
Should We Ditch The Idea Of Privacy Essay

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Modern Americans see privacy as one of the greatest freedoms. When Edward Snowden revealed the NSA surveillance program, the citizens of the United States were appalled by the extent of access the NSA had to personal information. However, according to Dan Tapscott in his essay, “Should We Ditch the Idea of Privacy?” we post just as many details daily on our numerous social media outlets. The majority of the information we freely post is not meaningful and does no harm to us by being public, yet there is a dangerous side to our open-book nature.
While Tapscott argues that we share “almost minute-by-minute data” (119) about ourselves, I do not see people sharing as much as he claims we do. People like the author of Public Parts, Jeff Jarvis, may say, “‘I’m a public man...My life is an open book’” (Tapscott 117), but I highly doubt that Mr. Jarvis has time to post every moment of his life online. He does share major life events in his book Public Parts, albeit he wrote the book in order to promote sharing. That is not quite the minute everyday details Tapscott surmises to be floating around the Internet. …show more content…

As Justin Brookman says, “‘Without a framework in place to assure everyday consumers of the ability to limit the collection and retention of the minutiae of their lives by unknown third parties, any sense of a realm of personal privacy may completely evaporate’” (Tapscott 119). There should always be some sense of mystery in the world. Third party sources often find a way of getting information that Internet users did not give them express permission to. The flow of information goes further than most people realize, which is where the dangerous invasion of privacy comes in. A sharing is caring mentality is all good and fun until a third party uses it against you. We should beware the extent to which our information can spread without our

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