limiting your ability to get free, unbiased information. If an internet service provider wishes to, they can block certain sites that they deem ‘wrong’ or ‘controversial.’ “Companies might want to interfere with speech that makes them look bad, block applications that compete with their own, degrade or block access to union sites during a labor conflict, or increase their profit by forcing developers to pay more to avoid having their data blocked or slowed down†(ACLU). This is a violation of the freedom of speech. If those viable opinions or facts are unable to be heard or seen, then the whole world loses out on valuable knowledge and viewpoints. Sadly, this reality is a real possibility now. The government not only has the duty to stay out of private internet usage, but also to ensure that all other interested parties do to. The government must protect the rights and freedoms of its
The U.S. Government has turned the Internet into something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government
We as citizens of the United States, have the freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Meaning we should be able to do whatever we want without being observed. It is understandable that there is internet security because who knows what kind of crazy people are out there in the world, just waiting behind their computer screens to monitor and use what they monitor to their advantage; in other words, I believe that if it is the government, and it has restrictions and regulations to follow, then monitoring should be okay, if it is confidential. However, if there are just hackers out there waiting to hack the accounts and pursue identity theft, then that is when internet security kicks in. It is by far too difficult for us to not live without internet security and privacy. There are way too many people out there who will take advantage of the system, and will do whatever they can to get what they want. For example, they will try to cheat their way and take the easy way out of every situation possible to achieve what they
" Monitoring internet content seems to be such a large debate in the world especially with the younger generations. Everyone has their own opinion, stating either a simple yes the government should monitor or no the government should not monitor. Personally, I heavily lye in the middle of the spectrum on this issue. The government should not always monitor your internet content, unless an issue has been reported to the government where they must take action.
Digital privacy concerns, which have been a major issue in our country since 2001, increasingly violate our basic human rights as global citizens. The growing amount of government surveillance has manifested in the enactment of acts such as SOPA and CISPA. Although their intent on stopping digital piracy and attacks were clear, both were immediately met with harsh criticism; they allowed big corporations to violate our privacy rights by sharing our personal information with both other companies and the government. Our President, although publicly expressing his acknowledgement of the issue, failed to discuss an array of other pressing dilemmas regulated by the recently exposed National Security Agency (NSA), especially those involving
The Internet’s continuous advancement has produced the need for an on-going debate on whether or not the government should have the power to control the Internet. The idea of the government having control over what each country’s citizens can see on the Internet is also called Internet Censorship. Internet Censorship “is the control or suppression of the publishing of, or access to information on the Internet.” Internet Censorship varies from country to country depending on each country’s current usage and philosophy of how it should be used. (toptenreviews.com) Currently, there are ten countries including