
Similarities Between Joe Rntz And Elie Wiesel

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Joe Rantz and Elie Wiesel are both people that had many similarities. Joe Rantz was a man that wanted to compete in the olympics but had to have faith in the people he was going to row with. Elie Wiesel was stuck in Auschwitz. He also had to have faith. He had to believe in himself and have to have faith in god. Another similarity Joe and Elie have is that both of them lost their families which is a tragedy that they both must overcome. While in the Auschwitz camp Elie had to have faith in himself and have to overcome the tragedies they both dealt with which was losing their families. When Elie's family went to the camp he lost his mother and sister immediately. It was just his dad and him. His dad got killed from a disease and Wiesel couldn't do anything about it. Those were the tragedies Elie had to overcome. Wiesel was losing faith everything including himself and God. ¨My eyes had opened and I was alone in a world without God, without man.¨ He really thought he was going to die. Joe Rantz wanted to compete in the olympics but he had to have faith in the people he got teamed up with. He didn't know if he was going to get tricked. He had to believe them. Rantz also had to overcome a terrible tragedy which was losing his mother. Those are the similarities Joe Rantz and Elie …show more content…

They had to have faith and overcome occurred tragedies but the only similarity there was that Rantz and Wiesel lost their family. They had to overcome the same tragedy. But their faith was different. Wiesel was losing faith and Rantz had to have faith. Wiesel was not accepting God anymore. ¨I no longer accepted God's silence. The only similarity there was that it was both about living. Wiesel did not want to die and Rantz had to believe in the team and know that he would be safe. Rantz did not know any of the people he was teamed up with. And then the other situation they both had were the deaths of their family

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