Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending intimidating, or hurtful messages to others. This has been occurring more frequently on the internet, and must be stopped. Many people have been damaged in many ways, being victims of cyberbullying; however, cyberbullying is not an act that should be punished or prosecuted for since there are many young and immature people in the world that believe it to be amusing.
Most cyberbullies are mainly young teenagers under the age of 18. They send hurtful messages to others, not caring about their feelings and reactions. Mostly, immature adolescents and do not know better: “When teens were asked why they think others cyberbully, 81 % said that cyberbullies
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People that cyberbully in video games may exclude someone out of a party or group, which is unreasonable: “The idea that one could be criminally prosecuted for refusing to allow someone to join, say a guild in a videogame, is preposterous.” Receiving punishment for honestly choosing who you want to play with is absurd. Also, “Hilariously, the senators include ‘trolling’ … and ‘exclusion’ someone from an online group as part of their definition of cyberbullying.” Punishing teenagers by excluding someone out of their social life in any sort of way is simply absurd people choose who they want to play, and socialize with.
Although cyberbullying is something that should be prevented I admit that it has caused many incidents over the years. People made unthoughtful actions as being the victims of this and committed suicide or hurting themselves. “Although cyberbullying may seem insignificant in the big picture, in a survey conducted in 2006, nearly 1 in 3 teens admitted to being the victim of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can also lead to kids getting physically injured.” Teenagers should not be punished criminally because of their
Cyberbullying, it is any type of bullying that a person is receiving harassing messaging in any electronic form. This can come in form of Facebook posts, email messages or other forms of information technology to deliberately harass threaten or intimidate someone. Many states have passed or are considering laws that would criminalize cyber bullying, however, it raises First Amendment issues. The United States Supreme Court has allowed public school officials in grades K-12 to restrict student speech if it interferes with the school’s educational mission. So public schools could probability punish students for cyber bullying with impunity.
To start off, people should be prosecuted for cyberbullying online because they might be threatening someone's life. If someone cyberbullies someone else, the bully could be ruining their reputation. Also they could be ruining their future careers that
Cyberbullying is a form of written and verbal bullying which is conveyed by teens and adolescents through communication technologies such as cell-phones, emails, text messages, websites, webcams and chatrooms. It also includes taking sexual photographs by ex-partners and sending to others after
Did you know that nearly 1 in 3 teens have admitted to being a victim of cyberbullying? That’s an absurdly large number of teens! But what really is cyberbullying anyway? Well, the Cyberbullying Research Center defines it as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices”. Congresswomen Linda Sanchez is currently sponsoring a bill that would make bullying through an electronic means a federal crime and I wholeheartedly support it! Individuals should definitely be prosecuted for statements made on social media.
Cyberbullying has been a big problem for teens and adults around the world. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. For most cyberbullying isn’t anything serious it’s just a person just joking around or just speaking their mind but its more than that its feelings being involved families being broken even hearts.
Every day, millions of people roam the internet. There has been much discussion on whether or not people should be prosecuted for cyber bullying. I believe that they should. Although many think that prosecution affects the first amendment, cyber bullying promotes getting hurt, affects the targets life, and promotes depression.
To begin, any person that has cyberbullied another person should be punished, whether it be in school or legally. The victim being cyber bullied often feels “angry, hurt, embarrassed, or scared” (Source A). The way that these victims feel is also displayed through movies like “Cyberbully” and “13 Reasons Why.” These movies have a school setting and they reveal how a victim feels at school and in their community when being cyberbullied. If cyberbullying was supposed to be justified by the First Amendment or anything
Adolescents should be held accountable for Cyberbullying because it will teach them a lesson to not to do it anymore. It is also a fair punishment considering that they did commit a terrible crime,and saying youth is an excuse for such behavior is unacceptable. My view on Cyberbullying is supported by the article
First of all, teens get cyberbully on the way they look or on the way they are. There is a chart in the article, which estimates on how many teens get cyberbully. For example, a 17 year old girl from pennsylvania picked on an old friend and decided to stop being friends with her because she did something to her that was even worse but she decided to cyber bully her for what she have done. The cyberbully also decided to tell everyone her old friend deepest secrets. One of the worse thing is that it was happening on school
The National Crime Prevention Council stated "When teens were asked why they think others cyberbully, 81% said that cyberbullies think it is funny. Cyberbullying includes writing hurtful statements on a social media site, putting embarrassing pictures of someone online, digitally editing and distributing pictures of another person, and flaming, insulting, or slandering others in a public area online. Individuals should not be prosecuted for statements made on social media because it's not a crime, it's unnecessary and waste money and time, and it only effect two people, and all the cyberbullies need is to be educated.
Cyberbullying is one of the easiest ways to bully someone. Most cyber bullies know their victims in person. On the fact sheet “What is Cyberbullying?” it says that 84% of bullies know their victim in real life. A major problem with cyberbullies is that they are posting embarrassing pictures, threatening comments, and rude statements about one that cannot be completely deleted off of the
I personally believe that school leaders should have the authority to punish students who cyberbully others because “cyberbullying is causing students to experience feelings of anger, powerlessness, fear, and sadness.” (Hoff, 2008, p12) in which case it affects their school work and they become fearful of going to school. What is also worse is when the information is deleted and there is no proof of who did it or web pages that allow anonymous transmission of information, in which case certain students could be under suspicion of cyberbullying but without the proof, who is to say it is them.
“It’s much harder to flee a cyberbully, as they can ‘attack’ through a variety of electronic means,” states Psychologist Eden Foster. Cyberbullies who do “attack” individuals should be prosecuted. Cyberbullies should be prosecuted because most bullies take it too far. Cyberbullying is a form bullying online with any device. Although, some say that under the first Amendment people have a right of free speech, but some cyberbullies take the online bullying too far. In conclusion, cyberbullies should be prosecuted for what individuals say online.
Cyberbullying is when you harass or embarrass someone online. A lot of people think that cyberbullying should be prosecuted. I disagree that cyberbullying should be prosecuted. I disagree because if someone says something mean to you to make you feel bad through a screen it is all just words and if you can't handle it then just don't get on the Internet. I think it is ridiculous that just because someone thought that you were ugly, or stupid. That is would get to the point where it is taken into legal actions. I'm going to explain to you why I disagree with this Idea.
Teens today experience a different form of bullying than in the past. Previously bullying would typically end once school was out and only occurred in front of a few kids. With today’s new technology we now have cyberbullying. Cyberbullying doesn’t stop when school ends and can be seen by a number of people in a matter of seconds. Even the typical bully has changed. In the past, bullies have been either the popular students or a delinquent like character. Cyberbullies are able to hide behind computers and can be anyone. Unfortunately, the laws have not been able to keep up with all the changes in technology. Since technology allows the bullying to continue outside school hours, cyberbullying that occurs outside of school should be able to be punished by the school.