A lot of the character development and events that take place in A Song of Ice and Fire happen because of one large word we call “love”, and whether that be in terms of a brother, child, or partner it can make us do some pretty crazy things. A time in particular that represents this is when Bran is climbing around Winterfell and he catches brother and sister Jaime and Cersei Lannister having intercourse. Jaime proceeds to push Bran off of the window sill in an attempt to kill him, but instead grants Bran immobilization and amnesia of the events that caused his fall. After Jaime shoves Bran he recites a cliche line “The things I do for love.” I think through this quote and the other events that happen because of love in the story George R.R.
The stories Fahrenheit 451 and “There Will Come Soft Rains” both by Ray Bradbury share similarities and a common theme that the author tries to send a message about. Fahrenheit 451 is about a futuristic society where people do not read books and firefighters start fires instead of putting them out. There Will Come Soft Rains is about an automated house that is basically a helper which does everything for one like breakfast. However, nobody lives in the house and it ends up burning down either way. These stories share the dystopian elements of control and advanced technology while sending a message of how technology can be an effect in the future world.
Both “Fire and Ice” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay” are great reads. They have their differences, but they have similarity’s as well. Having the common themes, while staying unique is impressive. The shortness of good things, stressed in the first poem. As well as the argument of how the world will end. These poems by Robert Frost make you think, that is what makes them so memorable.
As an individual falls in love, they believe that they are ready to sacrifice anything for their loved ones. In reality, this is not true because love is created by their own desires (unclear sentence). Romantic love in the play Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare is a selfish act.
Intertextuality is the relationship between texts, or the way that one text is similar/influenced by another through techniques such as literary devices and narrative elements. Gone is a novel written by ‘Michael Grant’, and was published by ‘Harpercollins’ in 2008. In the book, everyone over the age of fifteen in the town of Perdido Beach disappears, with a dome barricading those left inside. The kids are left to survive on their own, with some developing powers after a nuclear explosion in the past. The Hunger Games is a also a novel, written by ‘Suzanne Collins’ and was published by ‘Scholastic’ in 2008. The book was adapted into a film in the year 2012 under the direction of ‘Gary Ross’, and will be compared to Gone. The story follows Katniss Everdeen in a post-apocalyptic setting, where children from twelve districts are sent to fight against each other for food, money and other necessities. Both texts share similar themes with each other, so how does setting impact the intertextuality between themes used in The Hunger Games and Gone?
“You have to make choices even when there is nothing to choose from,” (Peter Zilahy) and these characters make choices that will change their lives forever. Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 and Truman Burbank from The Truman Show are living in drastically different dystopias and realize how imperfect their ‘perfect’ societies really are, so they do something about it. They have limits created by a higher power which leads them to think less about their choices; the problem is, their curiosity gets the better of them. Truman and Montag are living limited lives in their dystopian society.
It’s been said that the truth hurts, but a lie is worse. Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury and “By the Waters of Babylon” by Stephen Vincent Benét connect in many ways, one of the many would be by theme. Although some differences between the two books are evident the similarities are pronounced. The similarities would be how the past is kept from the people with lies in both stories, also how both are curious and want to find the truth, and lastly how they both have a character change.
Many, if not all, novels portray a theme, a subject of discourse, discussion, meditation, or composition, within them. The theme is the heart of the story. It is used as the central focus, and expresses the intended lesson, conclusion, message, or point of view of the author. Countless novels share communal themes, some of which include Fahrenheit 451 and Oryx and Crake. These are two distinct novels with many dissimilarities, yet they share common similarities within them, both carrying parallel themes. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury paints a dystopian future where the government has forbidden books and orders them to be burned through the work of fireman. These firemen include the likes of Guy Montag, who begins to question his life after an encounter with his young neighbor. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood takes a whole different turn, her story centers on Snowman, who used to be known as Jimmy before the world was wiped out by a deadly plague. Snowman, who’s now the only human to survive, is tasked with conveying his wisdom and morals onto the Crakers. Although these novels seem to be completely diverse, they both are about the fall of society through the censoring of information.
Throughout the novels, Of Mice and Men and A Separate Peace, there are plenty of similarities shown from the contrasting themes to the character’s growing personality. In each story, is a set of friends that do everything together and go everywhere together. It is their common hopes and dreams that encourage them to succeed and hopefully achieve what they wish. The characters’ friendships are seem almost inseparable; however, they face many hardships because of physical and mental differences shown within. The predominant themes echoed in the novels, Of Mice and Men and A Separate Piece, are the hopes of achieving the American dream and the values and struggles of friendship.
Although love is typically a positive emotion or concept, it is most often truly a more negative notion, due to its consequences. Love is known to bring people together in the beginning, but also tends to customarily pull or even break people apart by causing chaos and rivalry. The loss of love could even cause insecurities to surface. In Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, one of the lovers, Helena, is scorched by love’s misfortunes when it comes between her and her ex-lover, Demetrius.The misfortunes of love force Helena into becoming an insecure woman who allows her emotions to cloud her judgement.
“It is the nature of people to love, then destroy, then love again that which they value the most.” –Unknown. Countless authors have tried to display love as human nature, but no author does this better than the famous playwright, William Shakespeare. In both Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare exhibits how love can control a person. To understand how love controls a person, one must understand that human nature is the sum of qualities and traits shared by all humans. All humans have exhibit love in one way or another, which explains how human nature relates to the controlling aspect of love. In Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, conflicts between loyalty to family and friends, lack of trustworthiness towards others,
William Shakespeare had made many great plays in his time such as Romeo and Juliet. There were a few films that were made to resemble Romeo and Juliet. Such as the films with Leonardo Dicaprio made in 1996, the play with Orlando Bloom made in 2014, and the movie with Leonard Whiting made in 1968. All the films highlight what each author thought about Romeo and Juliet. Each film has their similarities and differences.
As an individual falls in love, they believe that they are ready to sacrifice anything for their loved ones. In reality, this is inaccurate because research by Grant Hilary Brenner M.D, a psychiatrist said that love is created by own desires . Romantic love in the play Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare is a selfish act. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/experimentations/201710/we-project-romantic-partners-our-own-desires-cheat
Fairy tales such as Snow White, have been rewritten and interpreted in many different stories throughout a vast amount of years. Two stories that retold the tale of Snow White were “Little Snow White”, Written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Snow White and The Huntsman, directed by Rupert Sandors. The brothers Grimm wrote the “Little Snow White” in 1812 and explained the story of Snow White as a young child who was targeted to be killed by a jealous queen and hide away in a house of 7 dwarfs. In their home, Snow White was constantly tricked by the evil queen and killed then brought back to life by the 7 dwarfs. The story of Snow White and the Huntsman was directed in a much darker direction than the brother’s Grimm version where survival was sought for both the huntsman and Snow White. Similarities arose in both versions where Snow White had to survive a terrible ordeal that she is being placed in from being vulnerable to tricks from the queen in the brothers grimm version to surviving from her stepmother but also from the environment she encounters conflict in the Snow White and the Huntsman movie. The themes of both versions contrast each other since Snow White beauty is able to save her from different situations in ‘Little Snow White”, however, the queens obsession on being young and beautiful ultimately led to her downfall in Snow White and the Huntsman.
In order for love to be true it must come from both sides equally. Its power will not be strong enough to overcome all obstacles if its foundation is not pure. In Pride and Prejudice, Austen paints a portrait of the power of love as merely unbreakable whereas Shakespeare arguably portrays it as weak and vulnerable.
A buffer arrangement is one that is impervious to change in pH when little measures of solid corrosive or base are included. For instance, when 0.01 mole of solid corrosive or base are added to refined water, the pH drops to 2 with the corrosive and ascends to 12 with the base. In the event that a similar measure of corrosive or base is added to an acidic corrosive – sodium acetic acid derivation cradle, the pH may just change a small amount of a unit. (1)