
Similarities Between Animal Farm And The Truman Show

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In the novel Animal Farm and in the film The Truman Show both authors explore the concept of how people have different dreams and thoughts on their own life. The texts also explore attributes of the way people abuse their power. But this doesn’t just get delivered gilded for you, Animal farm uses an allegory to bring this to the point of the Russian Revolution. With links to Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. Similarly in The Truman Show there is messaging towards improper uses of power and a so called “ Good Society ”.

Everyone’s dream is different and it’s very rarely that 2 people have the same thoughts on a utopian society. This is displayed in The Truman Show when Truman thinks Fiji is utopia because it is a get-away from society, but Christof thinks utopia is a white picket fence house with the ¨perfect wife” and the ¨perfect job,¨ but that doesn't seem to be the case for Truman Burbank. Likewise in Animal Farm, George Orwell shows that the pigs have 2 different ideas on how life would become easier for the rest of the animals. Which as the same as Truman Show it ends in shambles when the 2 ideas cross paths.

You never know the outcome when people in power keep changing. Each one of these people oppress a different level of control over the nation or group they’re in charge of. In the Truman show, Weir displays ways that power in the wrong hands is bad. This is majorly shown throughout the whole film. As in when Christof, the director of the reality TV

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