Similarities and Differences between High Noon and “The Most Dangerous Game”
When you are losing in something, has giving up ever crossed you mind? In High Noon Will Kane has the thought of giving up. Although he is the hero of the story, he still wants to give up, but he can’t. In “The Most Dangerous Game,” Rainsford goes from being the hunter to being the hunted. They both go from being powerful to being small. Although both stories have different characteristics, their settings and plots are similar. Even though there are many similarities in these two stories, the two stories have different characteristics. The two main characters have different throughout the stories. For Rainsford he mentality is different for Kanes because Rainsfords
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In both stories the plot is kinda similar and kinda different. In “The Most Dangerous Game” the plot is that Rainsford swims to a isolated island after falling off the boat and meets General Zaroff. After meeting, and staying with General Zaroff, Rainsford has to survive 3 days from General Zaroff, because General Zaroff wants to kill Rainsford. “I’ll cheerfully admit myself defeated if I don’t find you by midnight of the third day” (225). In High Noon the plot is that Frank Miller is coming back to kill Will Kane, and Will Kane has to fight to survive. Kane manages to kill Frank Miller and survive. “ I sent a man up five years ago from Meyer. He was supposed to be hanged, but up north they command it to life. Now he’s free-I don’t know now. Anyway, it looks like he’s coming back” (225). Now the plot of the two stories is similar and different because not stories, the main characters have to survive against someone who wants to kill them. And it is also different because their is different meaning behind why Rainsford and Kane want to be …show more content…
Both stories have similar setting because they are both isolated. I might not seem like it but in “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford is isolated on the island. Rainsford has no where to run and no where to hand because they island is isolated from any other land. “So I bought s island, built this house, and here I do my hunting . The island is perfect for my purpose-there are jungles with a maze of trails in them, hills, swamps” (Connell 221). High Noon, they also have the same setting because Kane is also isolated in his small town. He had no where to run and know where to go. If he leaves town he would die in the middle of no where. The only way to leave the isolated town is by train. “ Railroad track. The parallel lines of the track merge in the hazy distance” (Foreman 310). In both stories the main characters have no where to go and no where to hind because they are isolated in their town and in their
The movies/stories of High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are very similar but different in a way. Kane and Rainsford are the main characters of the stories. The two are being hunted down by their arch enemy. Frank Miller is Kane's enemy, and Zaroff is Rainsford's enemy. Kane's best friend, Harvey, wants to be in charge—the Marshall—after Kane leaves town with his new wife Amy. Rainsford defeats Zaroff, and he might take charge at Ship Trap Island if he decides he wants to. Frank Miller's crew hasn't done anything wrong yet to get arrested; however Zaroff did.
The main character, Sanger Rainsford, feel of a boat and after venturing, mets a dangerous sociopath. When comparing High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game, they have similar settings and different conflicts and main characters. The movie and the short story have similar settings. "
High Noon, a critically acclaimed movie. "The Most Dangerous Game", an awarded short story. High Noon stars Will Kane, a sheriff who put a criminal in jail, and now is back for revenge on the noon train which is the only way in and out of the town. "The Most Dangerous Game" stars Rainsford, a hunter who gets stuck on a island who hunts men for sport, and is the next prey for the man. The stories might seem not different or similar to some people, but the setting, characters, and themes have both similarities and differences.
In the storyline of High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game, the two protagonists learn to feel fear when fighting the antagonists. Carl Foreman wrote the film, High Noon, it is based off a marshal who is retiring, has to fight to protect his town from criminals. The Most Dangerous Game written by Richard Connell, is about two experienced hunters who hunt one another to one's death. In the film, High Noon, and the book, The Most Dangerous Game, both have they're differences between their settings and conflicts, but they also have similarities between their two main characters. Will Kane and Sanger Rainsford share similar traits that affect both storylines.
The themes for High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are vastly different, yet both portray equally important message that we witness in the stories. " Then Amy's gun goes off, and
A similarity between the two stories is their serious tone. Both main characters are alone and under the threat of death constantly. An example of this from High Noon is when Miller in a flashback says, “‘ You’ll
The two stories, High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game, build up the protagonist Rainsford and Kane in different ways, and create similarities and differences in which these characters have. The differences impact the stories to make them different; however, they still end up being some what the same. As these stories progress, there are similarities that start to form. High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game both have common ideas that help create the stories but also share a handful of differences as well.
One of the biggest differences in these stories would be the characters and their actions. In the Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford is a well-known big game hunter. Later in the story, he is being hunted by a general named Zaroff. Rainsford gives up hope, but he doesn’t give up on trying to
In the movie, the lonely sheriff is named Will Kane. The story "The Most Dangerous Game" is about a hunter named Rainsford who is being hunted by another highly skilled hunter. The two share differences in themes, but are extremely similar when it comes to character and plots. One
High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are exciting stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. These stories are about a main character that almost loses their life facing a mighty enemy. The stories are filled with irony for example in “High Noon” the sheriff that usually hunts down criminals is now hiding from them, or how in “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford, the hunter, is now being hunted down like an animal. Although the main characters in High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game have many similarities there are also many differences especially in the battles they had to fight.
High Noon and "The Most Dangerous Game" share many similarities throughout the text. For example the setting. Both stories do a great job of displaying how far away the characters are from civilization. "It bakes in the sun, a rather crooked and winding street that seems deserted now in the Sunday calm" (Foreman 288). This quote from High Noon, focuses in on the Main Street of the town. It isn 't very busy because of how small the town is, and the fact that it is in the middle of a desert. The only way in and out of the town is by train and not many people want to go into the desert, so the town doesn 't have many visitors. "Jagged crags appear to jump up into the opaqueness; he forced himself upward, hand over hand. Grasping his hands raw, he reached a flat piece at the top. Dense jungle came down to the very edge of the cliffs" (Connell 214). This quote
As expected, both stories have many resemblances to each other, including the small scale, and the larger scale. You can see from reading both tales that Bradbury made the settings homogenous. Each situation is in a place away from
The Most Dangerous Game is about its theme of corruption and its plot events, something that differs from the story and movie. The main difference is the ending and theme of the original versus the adaptation. In the short story, it is unknown whether Rainsford takes on the role of the general after killing him out of spite and lust for revenge or gets off the island. This enforces the theme of the fact that man is corrupted when they are given great power or an enticing offer for said power. The movie, however, changes this and has Rainsford escape the island with Eve, a girl who was in Zaroff’s captivity. This changes the ending to where Rainsford kills Zaroff out of defense and to save another survivor, thus making him be a moral person. These endings change Rainsford as a character from a hunter corrupted by the savagery of Zaroff to a bold defender of
Though both stories have so many differences, they also share many similarities. Both stories, “The Sniper” and “The Most Dangerous Game”, have a dark, serious mood. This mood makes both stories more exciting and suspenseful. Both stories are about risks, which mean that deaths will happen in the story.
Did you know that “The Most Dangerous Game” and “The Hunters In The Snow” could be similar in so many ways but have some differences in both stories? There are two main characters in “The Most Dangerous Game” and that is Rainsford and General Zaroff and in “The Hunter In The Snow” has three main characters and that is supposedly friends and that is Tub, Frank, and Kenny. In both stories there are similar times that the elements of the two stories could have similarities and differences. In both stories there are instances that involves hunting. In the stories there could be as each characters have problems with each other or individual. In the stories there are times when the author wants to get the point across and allow the readers to