I believe that it is time to consider putting healthier options into Mountain View vending machines. My child has expressed wanting to have better options to choose from, rather than having to opt for chips or pop tarts. I do not want to see the removal of everything that is bad or that has too much sugar because I do believe that is taking away the students’ rights to make that choice. In a study by Maia Paterson parents had this to say ” Parents saw high school as a time during which it is appropriate for children to have more freedom in decision-making and more responsibility for taking care of themselves.” In the same study it says “Parents viewed the issue of soft drink vending machines as a matter of their children’s personal choice more
I think we should have vending machines because vending machines will allow kids to have snacks during nutrition.
Do you think that there should be vending machines in middle school. I think there should be because kids would be more energized. Also the school would make more money off of it.
“The joy and satisfaction of a meal is equal to the passion and effort given its preparation.” Said by famous chef -Gordon Ramsay. Gordon Ramsay a known chef around the world loves to cook food for everyone, but some people don’t have the ability during the school day to buy a lunch. So, kids that are in school get hungry throughout the day and they only have one period dedicated to their food. I think that all schools should have vending machines all around the school and not just in the cafeteria, and open during the whole school day. Some kids in most schools have a reduced lunch or might not be able to buy a lunch at all. Students may have up to one dollar and that’s only enough for one item from the vending machines so they have to wait until their lunch period.
Schools in America should have vending machines. Imagine having no vending machine in the hallway at school. Now imagine having a vending machine in the hall, you would like it wouldn’t you. Most schools do not have vending machines but I feel that we should. Students might get hungry in class, but if the school had a vending machine students would not get as hungry in class. America’s schools should have vending machines.
The school's lunch food, while distastful, are simply not worth the money. Especially when there is an option to spend the money on a richer in flavor and healthier choice. To put it another way, the value of the food does not compare to the price required. [Adding Metacommentary]. Likewise, the vending machines were funded money to replace the foods with healthier choices. Which did not improve students' health but decreased the students' contribution. "A greater food selection does have a positive effect upon participation" (Marples and Spillman). In Marples and Spillman's study, 43% of the students rated the school lunches as poor and only 5% referred to the lunches as good. This percentage went up significantly when asked if they would participate in school lunches if quality changed. Nearly two-thirds of the students stated that if the lunches were to become tastier they would eat it more often. Therefore, the quality of foods has a significant input when it comes to student
I believe that students should have access to vending and soda machines. This is because, they would have more freedom, would have more options, and the students would be happy and kind to others. This is why students should be able to have soda and vending machines.
There are many schools that have banned snacks and sodas from the school vending machines. Balko believe that American people need to take their own responsibility for their health. " Instead of manipulating or intervening in the array of food options available to American consumers, our government ought to be working to foster a sense of responsibility in and ownership of our health and well-being" (Page 396). In my opinion, this will be the best way to reduce obesity from America and this can teach people what they can eat and they will be responsible for their health. Myself and Balko’s argument are alike because as he said in article getting rid of sodas and vending machines from school will help decrease obesity.
They say child obesity is not the fault of school lunches, school meals are only consumed once a day, meaning that the majority of meals are being eating at home and this makes what kids eat the responsibility of the parents (Metallo). They feel that because more meals are consumed at home, they effect on their weight is happening at home more than it is at school so it is the fault of the the child's parents for their unhealthy habits. Another reason why people think they should not need to ban junk food from schools is, schools that have began to get rid of vending machines have lost thousands of dollars and found, funding things like athletics and schools activities became increasingly hard to pay for (Rosenthal). In other words, vending machine revenues are often used for funding school activities, if they were to be taken out of schools they would cause schools to lose fundings because the contents of most vending machines are junk
Such practices are a concern, in part, due to the out-of-control statistics regarding obesity in America’s youth. Commercial vending machines in the hallways of public schools promote the consumption of junk food in youth. Often this consumption ends in tooth decay, hyperactivity and childhood obesity. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control,
Read the last two pages of the student research paper on junk food and student achievement, and focus on errors in MLA Style. If you are not
I think vending machines should be allowed at schools in America because of these three reasons. To begin with it makes the school money. Another reason is that some students don’t have enough energy to stay awake in class. Also the machines could carry drinks and students can get drink.
Everyone loves sugar filled snacks, especially children. A kid’s day can be made so much better just by handing them their favorite candy bar. This is something students looked forward to during their school day. Sadly, this was made to change. Schools started banning snacks, and drinks based on their unhealthy effect they have on individuals. According to Beverly Ballaro and Ann Griswold in "Junk Food in Schools: An Overview,” this change occurred when Michelle Obama launched her project for healthy eating in 2010. Let’s Move! Was her way to fix child obesity in America. This directed schools to feed children healthier options, and twice as many vegetables or fruit. This was not a necessity for public schools across the United States. Students should not be limited to what they eat in school. As long as they are being fed their basic lunch, it should not be important what they decide to snack on.
In order to be consider healthy, the food or beverage had to meet all of the following criteria: low calorie, low sugar, and low fat. Besides the poor nutritional profile of foods and beverages available in vending machines, the indirect link researchers have shown between vending machine use and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children. Children who are obese have an increased risk of being diagnosed with so many other diseases such as: metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.
Support:” it’s hard enough for parents to guide their children’s food choices, but it becomes virtually impossible when public schools are peddling junk food throughout the school day,” said CSPI nutrition policy director Margo G. Wootan. “Many parents who send their kids off with lunch money in the morning have no clue that it can be so readily squandered on Coke, Doritos,
Everybody thinks vending machines are great, and they are, trust me. But, how about the idea of vending machines in school? Not so great. Some kids are all for vending machines in school. But, when you actually think about the problems of having vending machines at school, you change your mind about having them.