
Significant Life Events Essay

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|Programme: | |HNC/HND HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE | | | | | |Unit Code/Title | |HNHS 121 | | | | |Unit Credits/ level | | Credits 15 QCF LEVEL: 5 | |Tutor: …show more content…

PART III: Analyze the impact for others in health and social care when an individual experiences significant life events (800 words maximum) PART III Guidance: Using the case study above, analyze the impact for the carers at the housing project when Robin was diagnosed with cancer and subsequently died. This INTERIM ASSIGNMENT covers LO2 2.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational policies and procedures in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events 2.2 explain how others in social networks may provide support to individuals experiencing significant life events 2.3 Evaluate the suitability of external sources of support for those affected by significant life events 2.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational policies and procedures in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events (1000 words) Guidance * Conduct a literature review (journals; text book, etc.) on the safe guarding vulnerable individuals (i.e. children; disabled; elderely) policy within health and social care settings and summarize its aims and objectives * Evaluate the effectiveness of a care home for the elderely organizational policy (safe guarding vulnerable individual policy) in supporting elderly people and

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