
Similarities Between Frankenstein And Macbeth

Decent Essays

The meaning of text is understood by readers through the way the story is written and how it is written. Authors attain their purpose of writing a novel through their beliefs, recent events and many other things. They usually determine the form of text after deciding the purpose. Mary Shelley and Shakespeare went through a similiar process when writing Frankenstein and Macbeth. The purpose of text and the form it takes generate meaning which is indicated by Shelley with a purpose of indicating you should never destroy your creations by using a horror fiction novel and by Shakespeare using a play to indicate ambition can be dangerous.
Frankenstein was written in the form of horror fiction which was a popular genre amongst people when the book was released. Mary Shelley’s purpose to writing the novel …show more content…

Victor, the curious protagonist was interested in learning new things ever since he was a child. “It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn…” (Shelley 33) says Victor about himself. The description that Victor gives about himself startles the audience, thus Shelley successfully creates interest within the audience by using a first person description. Victor stayed in isolation for a long time and he didn’t tell anyone his desires, thus if the form of the text would’ve been in third person the description wouldn’t have been so accurate and compelling. After working for many months Victor is finally able to create a living creature out of a corpse. Ironically, Victor is not happy about his creation, instead he gets horrified of the monster that he has created. Thus Victor is shocked and abandons his own creation leaving him to suffer on Earth where he is not

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