
Silvia Parra Dela Longa. Professor: Leslie Richardson.

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Silvia Parra Dela Longa
Professor: Leslie Richardson
ENGL 2342
26 February 2017
The Style of Ernest Hemingway According to critic Robert McCrum, associate literary editor of The Observer, and writer of six novels ( The Sun also Rises ranks number 53 on the list of the 100 best novels of 20th century American Literature. Why does The Sun Also Rises is respected as landmark in the world of words? One of the reasons is about the writing style of Hemingway, which transformed the path of American and English literature.
Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, and his time into journalism, helped Hemingway to shape his peculiar approach in writing prose. These influences gave born to three recursive concepts embodied in Hemingway’s works: …show more content…

Was Flaubert who turned the novel into a descriptive activity and Hemmingway took advantage of it by understanding sensorial writing, and later “synthesizing” it with fewer words.
Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory was born from his learned lessons into journalism. Immediately after he finished High school, Hemingway started working in a newspaper office in Kansas, City; this gave him practice and enormous experience in writing short sentences. He said, “On the Star you were forced to learn to write a simple declarative sentence. This is useful to anyone. Newspaper work will no harm a young writer and could help him if he gets out it in time (”. As a journalist, for Hemingway was imperative to communicate events as soon and effective as possible, he had to be brief and clear. So he developed his “stripped down pros style (” which would serve him in the near future, to revolutionize American and English literature. Carlos Baker, American writer ( said “… as a writer of short stories Hemingway learned how to get the most from the least, how to prune language and avoid waste motion, how to multiply intensities, and how to tell nothing but the truth in a way that allowed for telling more than the truth (”. Hemingway became an expert in this “minimalistic” way to describe events; and later, he applied this

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