
Sign Music Personal Statement

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I have wanted to study abroad since I was young, and will have the opportunity to do so next year at the University of Quebec. There, I will study French and hopefully a bit of music in hopes to pursue my lifelong goal of learning. I believe with education and willingness the world is without borders!

Originally from the area, I graduated from Shepherd High School in Isabella County in 2012, and was honored to have been the Maple Syrup Queen my graduation year. In high school was very involved with the choir program, and loved singing. I had a little exposure to French, but at the time I was more curious about American Sign Language (ASL). When I went to Central Michigan University I decided to pursue my greatest passion, vocal music, with a minor ASL. I am currently in my senior year in college, and will be entering a fifth and final year, with two majors slightly different than when I first went to CMU. …show more content…

I quickly realized how much I had put on my plate, and my sophomore year I decided to only pursue Music Education, keeping the intent for a sign language minor. My junior year with some musical successes I realized my talent and passion for singing and added an additional degree in Vocal Performance. At that point I decided ASL was too expensive in addition to the double major, so after two years of my involvement within the department I did not complete the minor. In pursuing ASL, I became quite good, and was very active in the American Sign Language Society, having served as the secretary for one

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