
Similarities Between Everyday Use And Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

Decent Essays

Kristen Deutsch
Essay #2, Fiction
English 109-BAH

Relationships between family members can be incredibly troublesome. Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” are two short stories which show striking similarities when it comes to family relationships between characters, but they differ a great deal in setting and socioeconomic status. These stories feature girls who struggle in relationships with their mother and sister. Dee, from “Everyday Use” and Connie, from “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” are young women who share a similar character identity. Their issues strongly mirror each other when it comes to personality traits and identification as a member of the family, despite the drastic differences in culture and context.
Both girls are ashamed of their families and their situation. Dee wants to be sophisticated, educated, and cultured – but she comes from a basic family who lives on a farm. Her mother and sister have very little to no education, cannot read well, and do not have the means for the style and sophistication which Dee craves. When Dee is with her family she gives off a condescending attitude, as if she has to dumb herself down to be around them. The narrator, Dee’s mother, mentions that Dee …show more content…

In the scene where Dee attempts to take home a few family quilts, this is highlighted. “Maggie can’t appreciate these quilts!’ she said. ‘She’d probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use” (Walker 75). She believes that Maggie is too simple minded to understand their cultural value. Further, she thinks her mother isn’t cultured enough to understand their meaning either. “You just will not understand. The point is these quilts, THESE quilts!” (Walker 76). Evidently, Dee holds herself in a higher class than Maggie and her mother. She is above her origins in that family, or so she

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