Mandee Topicz
Mrs. Link
Physical Education
January 26, 2016
Showing Good Character Athletes, business men, and Musicians all show as much Good character as possible to be successful. People all over the world at schools and in every day lives talk about and show good character. Good character practices has been going around the world, even when Abraham Lincoln was alive. Abraham Lincoln said, "Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree." The definition of character is "The aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing." Good character can be expressed by role models, can be helpful in a career, and promotes and encourages leadership. One of the best known role models is Melinda Gates.
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When you interview for a job, people usually look for a good personality that would work hard and treat clients, or customers, with respect. Businesses and job owners want to know that you will be a good worker. The best way to show that is with good character. Showing good character shows that you are a determined and hard worker that doesn't give up. Leadership is key with almost everything; career, school, and everyday life routines. When playing games, you must use good character to influence the players. You must let your fellow players trust you and show gem that you can bring excellence. "Leader Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged his followers not to judge people by their appearance, but by the content of their character," Crone: Small Business. Character can determine whether or not you can show leadership and be a role model. "Each person must live their life as a model for others," Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks stood up for her own rights using good character and leadership. Don't take advantage of what you have, when you can take advantage of showing good character to people who don't have anything to take advantage of. Good character can be expressed by role models, can be helpful in a career, and promotes and encourages
Character is defined as one’s moral qualities. I have very high expectations for my character, and I hold myself to them. Every time a person isn't the nicest to me or someone else, I remind myself not to stoop to their level. I tell myself, “Treat others how you would want to be treated.” I will always treat myself and everyone around me with respect, courtesy, and kindness.
Many people down play the importance of having a good character and they believe if the job gets done, character is of no importance, but that should not be the case. Especially in politics, a person’s character plays a huge role. For instance, Donald Trump is quite popular for having a character most people associate with as being unpleasant. A vast amount of
“Quite Strength incorporates life skills which demonstrate dignity with pride, courage with perseverance and power with discipline in a comfortable environment of peace.” (Achievement, 2010) This quotation embodies Rosa Parks’s philosophy as a person. Rosa Parks is a great example of that philosophy because of what she did. On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks was coming home from a tiring day at work and was sitting on the bus. At that time the law was if a white person needed your seat, a coloured person would have to give up their seat for the white person. Mrs. Parks was tired of this way so she refused the bus drivers request and that small action made all the difference. Rosa’s actions lead to many more important historical actions, such
“People of character do the right thing even if no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world.” – Michael Josephson Living out the Six Pillars of Character requires integrity. Developing character and integrity, now as young adults, will contribute to who we become as we enter into the “real world.” One of the greatest tests of character is being in a leadership position. Leaders rely on all Six Pillars to be a role model. This past year, I was president of my 4-H Club. 4-H is a hands-on learning program that teaches responsibility and hard work. In my club, we work with livestock animals. As president, I worked with and led members of a wide variety of ages from nine to eighteen years old.
There are many types of characters. Some might be good, while others are bad. It just depends on the morals each person makes by their actions and the choices they make. An example of a person who is known to have good character is Lancelot. He was the sincere type of person who had a good personality, assisted those in need, and did what he believed was right.
Knowing your strengths as a leader, recognizing your shortcomings, and working to become someone whom people will follow, is what having character in a leadership position is about (‘Walter, 4 C’s of Enlightened Leadership’). Dale Roach, the author or ‘The Four C’s of Strong Leadership?’, agrees with Walter when he says, “the character of a strong
Heller Keller once said, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Character is developed in many ways. We can be brought up in a way that our parents or our faith can help develop our character. Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. The most valuable characteristics you could have is citizenship, respect, and self-discipline.
Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual, though morality is subjective, in today’s society it is predominantly agreed upon that someone who is of good character has certain qualities that contribute to their decision making, trustworthiness, and intelligence. I previously mentioned prudence, which is the ability to govern oneself by the use of reason to make good judgements that allow you to avoid troublesome situations, which allows one to face the adversities of life while only encountering necessary risks. This is the ultimate show of genuine character, those who can judge for themselves and aren’t afraid to admit their faults, or
What is character? Character is something that is hard to explain. It is who we are, the way we act, and the kind of person we truly are and want to be. Character is what you are in the dark. But if character is the kind of person you are when no one is looking, then why does it matter? Character matters because even when we think no one is looking, they are. People are always watching us and the way we behave and many will look to us in admiration and inspiration, so it is our job to constantly be a role model of good character. A couple of ways that we can show our character are through gratitude and respect, but we can also look up to others, such as Benjamin Franklin, as role models for good character.
Character can be defined in many different ways, such as: being generally nice and kind. This does not mean going and grabbing any grandmother you see and dragging her across the street, but, instead, this means genuinely aided someone in some way. For instance, holding the door open for someone
Good character/characteristics also show leadership and value. Not only to the people around you, but to the marketplace (where you work).
Character before this course defined to me as moral fineness and steadfastness. However, this course changed my concepts of exactly what character and characteristic of self, of a followers and leaders were. I now understand their relevance to leadership, followers and organizations. Hencley wrote about leadership theories “approach maintains that leadership is determined not so much by the characters of the individuals as by the requirements of social situation"(Gujral 2012, p. 108). Instead of only thinking in terms of personal character traits, I now recognize that there is distinguishing characteristic between in most everything like social, leadership, followers, and situations as well as personal. Merriam-Webster (2015) defines characteristic as, “a distinguishing trait, quality, or property” and character as, “the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation.” I understand that they mean are more now. I will now integrate my learning by thinking about more about the traits surrounding them in the more complex concepts. This leads me into
Throughout life, many people will influence others in a certain way. What people notice is that the positive role models will have something that puts them ahead of everyone else. Role models show how people should be treated and how they should value themselves first, and then their success will come. Positive role models can be found all over the place; sometimes they are just hard to find. Key characteristics that put these people above everyone else are honesty, hard-work and dedication, and not having a fear of failure.
The wonderful thing about character is that it is one of the few things in life that no one will ever be able to take away from me. In a society that is driven by results and profits, and less focused on the interpersonal relationships and character we build in the workplace, I realize that I had undervalued the wonderful facets of my character that I developed. Without these character building experiences, I wouldn’t have honed my leadership skills. The values I adhere to: honesty, integrity, and knowledge are reflected through my leadership. I engaged in the entire process of leadership and I’ve developed the kind of personality and character that earns respect, esteem and a good reputation within my work environment.
Character is defined as “the mental and moral qualities, distinctive to an individual.” Character is in fact something that all human beings have the ability to shape and curve as we grow older. Each day, each opportunity, each encounter, can prove to change our character day in and day out. Character is essentially a direct source of success for most. The better mental and moral qualities that person wields, the better their chances are at becoming accomplished in life. Character through the eyes of people with grand eminence such as George C. Marshall and A. Phillip Randolph seems to take a while to achieve. Their character is so advantageous to most because of the process it took for them to attain it. The constitution of character for both of these individuals was beyond a lengthy course of action. It took many years for these men to become great leaders in their respected fields, their character did not transpire overnight. These men are now venerated for infinite generations by those who have the utmost opportunity to learn about their legacies. So, what allows for a person to attain good character that will help to translate in success in the future? The answer lies in precious time. Time is key to the development of character, as the longer one can develop their character the more success they will have throughout their life.