The time spent in school between the Chinese school system and Canadian school system is different and similar in some ways.
Firstly, the number of years you have been in school can tell you your grade, so in both school systems is 16 years in total.
The division for the 16 years is different though.
In Canada we have five years in Elementary school, three years in Middle school, four years in high school, and four years in University.
On the other hand, Chinese students have six years in Elementary school, three years in Middle school, three years in High school, and four years in University.
Second of all, there are significant differences between the timespent in school each day.
In Canada, students in Canada go to school at
A country’s economic system decides its education system. Since China and Canada have different economic systems, China is developing on a diversified ownership economy, while Canada is running its economy by pure capitalism. It is obvious two different education systems run in those two countries respectively. And from my personal experience and some hearing from my friends, I found five main disadvantages of China’s education comparing with Canada’s education.
Over a period of year’s education has grown to be very important to many cultures all over the world. At one time in many cultures children were only taught what was necessary to get along and sometimes only children of the wealthy would be taught. China’s government
In America, students usually are not required to wear a school uniform to school. Grades 1-5 are counted as Elementary Schools. Grades 6-8 are counted as Middle School, and Grades 9-12 are called High School. Summer vacation is around 10 weeks long in America. Students are usually driven or bussed to their schools. At lunch, works prepare and serve the food to students. In America, Janitors clean up the school after the students leave.
The Chinese education system is the largest in the world and always wants the best higher education for the academically gifted. It takes twelve years to complete primary and secondary school. In 1986, an education law was passed stated that 9 years of education was mandatory for Chinese children (“China Education Center”). Only the brightest students are allowed to continue their education at a higher level. Because all Chinese students want the best education, it is difficult to get into high schools.
When the book began it discussed Chinese education. Their education system did not seem relevant because in America our education system is not as strict. There was mention of the long hours that children are in school, and the constant studying they do. Although we study in America we do not take it to the extent that the Chinese do, spending all day at school, and then all night studying, is not an everyday American trait. The only similarity we possess is the emphasis on standardized testing, which from previous studies, we have seen is not good. Zhao even recalls a protest that broke out about the testing and how it promotes cheating. He states, “in June 2013 in Hubei
The extended year schooling, or also known as year-round schooling, is what contributes to the other nations having a higher IQ. China’s students go to school for 223 days and have an average IQ of 107. France shares our amount of days and shares our average IQ of 98. Also, the year-round schooling will stop the summer “Brain Drain.” The “Brain Drain” is the loss of academic skills that happens over the summer. The year-round schooling is the best path towards having an outstanding nation.
Also, staying in school for longer periods of time contributes to more learning time. Although a traditional school and year round school go to school for the same number of days, year round schools still have long periods of times without a break. During those times additional classes or extra material can be covered exposing the students to more opportunities. Keeping children out of trouble is a great benefit that year round school provides as well as frequent, short breaks and being able to learn
Schools. Students in year round schools dont learn more than their peers in traditional nine month schools, new research was found.
Year round schooling, the name seems much worse than it is. A typical belief of year round schooling is that students attend more days at school because they are in school a year long, but instead they break the long three-month break into smaller pieces. Year round schooling provides a more beneficial education to students of all ages. With the all year schedule students do not spend a long period away from the classroom; therefore, students are able to maintain their knowledge. Traditional schooling is still widely implemented among the United States even though the statistics are proven against it. Year round education needs to be incorporated in every school system; it has been around for over a century with numerous known advantages over
Year round schools are 230 days and traditional schools are 180 days. Year round schools have 9 weeks of school and then a 2-3 week break. Traditional schools have breaks near the holidays and a 2-3 month break in the summer. Traditional schools don't have to run there A/C all summer long. Year round schools do because they have to go through the summer.
Each country has its own kind of education, and education always plays an important role in affecting students’ life and study on many aspects. Having received ten years of education in China and two years of education in the U.S. I would like to compare and contrast a few significant aspects of these two different kinds of educations. Knowing that no two education systems are the same, the differences between American education and Chinese education allow countries to take the essence and discard the dross through learning from each other so as to improve their own current education systems.
The differences between the Chinese education and the American education are more obvious in people’s mind, not only to the international students, but also to the native students and some people who study on this. As more and more Chinese students come to America to have better education, we should think about why the American education system is better and how could we change our system to have a new education system in China. These differences have some deeply reason, like the American is the nation which loves freedom. It took long time to make such a big difference between the two education systems, and we need longer time to change it. An undeniable
Canada's educational system is similar to the United States. They have three levels, Elementary (Primary School), Secondary (High School)
The differences that exist between the Chinese and American education systems are great and obvious. However, some of these differences don’t play to the strengths of the representative country. American schools allow for greater freedom of movement and choice, while Chinese schools decide the “what”, “where”, and “how” of educational circumstance for the students (Bush, tony, and Qiang Haiyan). These differences in structure should lead to a greater educational standard being held by China, but that isn’t always the case. This paper will examine the differences in education system in the two countries and show that the Chinese system, while
Canada and Sweden are both wealthy countries without any major issues such as natural disasters or dictatorship. These circumstances have made it a lot easier for the countries to develop good school systems. Because these countries are so similar and because they have developed in the same pace, the school systems are very similar. I have chosen to focus on the differences and similarities between these two countries when it comes to the first six years of education including preschool.