
Should Volcanoes Be A Better Than A Normal Home?

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Did you know volcanoes can be a better place to live than a normal home? There are reasons why people live and farm on volcanoes. People live and farm on volcanoes because of minerals, geothermal energy, and fertile soil. People live on volcanoes because there are many minerals. They are found inside of the hardened rocks formed by lava. People come by the volcanoes to mine these minerals to collect or sell to make a profit. Volcanoes are one of the best places in the world to mine for minerals. “Minerals such as tin, silver, gold, copper, diamonds, lead, zinc, and sulphur are found on and near volcanoes.” (Why do people live near volcanoes?) Another reason people will live on volcanoes is that there is geothermal energy. Geothermal

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