
Should The United States Legalize Euthanasia In America?

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Conversely, pro-euthanasia activists believe that legalizing euthanasia should be the primary focus of medical care. While some states have already implemented laws abiding to the practice of euthanasia and PAS, others are not so lenient. The states against euthanasia legalization believe that euthanasia will have a bad effect on society and medical organizations in America. However, according to pro-euthanasia groups, euthanasia is beneficial to a vast number of individuals besides terminal patients. As a matter of fact, euthanasia has recently been considered an option by a much broader range of people, including elderly patients who are non-terminal. Elderly patients concerned about their decrepit state often seek easier ways of dying, rather than engaging healthcare professionals about treatment for problems related to age. …show more content…

112). Radbruch goes on to say that because of these patients’ tormented feelings, they often consider euthanasia to be a tranquil alternative to natural death (et al. 112). While terminal patients’ have the most understandable purpose for euthanasia, pro-euthanasia activists believe that medically assisted death should be offered to all

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