
Similarities Between English American And French Revolutions

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The future of a country is somewhat contrasted through distinguished moments in history, the English, American and French revolutions proved this theory by shaping the countries into the powerhouses they are today, all of which have some similarities in the general causes that lead to the countries rebelling and eventually creating a new political and social order. The first of the three, the English Great Rebellion was the result of the monarchy and its following fighting the wishes of parliament throughout the 1640’s. The cause originated from James I who believed in the divine right of kings, basically casting out the parliament involvement, even though the two were actually supposed to act as a ‘balanced polity’. James I and the parliament disagreed on many things, but …show more content…

The Puritans within the Anglican Church, wished to eliminate these Roman Catholicism beliefs, but Charles had these protesters alienated, which for the early part of the revolution was a bad decision on Charles I behalf. The conflict that had arose during the reign of James (1625- 1649) had extended through to his son’s time in the monarchy, with Charles I sharing the same religious beliefs as his father. This added hostility to the situation with parliament and also with Puritans, forcing thousands to relocate to the land of America. As England eventually slipped into a civil war, fighting over the right of religious practices in court, the people of Ireland and Scotland started supported parliament and the roles of which it should have in the United Kingdom. As protests mounted, the New Model Army of

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