
Similarities And Differences Between High Noon And The Most Dangerous Game

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Similarities and Differences between High Noon and “The Most Dangerous Game”

When you are losing in something, has giving up ever crossed you mind? In High Noon Will Kane has the thought of giving up. Although he is the hero of the story, he still wants to give up, but he can’t. In “The Most Dangerous Game,” Rainsford goes from being the hunter to being the hunted. They both go from being powerful to being small. Although both stories have different characteristics, their settings and plots are similar. Even though there are many similarities in these two stories, the two stories have different characteristics. The two main characters have different throughout the stories. For Rainsford he mentality is different for Kanes because Rainsfords …show more content…

In both stories the plot is kinda similar and kinda different. In “The Most Dangerous Game” the plot is that Rainsford swims to a isolated island after falling off the boat and meets General Zaroff. After meeting, and staying with General Zaroff, Rainsford has to survive 3 days from General Zaroff, because General Zaroff wants to kill Rainsford. “I’ll cheerfully admit myself defeated if I don’t find you by midnight of the third day” (225). In High Noon the plot is that Frank Miller is coming back to kill Will Kane, and Will Kane has to fight to survive. Kane manages to kill Frank Miller and survive. “ I sent a man up five years ago from Meyer. He was supposed to be hanged, but up north they command it to life. Now he’s free-I don’t know now. Anyway, it looks like he’s coming back” (225). Now the plot of the two stories is similar and different because not stories, the main characters have to survive against someone who wants to kill them. And it is also different because their is different meaning behind why Rainsford and Kane want to be …show more content…

Both stories have similar setting because they are both isolated. I might not seem like it but in “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford is isolated on the island. Rainsford has no where to run and no where to hand because they island is isolated from any other land. “So I bought s island, built this house, and here I do my hunting . The island is perfect for my purpose-there are jungles with a maze of trails in them, hills, swamps” (Connell 221). High Noon, they also have the same setting because Kane is also isolated in his small town. He had no where to run and know where to go. If he leaves town he would die in the middle of no where. The only way to leave the isolated town is by train. “ Railroad track. The parallel lines of the track merge in the hazy distance” (Foreman 310). In both stories the main characters have no where to go and no where to hind because they are isolated in their town and in their

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