
Similarities Between Egypt And Greek Civilization

Decent Essays

The first major civilizations were established along rivers, which provided the inhabitants with transport for trade and farm produce. Each of the civilizations shared some similar characteristics, such as living in cities, they had a form of writing, they depended on trade and agriculture, and they formed governments, were polytheistic, as well as had advanced forms of architecture and art . This paper seeks to examine the similarities and differences between the Vedic-Aryan civilization and the Egyptian civilizations during the Pyramid age.
The Vedic-Aryan Civilization
The Vedic-Aryan civilization took place between 1700 BCE and 100 BCE in the northwest India after the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization. The Vedic-Aryan civilization got its supplies from the Indus River, which provided a source of water for crops and animals. The people practiced trade with sea-going crafts as evidenced by the sea-faring harbor discovery in Lothal, India. The civilization was characterized by urban planning, sewerage system, as well as units and measures for trade purposes.
The Egyptian Civilization
The Egyptian …show more content…

The two civilizations have since passed down the cultures of writing and architecture with an emphasis of city planning as well as flood walls and story buildings although the Aryan lifestyle was more leaned toward agriculture and stock breeding but lived in the settlements occupied by the earlier Indus Valley civilization counterparts. However, the two share a common reason to their decline which can be attributed to severe flooding and unrests among communities. The Vedic-Aryan civilization caused the decline of the Indus Valley civilization as well as an absorption of the traditional practices and believes into their own culture, the pyramid era signified the beginning of a fresh civilization from scratch

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