
Shrimp Synthesis Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The main method in distinguishing between penaeids and carideans actually is by examining their reproductive methods. Penaeids release their eggs into the salty ocean away from the estuaries at an extremely early and undeveloped stage in the form of nauplius larvae, which is essentially just a swimming head the majority of the body still missing. The caridean, on the other hand, carries their eggs in the females’ abdomen until they pass through the non-self-sustainable nauplius phase and can hatch at the more developed larval stage with some new segments and appendages. Either way, both of the species are barely visible to the eye and do not look anything like the adult shrimp that they will become. Through this phase in development they live and float independently in the plankton as they grow, molt, and develop through a long series of larval stages on their way to adulthood. As one can see, there is nothing simple about shrimp at all. Even an expert in crustaceans at the University of Washington, Greg Jensen, had this to say when asked to define the word shrimp. “So many things are called shrimp that it’s confusing. Seed shrimp are ostracods; fairy …show more content…

in some parts of the world. Irv Quitmyer, a zoo archaeologist at the University of Florida, discovered in Georgia microscopic shrimp mouthparts in old Native American waste holes, or middens, which became the first hard scientific evidence that our ancient ancestors ate shrimp. Quitmyer was also a part of the same team that discovered fresh and salt water shrimp remains in vases of Mayan tombs located in Copan, Honduras. One of the tombs that they found had a beautiful medallion of a stylized shrimp etched in gold, with long flowing antennae and delicate legs and fantail, further cementing the fact that shrimp has been an important commodity for

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