
Similarities Between Samurai And Knights

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Feudalism was a social system in ancient Japan and Europe. While this system is not current, it still influences society today. Samurais and knights followed different codes and raised many different traits above others. The class systems were different. Mobility between classes in feudalism was nearly impossible. Although Japan and Europe both had a feudalistic government, they remained dissimilar.
In these two place’s form of feudalism, the soldiers were different. Samurai warriors could commit suicide rather than face dishonor. Also known as seppuku, where they would cut open their stomach and another person, called a kaishakunin, would sever the spine. “As the human spirit was believed to reside in the stomach, slitting the stomach open was considered to be the most straightforward, and bravest, way to die. Therefore, this act was a privilege reserved for the samurai”. However, knights had to remain faithful to the Catholic Church and were bound against suicide. The codes for the samurais and knights were different in the aspect of what they held high. Samurais followed the Code of Bushido were they elevated “devotion, obedience, duty, respect, self sacrifice”. The knights were supposed to follow the Code of Chivalry where they had to hold things such as honesty, faith, diligence, hope and valour on a pedestal. These two types of soldiers were …show more content…

The lower classes were mixed around between the two. The lowest class in feudal Japan was the merchant class. The merchants were thought as useless because they made material things that were not a necessity. However, in feudal Europe, merchants were looked at as okay. They were the commoners. The highest class in the feudal societies were not the same. In feudal Europe, a king held all of the power and was looked at as the head. However, feudalist Japan held emperors higher than the shogun but they were just a figurehead. The shoguns held all of the political

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