
Silence In Elie Wiesel's Night

Decent Essays

What does silence mean? In Night, a book wrote by Elie W, answer is shown. Night explains what silence is. Silence is the absence of, therefore silence is the path of death. Silence deprive from the desire of live, because we can see how the silence deprive the character the desire of live. “Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire of live” (Wiesel e22). The live of the main character is a night, that makes he lose his hope and want the death. Silence is the result of oppression. “A few young men forced her to sit down, then bound and gagger her. Silence fell again” (Wiesel e51) After they had been forced they fall in silence, oppressed by the strength and authority of that young men. Summing

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