Sierra Leone is a country with much history. It has many historical sites and great mines that contain so much “treasure”. Its economy is still growing and they’re trying to improve themselves. They’re a diverse country with different ethnic groups and languages but socially and culturally they can agree on the way they eat, what type of music they like, and what they do for fun. This country is unique and is growing from the past to a modern future. Sierra Leones environmental concerns is a fast increasing population which is pressuring the environment, lots of timber being grown, lots of cattle, slash and burning of agriculture which has resulted in a lot of their forest land dying out and poor soil, and lastly over fishing. The countries …show more content…
They also have a rainforest called Gola, it goes through Sierra Leone into Liberia. The civil war has made the country dangerous for outsiders but the country is trying to make themselves more modern and tourist friendly with nice restaurants, hotels, and other entertainment facilities. The capitol of Sierra Leone is Freetown, the country is not land locked it is on the coast of West Africa surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and …show more content…
One way is the way they set up their meals. Many of their dishes include a meat, rice and vegetables such as cassava or sweet potatoes. Fish is also a common food in the coastal area, and tropical fruits, such as bananas and plantains. For a snack, the people like to fry the plantain with salt, hot sauce, ginger, or sugar. Egusi soup is also popular it’s made with a unique mixture of foods such as fish, meat, watermelon seeds and tomatoes. The music in this country is influenced by their African and European culture. Some other popular types of music are palm wine, bissaum gumbe and milo-jazz music. One of the most famous Leonean musicians was S.E. Rogers he was very skilled in palm wine music and traveled all around the word to perform. A lot of the arts or entertainment in Sierra Leone revolve around crafts such as wood and ivory carving, music and dance. Dance means a lot to the people of this country and is sometimes used in tribal ceremonies. The country even has its own national ballet company. Crafts people use natural materials such as bone, wood, or ivory to create masks and statues. The people there also enjoy football it is a National sport and the national team for Sierra Leone is the Leone Stars. The country of Sierra Leone has a really good educational system. The country was documented to have literacy rate of 35% in 2004. Most children attend school but those living in
It will investigate the reparations of the civil war and discover if the situation of Sierra Leone could be labelled as a genocide. If so, can the post-genocide approach adopted by Mozambique be the most appropriate? Also, are the other approaches most applicable? Could some aspects of the approaches been adoptable? Meanwhile, understanding the ideology that what functions best in one society does not necessarily apply to another will be considered. As Cobban (2007) indicates “the idea [of]…one size fits all approach…seems not only misplaced but also possibly very dangerous for the members of…[post atrocity] societies; and any attempt to impose such solution …seem very damaging” (Cobban, 2007, p.
Before reading “A Long Way Gone,” I was not at all familiar with the civil wars occurring in Sierra Leone. I didn’t know anything about Sierra Leone’s political dynamics either, however I could infer much about what might be going on there if asked. At least that is what I thought. That is until I read part of Ishmael’s memoir. I figured, previously to reading the memoir, that civil wars began as a result of some generally good reason, and were continued for a generally good reason. The civil wars in Sierra Leone, as I read, were quite the opposite, rather blind fight for power, as narrated by Beah, “A lot of things were done with no reason or explanation.” It is also implied that each side in the war believed that they themselves were doing
The change in Sierra Leone culture is one of the first consequences of war seen in the story. Throughout the civil war the rebels (RUF) recruited or forced many children to become soldiers. In order to get these children they would raid villages and then draft the strongest ones. They would then tell the children that they would not need their families
From around 1800, people opposed slavery in the united states. Some abolitionists and slaveholders discussed the idea of setting up a colony in Africa as a place to relocate freed African-American slaves. They also tried to recruit colonists from among populations of free blacks and free people of color. Most opposed relocation, as they had been born and had claims to the United States.The first ship, Mayflower of Liberia, departed New York on February 6, 1820, for West Africa carrying 86 settlers. Between 1821 and 1838, the American Colonization Society developed the first settlement, which would be known as Liberia. On July 26, 1847, it declared its 1816, the future of Kru Country took a turn due to an event that took place
Liberia, commonly known for diseases such as Ebola and cholera and also known as home to such notorious figures as General Butt Naked, a mass murderer and cannibal, is a nation recovering from two recent civil wars on the northwest shore of Africa. The total landmass, consisting of 111,369 square kilometers; is roughly the size of the state of Virginia. In addition to having a long stretch of coastline along the North Atlantic Ocean, about 13% of the landmass is aquatic. With this in mind, the population density based on June estimates is 4,092,310, per square kilometer of usable landmass, which equates to about 43 persons per square kilometer of usable landmass. Ecologically speaking, Liberia is home to a multitude of diverse species, including around 500 unique avian species. In addition to this, the land is rich in natural resources, both in the form of timber and minerals. Notably, there are large deposits of minerals, with rich deposits of diamond ore (Agency, 2013).
“Before the war, I had a very simple childhood…..and that changed very quickly” (Ishmael Beah-Child Soldier). Imagine the life of an American child, then think, what was life like for a child in Sierra Leone in 1991?... Abuse and torture, leaving you breathless. A child soldier who thereafter, lives with the emotional effects of war looking for a pathway to humanity. If he survives, the flashbacks will haunt him, yet he journeys on. Welcome to childhood... in Sierra Leone.
The continent of Africa has been exposed to countless of years of tragedy including forced slavery and colonialism. One of the most devastating hits to Africa is the civil war that occurred in Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002. This country experienced a decade long war in an endeavor to achieve economic stability and a democratic political system for Sierra Leoneans. There are many facets that contributed to the warfare that occurred in the small nation, from the reason why the conflict started, the numerous participants and their affiliations, and cessation as well as the effects thereafter.
Facts about Africa 1. At the beginning of the 20th century, almost the entire territory of Africa was colonized by France, Germany, England, Spain, Portugal and Belgium. Only Ethiopia and Liberia were independent. 2.
For eleven years, civil war desecrated the infrastructure throughout the small African nation of Sierra Leone. Tens of thousands were killed, and human suffering was widespread. More than a decade of constant fighting between the government and relentless rebels left the country in ruins. Roads were destroyed, bridges burned, buildings left in shambles, and the power supply nearly eliminated. The United Nations intervened, and assisted the government of Sierra Leone in establishing peace and setting up fair and honest, multi-party elections. The new government has since struggled in rebuilding the war-torn nation. More than half of Sierra Leoneans live in poverty, and nearly half are food insecure. Years of food shortages left nearly a third
The Sierra Leone crisis seemed like a far away problem. (Appendix A for more information on the war of Sierra Leone.) Unless one was there in the war, no one understood how drastic and awful the war was. The U.S. did try to get involved by trying to negotiate with the RUF but it was said that they pushed to hard for goals that were very hard to commit to. The U.S. did not do as much, in my opinion, as they could of. I feel like the U.S. could of helped with taking the boy soldiers and help them recover from their brainwashing, just like they did with Ishmael Beah in the end of the book (Beah, 2007), but they should of done it earlier in the war. I feel like the United States could have also helped with looking for all the boys that were
Colonialism is a feature of European expansion that took control of territory and people across the world starting in the 16th century. The last wave of colonialism was in Africa during the late nineteenth century, and these African colonies did not gain independence until the end of World War II. Decolonization was followed by years of economic, political, and social instability that made living conditions worse for the individuals in society. In this era of globalization, the economic strength of Western powers has created a new type of imperialism over the developing nations. A growing inequality gap between rich and poor countries has resulted in lower living standards in areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, where a majority of the
Uganda is a country located in Africa that is surrounded by Kenya and the Republic of Congo. Uganda’s capital is Kampala and some other major cities would be Gulu, Lira, Mbarara, Jinja, Bwizibwera, Mbale, Mukono, Kasese and Masaka. The coordinates are 1 00 N, 32 00 E and the total area of Uganda is two hundred forty one thirty eight thousand. The land is one hundred ninety seven hundred thousand square kilometers and the water being forty three nine hundred thirty eight thousand square kilometers. When you are comparatively speaking about Uganda it is just slightly smaller than the state of Oregon.
Sierra Leone is mainly a mining country, this caused it to be colonized and for their own native people being used as slaves in their mines. This shaped its social development by making it a far higher concentration of natives than other countries. But, because of their enslavement and American control until recently, literacy rates and per capita GDP are disturbingly low. Politically, though, it’s more stable than most countries in this case.
Uganda's main success is from their soil conditions and the climate. Most of Uganda receives plenty amounts of rain all year round. In some years the southeast and southwest areas have more than 150 millilitres every month. In the northern areas, there is often a dry season in December and January. The temperatures vary degrees above or below 20°C with differences in altitude.
Uganda is a country that covers 7,108 sq mi in area and a host of 33.3 million people found in East Africa. It is bordered by Congo on the West, Kenya on the East, Tanzania and Rwanda on the south and Sudan on the North. It