
Sigmund Freud 's Theory Of Psychology

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Out of all the theories that we have learned in class the one theory, I think that connects to us as humans the most would be theory 3: Psychoanalysis. I found this theory very interesting. Sigmund Freud started the study of psychoanalysis, stating that talking about how you feel is true psychoanalysis, also known as talk therapy. Back in the 1800’s, this was known as “cleaning the chimney” or “chimney sweeping”. Freud said there are three levels of the psyche, and when remembering them think of an ice burg. The first level being conscious, or the top of the ice burg, the second is the preconscious or the part of the ice burg that is touching the water, and the last level is the unconscious or the part of the ice burg that can’t be seen. …show more content…

The ego meaning “I,” it is roughly equivalent to our identity. The ego sometimes is referred to as the “executive function” Freud describes the ego as drawing power from the Id, but controls it. Having good ego strength means you’re in control. The last part of the psyche that Freud describes is the superego, “super” meaning above, is the “supervisor” of the psyche. The superego makes value judgments about our behavior. In a sense, it’s like the parental values in the unconscious. With Freud believing that the Id was the source of childish thoughts, and feelings many that are considered unacceptable to the ego. Painful memories or “unacceptable” thoughts from the Id would make the mind go in spirals and turn away from the problem, as a result in 1925 Freud named this process repression. Repression is when you push things under the surface or simply turn away When repression occurs the conscious mind is spared of discomfort. Repression goes under the category of defense mechanisms.
In order to access the unconscious, we use defense mechanisms to get there. Defense mechanisms such as projection, displacement, repression, denial, regression, and rationalization.
Psychoanalysis doesn’t stop there, there is something called the collective unconscious, a term used by Carl Jung. The collective analysis refers to the conscious mind. According to Jung, the human collective unconscious is

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