Did you know volcanoes can be a better place to live than a normal home? There are reasons why people live and farm on volcanoes. People live and farm on volcanoes because of minerals, geothermal energy, and fertile soil. People live on volcanoes because there are many minerals. They are found inside of the hardened rocks formed by lava. People come by the volcanoes to mine these minerals to collect or sell to make a profit. Volcanoes are one of the best places in the world to mine for minerals. “Minerals such as tin, silver, gold, copper, diamonds, lead, zinc, and sulphur are found on and near volcanoes.” (Why do people live near volcanoes?) Another reason people will live on volcanoes is that there is geothermal energy. Geothermal
During the early republic, the Roman state grew exponentially in both size and power. Though the Gauls sacked and burned Rome in 390 B.C., the Romans rebounded under the leadership of the military hero Camillus, eventually gaining control of the entire Italian peninsula by 264 B.C. Rome then fought a series of wars known as the Punic Wars with Carthage, a powerful city-state in northern Africa. The first two Punic Wars ended with Rome in full control of Sicily, the western Mediterranean and much of Spain. In the Third Punic War (149–146 B.C.), the Romans captured and destroyed the city of Carthage and sold its surviving inhabitants into slavery, making a section of northern Africa a Roman province. At the same time, Rome also spread its influence
The planet that our volcano is on is called Azmahrah. The volcano’s name is Azmite, and it is an active cinder cone volcano. This planet contains chrome trees and glitter grass on the surface and waterstone underneath. The land is inhabited by cats who live in two chrome large chrome houses. The tall one is Fur Fall and the shorter one is called Cat House. They go to the smallest chrome building to get their assignments for the day. This place is called the Workhouse. There is another chrome building near the volcano without walls. They store dead bodies in this building so when the volcano erupts they burn up. This place is called the Kitty Crematory.
Subduction zones are dangerous places. What may be the reasons why so many people live near them?
William Shakespeare's play Macbeth portrays man as a species controlled by one's inner thoughts, greed and ultimately hubris. Mankind is often fueled by desire to acquire more, with little regard to possible negative or evil outcomes. When faced with an uncertain prophecy, Macbeth allows greed to overpower conscience, and ultimately allows malevolent powers within himself to dictate and lead to his demise. Shakespeare personifies the witches- supernatural beings with no agenda, feared greatly during the creation of Macbeth as the evil embedded within human nature, and characterizes them as vile “hags” and “fiends,” as well as employing pathetic fallacy to establish the tone and atmosphere as dark, with “thunder and lightning,” and doom
The Ring of Fire has half of the active volcanos of earth in the Ring of Fire. You can find various metals because the volcanic gasses carry melted metals to the surface such as gold , silver, copper, tin, etc. “Scientist believe that tectonic plates causes the Ring of Fire’s earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.”
Mount Etna is one of the world’s largest volcanoes, towering at 3340 meters above sea level and spanning an area of about 210 kilometers. (Mercantanti, 2013) Its most destructive eruption occurred in 1669 and it still erupts and spews smoke to this day. Its eruptions can be both devastating and beneficial. Although the explosions have the potential to wreak havoc on the environment, towns, and human health; it also provides volcanic rock and ash which expand and fertilize the land. The rich soil that the volcano supplies is responsible for bountiful and high-quality crops. The volcanic rock is used in construction and decoration. (Mercantanti, 2013)
For some people, volcanoes are apart of their everyday life. Volcanoes may affect humans but they also affect other organisms. Depending on how big the eruption is, the magma from the volcanoes can spread and kill plant life and animals. “Mount St. Helens provides an example. The Washington Department of Game estimated that 11,000 hares, 6,000 deer, 5,200 elk, 1,400 coyotes, 300 bobcats,
In conclusion, despite volcanos being a very popular topic to put under the bus, volcanos ironically help the human race by giving them new land to farm on, live on, explore and etcetera. Although these volcanos ironically help us as a race, the volcanos also kill many people whilst preforming said help.
Yes people think that volcanoes are very scary and destroy a lot of things, but are volcanoes really as bad was we think there are? Yes they can hurt City’s but there are a wonderful help to. The volcanic eruptions make it way easier to grow plants and crops in the poor soil lands in these places .At times volcanoes can and are very dangerous to people and the environment but these scary lava shooting mountains are something that can help us live .
This paper will provide information on the volcanoes of Hawaii, where it is known to be the home of one of the world’s largest volcanic islands, merely second to Iceland. It is not just the beautiful landscapes and wildlife that spark the interest to this particular area, but the uniqueness of the Hawaiian volcanoes and islands themselves are what make the area so significant. There will be information spanning from the history of the origin of the islands to how Hawaii must adjust to the volcanic hazards in order to keep the area livable. With these ideas in mind, I will first address background information on the area and set the scene as to what makes this area so special. Then I will transition to the history of how the
Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Like the neighbouring islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura, Lanzarote is a volcanic island, however the panorama of Lanzarote is volcanic to the severe. It’s known as “the island of 100 volcanoes” for just right purpose. With dramatic peaks, scorched sand, lunar-like craters and bizarre rock formations, you’ll believe you’re taking a vacation on one other planet.
To begin, volcanoes can help with growing crops. The way they help growing crops is that they cause the soil to become rich with nutrients. According to the informational article, “ Volcanic Soils” the author Russell McDonaugh states, “ once volcanic deposits have been broken down, they enrich the soil both by adding important nutrients for plants and by providing excellent drainage.” Also, the article, “ Volcanic Soils” states, “ the soil is so rich that farmers often plant different crops intermingled with each other to maximize the use of every inch available.” This quotes show that the ash and rocks that come from volcanoes have an impact that helps
When asked the questions of how volcanoes look and work, we give an answer based off of our general knowledge. Yet some research into the functions of volcanoes and different types there are prove they are much more than just lava flowing geological cones. I will be going into focus about the different types of volcanoes and how to tell the differences between active, inactive, and dormant volcanoes. My focus of approach is merely into the research of volcanoes from past to present.
Rare earth elements are formed when magmas float into the Earth’s crust. Due to surrounding rocks, some temperature changes, and some pressure variations, the chemical composition undergoes changes. The result is an assortment of rock types that are enriched in economic elements including rare earth elements. Some locations such as the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii are particularly enriched. Typically rare earth elements are found deep on the seafloor in a great amount of mud.
Have you ever heard of a supervolcano, the most explosive type of volcano on earth? The most famous super volcano on earth is in Yellowstone which has been dormant for 630,000 years, but will erupt in the near future which can be predicted. It can project magma more than 1,000 cubic kilometers. Volcanoes are usually formed along plate boundaries. A volcano can be formed when a oceanic crust is subducted under a continental crust. This creates immense pressure because the substantial weight of the continental crust is sitting on top of the subducted oceanic crust. When the pressure and heat becomes too great, magma from the Mantle rises through cracks in the earth. When two plates converge, it can also create a volcano. Volcanoes are also created in hot spots. Hawaii is an example of a hot spot. A hot spot is created by rising plumes of hot magma which originate in the asthenosphere. One of the ways scientists classify volcanoes is by their activity. There are three main types of volcanoes based on activity: active, dormant and extinct. Active means that they could erupt at any time, dormant means that they haven’t erupted for a long time but could erupt in the future, and extinct means that the volcano will never erupt again. There are more than 1,500 volcanoes on earth, and about 80 of them are under water.