The Natives and Europeans collided with one another when the Europeans came to America in the early 1620s. The discovery of the Natives and Europeans brought new ideas to the table, some ideas that were not acceptable for one another. When the Europeans first came to American it evaluated the impressions that they had for the Natives. Europeans saw that the Natives knew how to farm on lands, how to hunt, and other basic survival skills, which the Europeans later on took advantage of, because they only depended on the Natives. Native and European Americans are similar in some aspects, but are also very different in many ways. Both, Native and European Americans, share some aspects such as believing in a higher power, trading goods with others, …show more content…
The creative tales and wonders that Natives told were creative in nature and the way they cherished life. Native Americans’ religions varied, but different tribes believed being developed from a higher power and believed life came from the earth. Some examples of Native tales about religion start out, “In the beginning there was only darkness, with sky above and water below”(26) from the “Navajo creation Story,” and, “The lower world was in great darkness the possession of the great monster, but the upper world was inhabited by mankind,”(27) from the “Iroquois Creation Story.” Furthermore Natives had weaker immune systems and when the Europeans came across the Natives, they became very ill and many died from these new diseases. Natives Americans would trade raw materials and food with others, whereas the Europeans traded weapons and iron materials. Natives had a weaker defense system and did not have advanced weaponry as the Europeans did. Natives only participated in war to prove their strength and wanted the land only to declare it as their personal property for the tribe. Natives without a doubt were more spiritual and adapted towards nature. Natives as we see learned on their own throughout nature, much of it was self-taught, they were givers, and were very cooperative. Now what about the Europeans and what are the differences they have with the
There has been many interaction between Native Americans and white settlers since the European first came here. There has been wars and destructions, many people were killed just because we want to take the possession of the land; the Native Americans fought back but in the end we win and take away the land from the Native. We can see it through “The McGillivray Moment” by Joseph J. Ellis and “Chief Joseph Surrenders” by Mark Stevens in the book “ I Wish I’d Been There”, there are changes in way the Americans policies and ideas about Native Americans in the 2 different time period but there are also some similarities, too.
The first interactions seemed quite peaceful between Christopher Columbus and Native Americans. He only sought to see how they lived, learn culture, and bring back several of them to show the King and Queen of Spain. He found many useful resources on these islands he first landed on. Once all of Europe had heard of this everyone was in a hurry to reach the Americas. All of Europe was racing for power, land, and recourses, and the only thing standing between them and that power was Native Americans and the Atlantic Ocean.
The Europeans traveled to North America. They have also caused a lot of conflict. One of the problems was that they passed a disease that they had before they arrive to the Native Americans, the disease was called smallpox. Once the disease was spread around many Native Americans had died. Another tension was that the Europeans was getting used to the Native Americans giving them food and sharing their land.
At first Native Americans, Europeans and Africans were separated by the vast oceans in between their continents, but as technologies and trade in Europe advanced the three region’s worlds collided. There were various similarities and differences in policy, economy and religion amongst the three regions but alas, contact between these empires reaped inevitable change among all these for the better or worse.
European families always put the males first, whereas African and Native American cultures saw the woman as the symbol of family bond. The children were said to be descended through the mother’s side more than the father. Religion was somewhat similar between the Native American and African cultures where the Europeans strongly disagreed with. Africans believed that there was a center power and Native Americans believed there were several deities, where they both believed that focused on nature and the its forces. They both believed that objects (usually scared to them) held sprites of the dad and spirits that can be evil or good. On the other hand, Europeans believed that there was a single deity with written scriptures which was all run through
The Europeans and the Native American’s come from very different customs and cultures. The colonists had very
During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to come over to the new world, they discovered a society of Indians that was strikingly different to their own. To understand how different, one must first compare and contrast some of the very important differences between them, such as how the Europeans considered the Indians to be extremely primitive and basic, while, considering themselves civilized. The Europeans considered that they were model societies, and they thought that the Indians society and culture should be changed to be very similar to their own.
Europeans and Native Americans both retained religious beliefs. Though, Native Americans articulated their beliefs in a less structured way. Europeans were monotheistic. They attended churches led by and educated clergy. And, unlike Native Americans, interpreted written scriptures. In
The Native American 's encounters with European colonists led to different interactions between the two, as well as a development of varied relationships. America had been home to Native Americans since around 13,000 B.C. The Europeans arrived in America around 1492 to find that the land was already inhabited. Before the Europeans arrived, the Native Americans had lived in harmony with nature and with each other in communities, having strong family ties. When the Europeans arrived, they held different values than the Native Americans. As the Europeans settled in New England, Chesapeake and New York/New France, these differences shaped the relationships between the Native Americans and the European colonists.
Throughout United States history, various Native American tribes responded differently to the European colonization process. The various ways that the Native American tribes responded to the Europeans coming to their land resulted in different outcomes for each of the tribes as well. When the Europeans first came to America, they did not know how to interact with the various Native American groups that were spread out all over the United States, and the Native Americans also did not know how to respond to the new settlers trying to take over their land.
1.The initial contact between Native Americans and the Europeans was far more unique than any other racial interaction because the Native Americans were already residing in the United States. As for other ethnic groups, they were foreign to the new soil in Northern America. At first, the Native Americans held hospitality towards the arriving Europeans, whereas, the Europeans did not hold any hospitality towards the arriving immigrants. The Europeans response to the Native Americans hospitality was to slaughter and exploit the entire race for the mere profit of land access.
They viewed the world different because they both were selfish and didn’t know how to get alone and work together. Native Americans viewed land as something that was only suppose to be used communally by all the members of their tribe and no one else. The Indians felt they didn’t have to share with anyone unless it was someone in their tribe. They felt like the other people should have to get their own since they had too. So since the Indians did that the Europeans felt the same way. So if both of them felt like that they could never had got along or worked anything out. Europeans saw it as a resource that could and should be owned by individuals who could keep it as their own and didn’t have to share. Everyone was so selfish when it came down
The arrival of Europeans in America greatly disrupted the life of the Natives. The natives had their own culture in America with their own special beliefs. When Europeans arrived they tried to alter the way Native Americans lived their lives to resemble their way of living. The Natives did not respect this because they had previously built a lifestyle in America that they wish not to be transformed. The two cultures had different opinions about government, religion, land, and society. Due to the many differences between the Native and European people, it was unfeasible that there would be no conflicts between them.
Indians and Europeans are two different type of people. Indians are people who immigrated to the Americas who divided into tribes and developed their own customs. Europeans, especially Spaniards and Portuguese, are Catholic people and that what they want are power and riches.
The European colonists and the Native Americans of North America had very different views on nearly everything they encountered in their lives. Living in vastly different cultures lead both groups to have two extremely different outlooks on four main topics; religious beliefs, the environment, social relations, and slavery, differences which the colonists used to their advantage when conquering the peoples of the New World.