Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician and media tycoon who served three times as Prime Minister of Italy. Berlusconi is the longest-serving post-war Prime Minister if Italy and third longest-serving since Italy’s unification, holding three separate terms. Berlusconi is also the controlling shareholder of Mediaset and owner of A.C. Milan, one of the most successful soccer teams. In 2012, Forbes magazine ranked him as the 169th richest man in the world with a net worth of US$5.9 billion (Forbes).
Berlusconi was born in Milan in 1936 where he was raised there in a middle-class family (Willey). His mother was a housewife and his father was a bank employee. Silvio was the first of three children, where his sister and brother are both
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In 1978 Berlusconi founded his first media group, Finivest, and in the five years leading to 1983 he earned some 113 billion Italian liras (US$78 billion). The funding sources are still unknown because of the complex system of holding companies that makes them impossible to trace, despite investigations conducted by various state attorneys.
Finivest soon expanded into a country-wide network of local TV stations which had similar programming, forming in effect a single national network. This was seen as breaching the Italian public broadcaster statutory monopoly on creating a national network which was later abolished (Global). In 1980 Berlusconi founded Italy’s first private national network, Canale 5, followed shortly thereafter by Italy 1. Berlusconi was assisted in his successful effort to create the first and only Italian commercial TV empire by his connections to Bettino Craxi, secretary-general of the Italian Socialist Party and also prime minister of Italy at that time. Craxi passed an emergence decree legalizing the nationwide transmissions made by Berlusconi’s television stations. After some political turmoil in 1985 the decree was approved definitively but for some years, Berlusconi’s three channels remained in a legal limbo, and were not therefore allowed to broadcast news and political commentary. In 1995 Berlusconi sold a portion of his media holdings to a German media group Kirch Grroup and
John Joseph Gotti, Jr. was born on October 27, 1940. He was the fifth child of eleven children. His parents were John J. Gotti Sr. and Fannie Gotti. John Gotti's father was believed to be a hardworking immigrant from the Neapolitan section of Italy, though Gotti would later describe his father as a New Jersey native who has never set foot in Italy and never worked a day in his life to provide for the family. The Gotti family grew up in the slums of the South Bronx. Although Gotti denies it, his father worked hard to move them out of the poor neighborhoods. John J. Gotti Sr., after much perseverance, later moved his family to the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood. However, after living in Sheepshead Bay for about a year, the Gotti
Giovanni De Bicci De Medici: Giovanni established political and financial power of the Medicis and was one of the richest bankers in Italy because he was also the Medici bank founder. Giovanni was the first Medici to really like the looks of art and decorate his house with it and support
Antonio Vivaldi was born in 1678 in Venice; he was the eldest of nine children born to Giovanni Vivaldi and Camilla Calicchio. His family was fairly poor; his father was a barber turned professional violinist. His father cofounded a musical fraternity called the Sovvegno Dei Musicisti di Santa Cecilia in 1685 with Giovanni Legrenzi, a famous Venetian music figure. Antonio traveled around performing with his father
On December 27th 1921, Angelo Alessandro was born to Vincenzo and Carmella. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska where he would later grow up in his Sicilian family (B.C.). His parents were not very wealthy so they decided to wait to get his birth certificate officially registered until January 1st 1922 to get the special New Year’s Day first baby prize. They got free food among other things (Personal Account).
Fiorello LaGuardia was born on December 11th 1882 to immigrants of Italian and Jewish ancestry in New York. He served as the mayor of New York City from 1945-1945. He is considered to be one of the mayors who redefined New York City politics. Fiorello had a very long career in politics before serving as mayor. After graduating New York University law school in 1910, LaGuardia practiced law and was appointed Deputy Attorney General. He also served many terms in Congress as a republican. LaGuardia lost his first try at the Mayor's race to Jimmy Walker in 1929, but was successful on his second try in 1933.
Benito Mussolini took control of the Italian government in 1922, and ruled until 1943. Under Mussolini’s rule, democratic institutions were shut down. The shutdown of democratic institutions resulted in a Fascist dictatorship. One of Mussolini’s main goals for Italy was to build a
Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy in 1469 to a middleclass family. The time in which Machiavelli lived Italy as a country
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici was elected in 2012 to represent Oregon’s first district, which is located Northwest of the state. Bonamici is currently on two committees which are Education and Workforce and Science, Space and Technology. Her main priority as Congresswoman is to advocate for federal policies that can benefit working families a chance to succeed in the economy. Bonamici has been a big advocate in not only helping workers to become financially secure but also saving up for their retirement. Congresswoman Suzanne has been a strong supporter of raising the federal minimum wage, giving workers the opportunity to voice their opinion in their jobs, paid family leave and giving women the opportunity to have access to family
In the Romano Pitesti case, Tickton-Jones’ Management Team is faced with a situation that is not altogether uncommon in the business world, in that some employees feel that members of the Sales staff are being given “special” treatment by the company. Romano’s actions have probably not been as bad as what has been described to Management, but due to the fact that employees are still trying to find their place in the new, combined company, any hint of “unfairness” is immediately put under a microscope by other employees, and therefore, Management will have to take some sort of action, in order to show the other employees that their concerns are being taken seriously.
Again, both society’s beliefs are common also to Italy and not only US. When being interviewed at TV regarding issues of public administration, most of the time Italian politicians root the causes of the problems to bureaucracy and as a consequence they highly promote privatization. A last recent example is the referendum in Lombardy, which is asking for more independence in the financial sector and health sector, in order to prevent government intervention which, especially in Italy is a sign of disruption and corruption. The benefits of privatization could be high, as also Sandy Spring showed in the US. However, as also Douglas Amy states, in the end the difference among state bureaucracy and privatization is minimal and negligible.
His many works include the “Palazzo di Parte Guelfa,” the “Rotonda degli Angeli,” and the “Ponte a Mare at Pisa.” There is however some debate to whether Brunelleschi was responsible for the original designs for the Pitti Palace. After his death he was buried in Santa Maria del Fiore. However, his tomb was not discovered until 1972 (Lombroso 5).
Alphonse Capone was born the fourth son of an Italian immigrant family on January 17, 1899. Growing up in a rough neighborhood nearby a naval yard in Brooklyn, New
Now the whole earth used only one language, with few words. On the occasion of a migration from the east, men discovered a plain in the land of Shinar, and settled there. Then they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, burning them well. " So they used bricks for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city with a tower whose top shall reach the heavens (thus making a name for ourselves), so that we may not be scattered all over the earth. " Then the Lord came down to look at the city and tower which human beings had built. The Lord said, "They are just one people, and they all have the same language. If this is
It seems like the only sector of Italy that has thrived is its underground black market. These lucrative and subversive activities account for over 25 percent of the country’s GDP. This puts a burden on the Italian government since all this lost revenue is not subject to taxation. Italy’s chief of state, or president is Giorgio Napolitano, who has served since May 15, 2006. Napolitano’s main responsibilities are to approve the Council of Ministers and to provide the prime minister with advice. Berlusconi leads the Forza Italia, a Christian-democratic, liberal majority political party in Italy. Forza Italia was founded in December 1993 and was merged into The People of Freedom March 2009.
Niccoló Machiavelli was born on May 3, 1469, in Florence, Italy. This was during the golden ages of Florence, a powerful point in its history. His parents were Bernardo