Do you think cigarettes are good? I know I do not because they are horrible for your health. Some of these reasons why making cigarettes illegal would be a good outcome are less air pollution, reducing healthcare costs, and decreasing the possibility of fires. These reasons are why I think cigarettes should be illegal, there are so many good outcomes.
First, you should make cigarettes illegal to lessen pollution. When people smoke the cigarettes release carcinogens and other toxins. The toxins they contain can leach into the soil and sometimes they can even get into our water supply. Studies have shown that the cigarette butts are the number one item littering U.S. roads. The act of manufacturing cigarettes creates tons of chemical wastes each year. All of these facts are why cigarettes pollute the air
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Of every ten dollars spent on healthcare in the United States, almost 90 cents is due to smoking. Over 18 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes and one in five deaths are caused by smoking, according to the CDC. Cigarettes can cause heart and lung problems, eye disease, skin problems, and many cancers. These facts show that cigarettes affect healthcare costs.
Lastly, making cigarettes illegal will decrease the possibility of fires. Ever since 2009, fifty percent of deaths in accidental house fires in Tyne and Wear were caused by smoking materials. Just 2012 and 2013 by themselves fourteen people were injured in cigarette smoking related to house fires. The smoking materials in cigarettes are the biggest killer in house fires in the area. These facts on how cigarettes can cause fires is one of the reasons why cigarettes should be illegal.
After reading all this and knowing it you should help make cigarettes illegal. They affect our atmosphere. Other people have to suffer because some people smoke. All these reasons are why I think cigarettes should be
Cigarettes and other tobacco products should be made illegal because of the economic effects, addictive properties, secondhand smoke, and can lead to disease and/or death.
Smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco. Historically, it was thought that smoking was harmless, but more modern, clinical and laboratory research proves that it is, in fact, extremely dangerous. Tobacco cigarettes should be illegal in the United States due to their plethora of negative effects on the population and the environment. If cigarettes were banned, the country would be a much better place. Pollution, diseases and fatalities would dramatically decrease, while productivity, financial stability and overall health would increase.
This year alone cigarettes will end up killing over 500,000 Americans, and many more will suffer from different types of cancer, circulatory, and respiratory system diseases, due to smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes have been known to cause these illnesses for a long time. The FDA has proven that nicotine, one of the main chemicals in cigarettes, is addictive. This explains why smokers continue to use cigarettes even though they are aware of the health dangers that come from smoking cigarettes. Researchers have also found out that when people smoke by pregnant women it causes the deaths of over 4,000 babies and 110,000 miscarriages. The only way to prevent death by cigarettes would be to ban them.
Smoking should be prohibited in the United states because its one of the largest causes of
Every year the US government passes numerous laws to protect its citizens. Yet, they still fail to protect its citizens from the leading cause of death in America. Although they work to protect the citizens they continue to ignore the most preventable death in America. The culprit responsible for these deaths is the cigarette. The impact that cigarettes make on a human is awful and there should be no reason why it is legal. Cigarettes should be banned because it is one of the harm fullest drugs around that is still legal. Cigarettes not only affect ones health but it affects the environment, economy and others around them.
Smoking should be outlawed because its effects on our environment are extremely deleterious. It is one of the main causes of environmental pollution. Daily, millions of cigarettes are left on the floor, which ends up in the river. It can harm our waterways and can also harm our soil. Nevertheless, trees are wasted in the process as well (“Have Your Say | Should Smoking Be Banned?”). About fifteen billion packs are sold daily, and to produce 300 cigarettes, a tree is wasted. In addition, 13 million acres are used to grow tobacco. Imagine what we can do with those acres, and maybe grow crops for the millions of poor or the homeless. (“Smoking”) The U.S tobacco industry produces 16 million tons of Carbon Dioxide yearly. For comparison, a car produces 4 million times less. Imagine what our world would be if everyone stopped, a better and cleaner environment. In addition, there are approximately 4,000 chemicals in a single cigarette. Imagine how these harmful chemicals, like methane,
Not only do cigarettes pollute the air, they also affect our water sources. "Cigarette waste constitutes an estimate of 30% of the total litter on US shorelines, waterways, and on land" (Slaughter). People from all over the world use water sources, such as lakes and oceans, for daily nutrition. When someone throws a cigarette into a body of water, animals consume those toxins. "Chemicals released from remnants of the tobacco in cigarette butts have the potential to pollute aquatic ecosystems and harm organisms" (Rath). Humans need water in order to survive. If the water is polluted, we get those
Cigarettes are the number one cause of death in the U.S. and yet they are still on the shelves. People know the damage tobacco does to the body, and yet they still continue to smoke, chew, and sniff it. Cigarettes and tobacco products needs to be criminalized. Smoking is the number one cause of cancer in the United States. About 50 million people smoke cigarettes in the United States.
One of the largest and most problematic health issues in our society is smoking. Smoking is currently the leading cause of death in our country, due to its harmful and addicting contents, such as nicotine and tobacco. Although millions die from it each year, smoking is the single most preventable cause of death as well. Without smoking, a tremendous amount of money and lives will be saved. I think that our country should ban smoking and the production of cigarettes in order to maintain a healthier nation, help save the environment, and prevent the almost 1000 deaths that they cause in fires each year.
Cigarettes should be banned, it has a major death rate and can easily be stopped. Smoking is used for a stress or a pain relief, which is probably the only thing it is ok for. The amount of pain and stress will return later on in a slow painful death caused by lung cancer and other painful diseases. This matters strongly because it can save tons of lives. Everyone should be aware of how deadly smoking is and should come to an end as soon as
Spending money on smoking is too much and leads to nothing, and there are no benefits that people can get from smoking. Smoking can hit personal finances and smokers are burning their money for no reason. Instead of using money to get cigarettes, people can donate to non-government organizations to wipe out poverty and change people’s lives. Smoking is a major factor that is destroying the environment. Smoking cigarettes is bad for the air. People who do not smoke have to breathe the bad air around the smokers. Smoking needs to be banned in public to let other people breathe the fresh air. Most Americans are exposed to outdoor and indoor air that can cause cancer and other serious health problems. Smoking is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of. If we want a strong environment, clean environment, and a good public health, we need to ban smoking once and for all.
Have you ever thought of the damage of smoking? Smoking causes harm to the body. It leads to many serious illnesses. Not only that, but the harmful effects of smoking also has on the environment and the cash that would otherwise be in your pocket. We all know that smoking is “bad” because of the bad effects of it. Smoking should be banned because it is dangerous, affects the people around you, and it is expensive.
One reason why I think smoking should be banned completely; it is because of second hand smoke not only pollutes the environment,
Cigarettes are addictive and detrimental to people’s health. Lung cancer, throat cancer, and other health issues caused by cigarette smoking are serious problems in our current day and age. On top of that, there’s also the health issues caused by people exposed to cigarette smoke throughout their lives. Even though tobacco companies know that smoking is deadly, but continue to sell cigarettes because it’s legal to do so and they’re making money off of it. They need to be put in their place and shown that what they’re doing isn’t okay. Thus, cigarettes should be regulated as an addictive
Cigarette Smoking should be banned in the United States because it causes significant health problems. Tobacco is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the whole country; also the smoke contains monoxide that reduces oxygen- carrying ability of red blood cells. The origins of tobacco go way back when; but how it was manufactured is a question asked constantly.