Australia and New Zealand are both located in Southern Hemisphere of Oceania. They used to have ties between the British colony, which explains why their flags are so similar. However, Australia was founded to be a penal colony, and New Zealand was founded to be a religious colony (Clarisse, 2011). For their proximity to be so close the two countries were thought to be basically the same; however, they are also different. One of the topics that they can go hand-to-hand on is their government. Their government is different because Australia is State Government and Federal Government with Constitutional Monarchy. Their government is split up into three arms which are Legislature, Judiciary, and Executive (Sawe, 2016). While New Zealand is a Single
Center convictions and qualities are gone from folks to kids and schools, places of worship, organizations and the Government is strengthened by. New Zealand is a multicultural country lives in the nation in each and every gathering so they put their things as per the gathering, as per the Group on the particular's chicagos pizza sort to use with a mixed bag of beverages so made.
China has, for a sustained period of time, been one of Australia's most important trade and economic partners. But this has not always been the case. Since the late 1970s China has moved from a closed, internal focused economy to more of a global market oriented one that plays a major part in other nations economies, like Australia's. Although China is technically a Socialist nation, market capitalism is actively encouraged, much the same as in Australia. In 2010 China became the world's largest exporter, with exports ranging from natural resources to manufactured goods. (CIA-World fact book) Australia's economy, in this sense, differs from that of China's. As Australia is simply too expensive to manufacture goods ("Holden, Ford,
The Australian flag was chosen in 1901, when a competition was held to design our country's flag. The guidelines of this competition included that the Union Jack and Southern Cross should appear on the flag. However, I believe that in the year 2001, the Australian flag needs to be changed. During the course of this essay, I will show that the Australian flag does not represent all Australians, in particular, Aboriginal Australians and that the symbols on our flag are no longer relevant and are not unique to Australia. I will also show that the present flag is not instantly recognisable and is too similar to flags of other countries.
Australia’s type of government is a constitutional monarchy whose head of state is Queen Elizabeth the second. During its early western history, Australia was a collection of British colonies, therefore, it’s literary, visual and theatrical traditions began with the strong links to the broader traditions of English and Irish literature. Australia's economy is developed and one of the largest mixed market economies in the world.
China and Australia are very different countries in terms of religion, culture, language, and system of government. However, there are some similarities in regards to the economic conditions of both countries. These economic conditions can be broken down into 6 sub-topics. First, in regards to economic growth, Australia and China have been remarkably resilient during times of economic downturn.
A branch is contained within most governments and constitutions is the Legislative branch, and the United States and Australia are no exceptions. The similarities of the first part or article, which addresses the Legislative branches of the governments, is they both have a form of Congress, although in Australia it is known as Parliament. The constitutions determine this when they say “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress” (U.S. Const. art. I, § 1), in reference to the constitution of the United States, and “The legislative power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in the Federal Parliament” (Aust. Const. part I, § 1), as said in the Australian constitution. Also, within the Congress or Parliament exists a Senate and a House of Representatives, and the constitutions both govern the Senate will provide equal representation each state, while the House of Representatives shall represent each state by population. They also possess a similarity when governing the terms of office for those in the House of Representatives and Senate. For example, in either country the members of the Senate are elected for a six year term. In the United States the Senate contains two senators for every state, and for Australia the Senate is composed six senators for each original state. Additionally, in the Australian Senate
Over 50% of New Zealand’s population agree to changing their national flag. New Zealand have already created website, petitions and competitions based on getting a new flag. Australia is recognised by the national flag, unlike New Zealand which is recognised by a silver fern. If any country is too change their flag, it is a wise decision for New Zealand too.
The Chinese and Australia economies have many similarities and differences, including the size of the economies, growth rates, unemployment, inequality, standard of living, environmental issues and the roles the different governments have in influencing and modifying these factors of the economy.
In order to have a strong society that is able to meet challenges, Australias system of government is based upon core beliefes and attitudes that are respected by most members of the community in Australias democratic society. For example, our society is based on prevailing beliefes that the people, in free and fair elections, will elect a government that premotes freedom, tolerance and cooperation of the people by upholding basic human rights. Australia’s institutions and practices reflect British and North American traditions combined in a way that is unique to Australia and its people. We are lucky in Australia to have so many rights and freedoms that a lot of other countries around the world do not get to experience. An example of this
Australia and Indonesia both have similar structures of government as both countries have a separation of powers. A separation of powers is where the government is split into different sections so the power is spread all evenly throughout government. In Australia, only the legislative level has the power to make laws, while in Indonesia, this responsibility is held by all three levels of government. These are the National, Provincial and District. The power to enforce laws is held by
Australia has a lot of different costumes, foods, and clothing. Australia has a very good government that exports a lot of stuff to other countries. The type of government existing in Australia is federal parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. Australia exports Wool, Coal, Gold, and nuts .The president of Australia is Anthony John .Australia first attained its independence on “1 January 1901 (from the federation of UK colonies)”
In the Australian constitution the Queen holds the executive power and also has legislative power. The Governor General is appointed by the Queen and is also the commander-in-chief. Another difference between the two countries is the Australian judicature. The High Court of Australia does not have the power of judicial review. Ultimately, in Australia the parliament and the prime minister have the complete power.
New Zealand and the U.S. are similar in many ways. For example, both the U.S. and New Zealand have three branches of their government. Those branches are the Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Executive branch. The citizens of both countries can vote on their government. Both countries also have a constitution and a cabinet. They both were ruled by Britain at one point, but gained their independence. These countries are very similar to each other. But they do also have many differences.
When you think of the “land down under” you don’t really think of the kind of government they have. I chose to write about the Australian government because I really don’t hear much about Australia. It currently has a pretty interesting story to tell when it comes to their government. I became a bit interested in Australian politics when I saw a political animated cartoon on the internet that depicted Kevin Rudd, the last Prime Minister, on a news television show and it was quite humorous. I am going to give a quick history lesson on Australia then go into how the government formed and came to be. Then I will talk about the Australian constitution, the Australian arms of government, their federal system, political parties and Australia’s
New Zealand 's constitution is very unique and is the base of our legal system. The constitution is unwritten allowing a variety of elements that make up our constitution some are; constitution conventions and statutes. New Zealand 's constitution structure is separated into three branches; the legislature, judiciary and the executive . The executive is the decision making branch, it is believed that the executive is where the real power of parliamentary supremacy lies, as the decisions they make influence the process of legislation . Throughout this essay I will emphasise how statutes are more important and effective in contrast to constitution conventions.