Luyao Zhang
Case study 1: Should You Listen to The Customer
22th Sep. 2012 1. Delacroix is an avant-garde dance troupe based in New York and its mission is to bring modern dance to as many people as possible. Natalia Georgio is the executive director in Delacroix. She plans to go internationally as well as television and film engagements. To achieve the plans, recently she hires a new marketing manager, Elizabeth Gardos, who has much experience before. Henry, a company’s founder, believes that company’s development is originally from employees and dancers, not from customers. Right now, Natalia faces a situation that she needs to decide whether to bring Elizabeth’s customer research plan to the board or follow Henry’s lead. “Should
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This type of company perform their works based on inspiration, if they do a customer approach, they might lose their best customers. Then, Henry mentioned that they do not sell “clothes”. Let’s take Apple for example. The mission statement of Apple is working on the users’ experience. If they had surveyed before inventing products, the Iphone might not be created. Since most of consumers at that time never experienced touch screen experience. How would they respond to touch screen in Apple survey. But for long term purpose, marketing research is important. We can have secondary data whether the audience satisfied with music, price and so on. Generally, market research should not be used for Entertainment Company, market research only need to be used for purposes of price, environment and so on.
4) This is a very interesting case study. I definitely learnt a lot from it. For fashion business, I have different opinions about fashion designers’ companies and fashion retail companies. For fashion designer’s company (like Chanel), they do not need have much marketing research. Like Delacroix, Chanel are entertainment company and are not perceived as a company driven by customer suggestions (like Apple). Customers are willing to buy new collection in each season for the most fashionable trend. They are buying new design, new inspiration and new innovation. Excess marketing research is not
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Marketing research is very important component of a business used to identify and define the opportunities and problems that they will encounter on the market. The aim
Market research is utilized by companies to make the right decisions when it comes to
Market research can provide companies with vital information which allows them to make choices based on what the customer wants. It can allow businesses to predict what might happen in the future of a
Section 1 – Understand the factors that affect an organisation and the customer service role
product/ service bundles to meet customer needs. How can they do this and how can
"The Customer Comes Second" is an account of the management and leadership style of Hal Rosenbluth, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rosenbluth International, a global travel management firm that was founded in 1892 by Marcus Rosenbluth, Hal’s great-grandfather. The premise of Hal Rosenbluth’s management style is just as the title of the book suggests; concentrate on your employees first and your customers second. I found the management practices outlined by Mr. Rosenbluth to be innovative and applicable to all types of business, not just the travel industry. I was also very intrigued by some of the creative employment practices used by Rosenbluth International as well as their fight to stay alive in the travel
Before launching or expanding a business venture, there needs to be an understanding of the industry, its competitors, and its customers. Market research is vital in assisting companies in the decision-making process and their marketing direction. Data from marketing research is important because it provides companies with ways to identify opportunities, identify market potential, minimize chances of loss, devise effective marketing strategies, gauge customer satisfaction, and serve as an evaluation tool.
In cash of fashion industry teen generation is the vital model which companies should hit. The loyal customer is ready to spend more money for a product of his liked brand if require so the company has to take care of its brand image and the customers likings and preferences. The customer loyalty program creates emotional bonding between the company and consumer which enhances the brand name and growth of the company. It builds long term customer relationship. This results in selective shopping and consumer becomes more careful. Gucci should concentrate on increasing its fashion brand and enhance its fashion market. Through their creative strategies the retailers have learn to manage these attitude. In fashion business, the customer loyalty program along with creativity proves to be the main basic factor for generating more revenue and enhance growth. The marketing strategies of Gucci are to incorporate controversial issues in order to enhance brand imagery. This creates a mark on overall experience and attracts the consumer. Technology is the main source for entertainment and connection between producer and consumer. Some of such technologies are ecommerce, television, internet, word of mouth through internet where companies can make brand promotions. The promotions of brand can also done through social network sites like Facebook, twitter
Gucci, a brand known for its quality, luxurious and royal association was confronted with strategic issues which made the company take notice of its strategy of expansion and brand personality. The company was not only having concerns with their product line but they were lacking unified corporate vision and strategy after its acquisition of some major names like YSL. Due to which they started having loophole in their luxurious goods market discipline. Strategic concern for the company was how does the brand image cascade down in the target market and how does it rejuvenate itself is a management lesson.
Burberry, founded in 1856, is a leading international luxury brand. Burberry designs, manufactures and licenses apparel and accessories for distribution through its own stores and network of prestige retailers worldwide. In early 1998, the new management team at Burberry set out its strategy to reposition and revitalise the brand, which resulted in significantly improved results and strengthened the base to build the business. With continuous growth since last five years, Burberry has faced new challenges of brand sustainability and positioning in a volatile industry (fashion) where customer behaviour is unpredictable. Thus, it requires a strategy that lays foundations for long-term growth and addresses the issues
To perform a prefect marketing research, it is needed to identify and define the marketing research problem accurately and then develop a proper approach. The American Idol case is a challenging management decision and marketing research problem case, focusing on reasons why to conduct a study on the viewers and voters. In this case study, we review defining the marketing research problem and developing an approach process, including objective/theoretical framework, analytical model, research questions, hypothesizes and specification of information
Today’s organizations fail to realize the value of their customers when it comes to the success of their business. Without customer loyalty the success of your business will always be uncertain. Organizations must sensitively tailor the designs of a successful firm to the particular challenges of understanding, attracting, and keeping valuable customers. “Having satisfied customers just aren’t good enough”. Kenneth Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles, co-authors of Raving Fans, believe this concept is needed to have a successful business. I agree with this concept of customers being the focal point of any business. I would want more than just a satisfied customer; I want a “Raving Fan”.
Whether you are communicating with a customer service representative in person or over the phone, the term “the customer is always right,” has lost its meaning. It once served as the guiding principle for dealing with customer inquiries and complaints. Though it did not literally mean the customer was right and the company was wrong, it kept civil the interaction between company representatives and consumers of goods and services by compelling the representatives to see the issue from the customer’s perspective.
Study findings show that strong leadership systems focus on customers, motivate employees, and implement their customer service vision. They also focus great attention on gathering the information needed to track customer satisfaction, and employees overall performance. Customer service should be designed and delivered seamlessly from the customer's point of view. Customer-driven operations lead to success. Decentralized, uncoordinated customer service provision makes for a most frustrating experience for customers.