
Similarities Between Nora And Antigone

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Nora, Emma, and Antigone 1. Nora most resembles Emma’s moral values. Nora and Antigone almost have opposite moral values. Antigone is greatly concerned with the law of God and the importance of family, which sends her on an illegal quest to properly bury her dead brother. While Nora does make sacrifices, like Antigone, for her husband, her moral code does not stem from God or an obligation to others. Like Emma, Nora molds her moral values to fit her survival needs. Emma has affairs because she has no other options. Emma is confined in her marriage, and because she is a female, she cannot leave her husband. She turns to Rodolphe and Leon, fitting affairs into her moral code to satisfy her needs, giving her what she desires without completely breaking away from societal standards. Nora obtains a loan because it is what she needs to do in order to save her husband’s life. She lies to her husband about how she obtained the money; she knows Torvald would never stand for being in debt since it could potentially ruin his reputation. Because Nora was a doll to both her father and husband, she had to turn to lying and excessive spending habits in order to obtain some ounce of power and control over Torvald. While lying is typically considered morally wrong and a sin, lying is a necessity for Nora. All three women find themselves at a disadvantage because they are women who are attempting to achieve something taboo. Antigone wants to bury her brother, a traitor; she chooses to follow

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