Feudalism was a social system in ancient Japan and Europe. While this system is not current, it still influences society today. Samurais and knights followed different codes and raised many different traits above others. The class systems were different. Mobility between classes in feudalism was nearly impossible. Although Japan and Europe both had a feudalistic government, they remained dissimilar.
In these two place’s form of feudalism, the soldiers were different. Samurai warriors could commit suicide rather than face dishonor. Also known as seppuku, where they would cut open their stomach and another person, called a kaishakunin, would sever the spine. “As the human spirit was believed to reside in the stomach, slitting the stomach open was considered to be the most straightforward, and bravest, way to die. Therefore, this act was a privilege reserved for the samurai”. However, knights had to remain faithful to the Catholic Church and were bound against suicide. The codes for the samurais and knights were different in the aspect of what they held high. Samurais followed the Code of Bushido were they elevated “devotion, obedience, duty, respect, self sacrifice”. The knights were supposed to follow the Code of Chivalry where they had to hold things such as honesty, faith, diligence, hope and valour on a pedestal. These two types of soldiers were
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The lower classes were mixed around between the two. The lowest class in feudal Japan was the merchant class. The merchants were thought as useless because they made material things that were not a necessity. However, in feudal Europe, merchants were looked at as okay. They were the commoners. The highest class in the feudal societies were not the same. In feudal Europe, a king held all of the power and was looked at as the head. However, feudalist Japan held emperors higher than the shogun but they were just a figurehead. The shoguns held all of the political
First let's talk about the codes of the two. The samurai’s code was the Bushido (Doc. E). The knights code was the code of chivalry (Doc. E).The bushido were mostly about honor and respect, and the chilvey was about power and mercy(Doc.
The similarities between samurais and knights were greater than the differences due to the similarity in the hierarchy and the armor they used to protect themselves. The Samurai were “warriors who owed loyalty and military service to daimyos for land or regular payment.” They made up about 10% of Japan’s population. Similarly, knights were “warriors who owed loyalty and military service to the lord for land.” (Document A) There were about 12,000 knights in England and Normandy, France in the 12th century. Even though Japan and Europe had no communication or access to each other, both areas placed the warrior classes in the middle of the hierarchy and owed loyalty/military services. This shows that the social order of both Feudal Japan and Feudal
You are a child at the age of 17 being trained by your master. He has taught you many things. Soon you will become a samurai. How do you feel about becoming part of the Japanese army? The time of the knights and the samurai took place at the same time. These people served for their country to help provide protection from enemy armies. They both developed feudalism to keep the land in order. The three ways that the knights and the samurai are more different than the same are: Their code of honor, their type of armor, and their training.
The first reason why the differences are greater than the similarities is because of the social order in feudal Japan and Europe. ”Historians and other scholars use social pyramids to show how societies were structured” (Document A). The samurai owned loyalty and military service to daimyo 's for land or regular payment while on the other hand knights owned loyalty and military service to the lords. Another difference about samurais and knights was the population. Samurai with families took about 10% of Japan 's population and in Europe, there was estimated 12,000 knights in England and Normany France in the 12th century. One more difference is that there are four people above the knight in the social order but only three for samurai.
My second reason is that the knights had very strong and effective armour, whereas the samurai’s armour was always changing and was never as good as the knight’s armour, as samurai depended more on their fighting skills instead of the armour. The samurai armour was made up of several sections. The main body is called a do or cuirass, and is made from plates or lamellae (small oblong-shaped pieces of steel linked by strips of leather and covered with layers of lacquer). The helmet has a crest and a hair pommel. There is also a face mask, which would have been decorated with ugly features intended to scare the enemy. Extra protection is provided by a coverage of the neck (made of jointed metal) and shoulder guards (made from small plates laced together, with silk allowing movement). Thigh and calf guards are made from a combination of chain mail and plates. Underneath the samurai’s armour, the samurai would wear a one-piece baggy garment with a special kimono (the kimono looks a bit like a dressing gown). This did mean that the samurai would be more likely to get injured, as the armour would only offer very little protection. Samurai armour was designed to help the Samurai move comfortably and efficiently when fighting, so if a knight stabbed the samurai then the samurai would get injured and this would affect the samurai while he is fighting (the samurai would be fighting worse), and possible depending on how bad the wound is, it could kill the
The Japanese samurai had a specific code to live by called the Bushido. To be a samurai you must have courage, be just, have mercy,and be polite. You must also have honesty, have a sense of honor, be loyal, and have self-control. In Europe knights also had a code to live by and it was called the Knights Code of Chivalry. Like the samurai the knights lived by the following guidelines: Faith, Charity, Justice, Sagacity, Prudence, Temperance, Resolution, Truth, Liberality, Diligence, Hope, and Valour. The knights were taught these characteristics and lived by these to be the best they could at there job.
Concrete detail.Knights believed in God.Most Knights were Christian in the form of catholic religion.Instead of churches they called them monasteries.Samurai believed in Buddha.Knights and Samurai believed in two totally different things. For example, Knights believed in a god named Jesus. On the other hand Samurai believed in a god named Buddha or Amida.Knights would give offering,go to church, and pray every day. Samurai gave food to Buddha and would say
Throughout history, the system of feudalism is used several times in different areas in the world. Because of this form of government, the European lifestyle changed dramatically as the Japanese culture began to form. Although feudalism in Europe had started earlier, the feudal systems of Japan and Europe are somewhat alike. However, they are much more different than they are comparable.
Document A shows the feudal social structures in both Japan and Europe. When defining samurai and knights it read, “Warriors who owned loyalty and military service to daimyos or lord for land,” both samurai and knights were awarded for their pledged loyalty with land for them and their families. Document E states that “both samurai and knights were both expected to abide by a code of honor.” Although the honor code that Japanese warriors followed was different than the one of the European knights, they had the same general idea. A warrior had to be honest, loyal, and just and if they ever ignored or dishonored their duty as a warrior then it would bring shame, not only on them but their whole
In the year 1000 to 1600 EC there was Japan and Europe region that did not have a good government and a army. The counts were trying to find a solution which was feudalism which means a system used to keep order on the land. The Samurai were with Japan and the knight where with Europe. In this essay we will find and see the difference and the similarities thing in the same rise and the knights. First we will see the similarities and then the differences in their own paragraphs then we will see which document go together.
The entire Japanese culture is based on honor. Honor extends to the nation, the family, and the individual. The samurai are no exception to a code of honor. The samurai follow the code of bushido. Bushido is closer to the western term of chivalry. Bushido places emphasis on courage, benevolence, justice, politeness, truthfulness, honor, loyalty, and most importantly is self-control. The samurai's primary religion is Zen. The samurai adapted Zen easily due to the philosophy that fits closely to Buddhism. Samurai may act in the extreme when it comes to honor. They will kill anyone who may dishonor them or their lord. Nothing is worse to a samurai than to have corrupt dealings. Some of the warriors believed, "Honor is the power of deciding upon certain course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering … to die when it is right to die, to strike when to strike is right." Other warriors believed that "Honor is the bone that gives firmness and stature. As without bones the head cannot rest on top of the spine, nor hands move, nor feet stand, so without honor neither talent nor learning can make of a human frame a
The japanese feudal system and the European feudal systems were very similar but also very different. In japan Women had more rights than they did in europe, in europe women had very few rights. Both had social systems but those social systems worked very differently. In both Japanese and European feudal systems the samurai and knights were allowed to kill commoners. In japan they believed in shintoism and zen buddhism, while in europe they believed in Christianity.
The element of the the existence of feudalism in Japan faces contradicting views from different historians. Some argue that this kind of system did not exist while others agree on the contrary. One of the factors that lead to contradiction is the inadequacy of historical materials related to medieval Japan (Hall, 36). A section of historians relies on materials on feudalism in medieval Europe. It is important to note that there is a different between the way feudalism took place in Europe and Japan. Note that these two regions differ in cultural and social values. In such case, there was a sharp difference between the two governing systems (Karl, 187). However, there are various elements of feudalism that were common in both regions. The existence
During the middle ages both Europe and Japan experienced feudalism. The feudal system in both social structures was very similar and different. The system of feudalism in Europe and Japan was a system that had similar roles for the nobles,and the peasants.Both cultures had warriors who defended the people of our country.They follow certain codes of honor. The feudal system has many similarities but also consisted of many differences.
Hey, Have you ever learned about the Samurai and Knights?? Well they had a few big similarities but lots of differences. Also in that era Samurai and Knights they had to be very loyal to their lord. I have a question for you. Were the similarities greater than the differences? No I don't think the similarities are greater than the differences between the Samurai and Knights. So no I think there are more differences than similarities. I’m going to be talking about the Samurai [Japanese Warrior] and Knights [European Warrior] is there Social position, Training and Armor, and Life and death.