
Similarities Between Henry David Thoreau And Emerson

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Transcendentalism was a very influential and important movement of its time. It allowed for free thinking and a simpler life. Authors Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were the main voices of the movement, and they wrote about pressing problems of the time. The literary pieces, " from Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson and "from Civil Disobedience" as well as "Slavery in Massachusetts" by Henry David Thoreau, exemplify the society that they lived in, its government's questionable decisions and why you should resist them, and the need to be alone in the modern day.
Ralph Waldo Emerson teaches us that to be alone, and experience nature to its true potential is incredibly important in becoming a better and more independent person overall. …show more content…

Henry David Thoreau expresses his opinion on this topic, he does not agree with the power that the government has over the people. In his Essay, “Civil Disobedience”, Thoreau states, “That government is best which governs not at all”(380). This is saying how the most effective government, is a government that does not rule over their citizens, a government that respects its people, and doesn’t make decisions without the consent of the people. The government at this time had made some very questionable decisions around the time this was written, one of which was that the US declared war on Mexico, which sparked anger between a large group of citizens. When the government did this it showed how they don’t ask the opinion of the citizens on important matter like this, they instead make their own decisions. If the people of the US, just act passively through this than they are allowing the government to commit these actions. But, if some resistance is added, then it allows you to voice your opinion, and have the chance of making change. Though the government makes questionable decisions, with some resistance change can be made, more power can be given to the

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