In my history class we went over World War I and World War II. My teacher asked us to compare two of the greatest leaders. I am comparing Hitler and Stalin. They are to totally different people.
Hitler is a fascist and Stalin is a terror. World War II is also what people say is “Hitler’s War” in the twentieth century. “Stalin and German dictator Hitler signed a nonaggression pact.”( “Hitler believed that Germany should fight wars.”( They both had something to do with Germans but it was for two totally different reasons. Stalin and Hitler are both very powerful people and they hate eachother so much, for so many reasons that i will tell you. The book says “When Hitler’s army invaded the Soviet Union and threatened
The biggest difference in the two's method on becoming the central figure in their countries government was Hitler's was very short, and acted more on instinct to win over the respect of his country in a little over a year. While Stalin's was more of a very strategic chess match, so he had to build his positions slowly and had to remove many contenders that would enable him in his goal. Then very carefully set up his last opposition for his crucial, checkmate.
Both Hitler and Mussolini possessed an overbearing hunger for power. Mussolini and Hitler’s goals revolved around ideas of expansion and domination. The leaders knew that in order to reach their main goal they had to gain the respect of other countries. The process started with the restoration of their countries reputation. Hitler and Mussolini approach to this was to abolish all democracy in order to obtain control. They gained the power they needed through the Nazi and fascist movements. In Adolf Hitler's novel, Mein Kampf, he confesses how Benito Mussolini inspired him to form the German fascist movement. In the novel, Hitler explains “we must inspire discipline and blind faith, for the side with the best discipline and most blindly obedient (easy to control, do not question) troops always triumph.” This excerpt describes Hitler's own ‘fascist worldview’ in steps. He believes that in order to achieve a functioning government one must gain full control of the government. Through their reign, Germany and Italy enforced laws based on both Nazi and fascist beliefs. Despite their similarities, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini didn't see eye to eye. After the publication of Hitler novel, Mussolini claimed to have thought it was weak and boring. Mussolini's goals were extremely similar to Hitler's goals as both leaders were very power hungry and
Whereas Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler are different as Joseph Stalin was the Communist leader of the Soviet Union, while Adolf Hitler was the Nazi leader of Germany; they both were more concerned with consolidating and expanding their own power, rather than pleasing the people.
Dictatorship throughout the ages has mainly led to oppression and conflict between people and government. Some of the notoriously bad dictators took office around the 1920’s and 1930’s. There were three main dictators in that time period and they all ran different countries in very different ways. Josef Stalin was known as the dictator of the Soviet Union, he was all about communism and did not care if there was opposition to his ideas. On the other hand, Benito Mussolini was in charge of Italy and all about fascism. Possibly the worst known dictator of all times was Hitler, in charge of, Germany, he was all about Nazism. Each had a different outlook on ruling, but they all did things similarly to lead to nations hatred against them. Basically, their ultimate goal was to do what was best for their countries, however, there want for power tended to get in the way. They all wanted to accomplish many things, they used many different ideas and ways to run their nations. They were all blamed for their nations demise in one way or another. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.
The rulings of these two leaders had many similarities yet still had some differences. Their beliefs in running the country came to be very alike. Hitler and Mussolini both had negation of parliamentary and democratic political order, the use of violence and of physical strength, and the “revolutionary project” of a new society. Hitler and Mussolini feared any kind of strong and permanent power other than their own. This system of government where many institutions clashed with one another was extremely chaotic, and only the one leader could keep it working.
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are 2 notoriously known people in world history. Both Stalin and Hitler are known for the great number of deaths they have caused. Although both men have totally different reasons on why they killed so many people their ways of leadership are somewhat alike.
However, Hitler came to power constitutionally; his Nazis Party had got almost 50% of the Reichstag seats, and he was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg. Unlike Hitler, Stalin did not create his own regime. He became Lenin's successor in 1927 after the three-year power struggle with Trotsky. Both Hitler and Stalin were dictators and infallible leaders of their countries.
Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union are two controversial regimes. Hitler and Stalin were both Dictators of the countries they ruled. When Hitler and Stalin are compared, we can clearly see that each one of them were cold blooded killers. They are both responsible for an absurd amount of innocent deaths. Hitler is believed to be responsible for killing at least six million Jewish people during the Holocaust; Stalin is responsible for the killings of millions of people (many of them Jews).
The rulings of these two leaders had many similarities yet still had some differences. Their beliefs in running the country came to be very alike. Hitler and Mussolini both had negation of parliamentary and democratic political order, the use of violence and of physical strength, and the "revolutionary project" of a new society. Hitler and Mussolini feared any kind of strong and permanent power other than their own. This system of government where many institutions clashed with one another was extremely chaotic, and only the one leader could keep it working.
They both had different visions of what they thought was superior. As mentioned perviously, Hitler came to rule when Germany was struggling financially
When compared, Nazism and Stalinism are most often debated in terms of totalitarian regimes. Further comparisons can be made however, when looking at how both regimes were able to ascend to totalitarian status and how the aims of Stalinism and Nazism compare. Both Germany and Russia possessed imperialistic ambitions that spilled over into Central and Eastern European countries. Both Nazism and Stalinism sought to build utopic societies by implementing a final and permanent revolution. People that did not fit into to the utopic image created by Stalin and Hitler would be forcibly removed from each society by the use of violence and terroristic tactics. As Nazism and Stalinism rose to power, they implemented a system of inclusion and exclusion by creating an image that all nationals should aspire to. Poland was a victim of both regimes’ attempts at utopia and was nearly completely lost to the annals of history.
Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin were both Bolsheviks looking to make a communist state in Russia. They both had ideals and methods that brought them to where they got to and what they had achieved. While Lenin was more of a democratic follower, and allowed inter-party discussions, he was also a great theorist of socialism. He was also a communist who focused on the temporary capitalist development of Russia. As for Stalin, he was an opportunist politician, and was also a communist mostly just for his personal benefits and gains. He had and followed socialist policies and didn’t have the best personality and attitude, he was quite rude and disgraceful. These two leaders were mainly shaped into who they were due to their past, by comparing them, it will show if their pasts affected their ideology and methods as how different it was, also seeing how with the similar aims, how with their different attitudes and personality, they were able to
They both inherited the same nature at birth. Applying Xunzi’s theory, the differences would be that one practiced benevolence and righteousness, as well as followed the proper rules and standards, and one (Hitler) obviously did not. This also suggests that these elements are principles that have to be known first before being put into practice. It is about the environment that one is brought up with that influences the way one acts.
Although Stalin and Hitler proposed very different ideologies, there are a few similarities between these seemingly conflicting political philosophies as well. Both Bolshevism and Nazism derived from periods of war that “translated politics (from) the lessons of the trenches”, such as chaos, violence, extreme passions, and the importance of the collective over the individuals and the uselessness of sacrifices (Furet 163). In essence, both Stalin and Hitler emerged as “saviors” during a time when both Russia and Germany were familiar with violence and general disillusionment, while simultaneously dealing with social and political upheaval. These two autocrats employed the use of absolute power, as they believed that it was necessary to advance
During World War I, Hitler had joined the army and his experience especially his injury was believed to be one of the main reasons for him being so eager to improve his country quickly. His emotions such as pain and hatred towards the army stimulated his hidden ambition. In Germany, Hitler used the power of enabling law to get rid of most things he didn?t want, for example he used his secret polices to arrest the opposition. On the other hand, under the influence of Marxism Stalin emphasized the idea of communism, where all citizens worked for the country is different from the concept of democracy where individuals have priority. In communism, a dictator leader is often needed in order to put the policies into practice, because other political parties cause the communism regime to fall apart, especially in undeveloped countries. The public needed to believe that communism was absolute and the only way to good life in order to make the system work smoothly. The similarities here were that they rejected all opposition political parties, but they used different concepts-Mussolini and Hitler did not introduce the communism idea.