
Sickle Cell Anemia In Pregnancy

Decent Essays

Sickle Cell Anemia in Pregnancy
Aldine Castor
Nova Southeastern University

Sickle Disease in Pregnancy
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a destructive abnormality in red blood cells that results in circulatory impairment. Sickle cell disease can cause pain, infection, organ damage and strokes. SCD is inherited through the infants’ parental genes (James, 2014). For instance, if an infant inherits the gene from one parent that infant will automatically have the sickle cell trait. As a result, the infant will be a carrier of the disease but won’t actually have the SCD. It is very rare for a carrier to have any symptoms. Women who have SCD are considered high risk if they become pregnant. SCD poses complication for both mother and fetus during …show more content…

Andra H. James, defines Sickle Cell Anemia as a destructive abnormality in red blood cells that effect the circulatory impairment (2014). In her recent study, she demonstrates how pregnant women are more at risk in terms of the effects of the disease. Pregnant women with SDC are hospitalized on average of about 6 days during their pregnancy. They require blood transfusion more than women with the sickle cell disease who are not pregnant, which can cause them to become all immunized. SCD pregnant women who are alloimmunized and need blood transfusion have few blood products available to them. The most serious complication is developing a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, which can kill the patient. Expectant women with SCD are at a high risk to experience preeclampsia and eclampsia (James, …show more content…

There are many different medications that can be administered in hopes to help expectant mothers. In addition to that, a prophylactic transfusion can take place to help increase hemoglobin levels. It is important that both the mother and child are observed throughout the pregnancy for the simple fact that many of these pregnancies result in a caseation delivery (James 2014). In some cases, the use of propranolol and LMWH are used in SCD mothers in hopes to decrease the intensity of SCD effects such as pain and organ problems in both parent and child ( Yawn 2014). Opioid is also used as pain medication in SCD women (Yawn

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