I have wanted to study abroad since I was young, and will have the opportunity to do so next year at the University of Quebec. There, I will study French and hopefully a bit of music in hopes to pursue my lifelong goal of learning. I believe with education and willingness the world is without borders!
Originally from the area, I graduated from Shepherd High School in Isabella County in 2012, and was honored to have been the Maple Syrup Queen my graduation year. In high school was very involved with the choir program, and loved singing. I had a little exposure to French, but at the time I was more curious about American Sign Language (ASL). When I went to Central Michigan University I decided to pursue my greatest passion, vocal music, with a minor ASL. I am currently in my senior year in college, and will be entering a fifth and final year, with two majors slightly different than when I first went to CMU.
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I quickly realized how much I had put on my plate, and my sophomore year I decided to only pursue Music Education, keeping the intent for a sign language minor. My junior year with some musical successes I realized my talent and passion for singing and added an additional degree in Vocal Performance. At that point I decided ASL was too expensive in addition to the double major, so after two years of my involvement within the department I did not complete the minor. In pursuing ASL, I became quite good, and was very active in the American Sign Language Society, having served as the secretary for one
I graduated in 2002, with every intention to apply for graduate school to pursue a Master of Science in Communication Disorders. However, that year my daughter was diagnosed with Granulomatosis with Polyangitis. As a result, graduate school was placed on hold. I devoted my time to helping her regain health. Thankfully, since 2010 my daughter has been in complete remission. She is twenty years old, a personal trainer, and a proud student of Paul Chek.
Choosing a major can be difficult, especially when considering expanding your collegiate career from your undergraduate career. For myself, Speech-Language Pathology was a clear answer for me to pursue, especially since I have a desire to help change an individual’s life and make a substantial impact that can affect more then just one individual. From the start of my Speech-Language Pathology collegiate career, I have always been drawn to working with children and increasing their communication skills. Although, my passion for working with children does not stop with expanding their communication skills, but also to help them to become more confident and content with whom they are.
In 2014, I realized that I really need more education, and then I decided to go back to school again. That’s why I am here in Kingsborough. I am majoring in liberal art right now, but I will be a future nurse.
I decided to take piano lessons at a young age. I have shared my music by playing piano at local churches and nursing homes. Platteville High School offers an outstanding music program. To prepare for my senior year, I learned alto saxophone and cello. I had never played an instrument other than piano and I thought that it was a good challenge. As part of the band program, I am also learning xylophone for an upcoming concert. This year my schedule includes Band, Orchestra, Cantorum and Music Theory. I hope to become involved with music in college as my schedule
Despite unnecessary changes to plot and some flawed character portrayals, Nicholas Hytner’s 1996 film adaptation of Arthur Miller’s 1953 play, The Crucible, is overall a viable adaptation of Miller’s original work. Many of the directorial changes made by Hytner in creating this screenplay are successful in further emphasising Miller’s central ideas. The characterisation of Abigail Williams is captured appropriately in the film displaying her overall manipulative nature by drawing extensively on the original text, thus exploring Miller’s idea of the use of hysteria and rumour in order to seek personal vengeance. Hytner’s depiction of Salem is well represented and the use of space, both outdoor and indoor, helps to visually depict Miller’s
Studying Abroad will give me the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and the culture of a new land, learning about my major in a different context as well as learning another nation's culture and
My whole life I have dreamed of making a difference, helping people, and sharing my love of my career: music education. My chosen career will give me the wonderful responsibility of sharing my passion for music while teaching it to others in hopes that they too will love it and learn from the experience. Furthermore, I am pursuing a career in education because I aspire to make a positive difference in my community and in the world.
The minority is defined by relative weakness of its social praxis, lack of the government representation, the unfairness of the judiciary towards it. The minority is a group of people who are signed out from the others in the society, receive unequal treatment and regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination (Akhtar, 2014). Even though the United States is multiethnic country and the number of minorities is growing, the treatment of minorities is still discriminatory.
One of my goals in life will be to travel the world. I want to go to Machu Picchu, Peru, Italy, and France. I would love to go to Paraguay to visit the
I immigrated to Canada when I was really young. It took time to accommodate, but learning other country’s culture and language were really interesting. From this experience, I know the how valuable it is to travel to different countries. It gives you lots of challenges that you can go through and learn from. Coming to Canada has made me more of an outgoing person than I was before.
My passion for music and Astrophysics has become a cornerstone in my life and its history had started when I was just a baby. When I was little my parents would put me to bed but instead of continuing with their work discreetly they would keep playing their music. Having fallen asleep to several different genres of music, I had grown a tolerance and a love of music at a young age. With this newfound love of music I had found, I wanted to express it in more ways than just listening to it. Until recently the relevancy and importance of playing questionable music as I was falling asleep had gone unnoticed and was seen only as a humorous topic.
I had no idea what I wanted to major in and I was almost finish taking all my basics. I went from nursing to Dental Hygiene to Business and then to teaching...
After two semesters at Lehigh Carbon Community College, I got accepted at California University of Pennsylvania where I would continue my athletic and academic journey. Again, I only went there for two semesters, because my nerve disorder was coming back I needed to come home to see my doctor on a monthly bases. Finally after two major surgeries’ and lots of physical rehab, I finally beat a 4 year soccer injury when I came home from Cal U of PA. Things were looking up, and I was determined to get my associates
My high school days have been spent at a STEM focused school, where I have worked to get my associate's degree alongside my high school diploma. I've worked my hardest to succeed, often resulting in a loss of sleep, and having to give up many extra curricular activities. Through these years I've learned that my passions are encompassed mainly in fine arts. Music is a big part of my life and is a passion of mine. I have been learning the piano since I was little and later added violin to the mix. I found my passion for musical theater a couple years later, and began to immerse myself in the various aspects of it. Art,
“Should the taxpayers of Australia be spending large amounts of money for very costly and short 15-30 minute displays of fireworks on New Years Eve”. Good morning, Mrs Arnold, Ms Shiels and fellow classmates. Today I would like present to you why I believe fireworks on New years eve are a waste of money and why the amount spent on fireworks should be reduced and how all this money could be spent in a way that would be more beneficial towards not only the people that suffer in third world countries and the people that beg for money to stay alive but also the communities. In Sydney alone, the total cost of the firework display on New Years Eve was worth approximately 7.2 million dollars which ran for a duration of 20 minutes. This is equivalent to $360,000 per minute. Imagine all the lives you could save if this money was put towards saving the lives of those that barely survive day in, day out. Fireworks also leave behind harmful products that have an affect on the community.