A few score and many years ago, The Gettysburg Address and I Have a Dream speech were shared each by one of two extremely inspirational men. Abraham Lincoln was one of these men, as well as an idolized president. He gave The Gettysburg Address in 1863 at the National Cemetary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Dr. Martain Luther King Jr. was an equal rights activist as well as a catalyst for social change. Dr. King even recieved the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 due to taking a non-violent stand against racial injustice. The I Have a Dream speech was given by Dr. King at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Both men presented speeches that fought for freedom and equality. Their speeches share many other similarities as well. One similarity between the two speeches is their purpose. Both The Gettysburg Address and the I Have a Dream speech were told to persuade it's recipients to change their minds on the topic of equality and freedom. These men wanted others to support their ideas and gain a clearer view on what needs to start happening in our country. Lincoln was …show more content…
Parallelism was used quite often in Lincoln's speech. One example of parallelism from The Gettysburg Address is "But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—this ground." Extended metaphors and repetition were the primary rhetorical devices used in King's speech. King used an extended metaphor to emphasize the issues that Negros are having. King says, "America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked 'insufficient funds.' But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt." King also used repetition to make sure his message is clear and gets through to his audience. Some phrases he repeats are "let freedom ring," "I have a dream," and "free at last." All of these rhetorical devices are contributors to why their speeches were
Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln wanted our world to be safe and have rights. Also to have justice and to stop the bloody war. King and lincoln were two similar orator who wanted to achieve almost identical goals. Lincoln was the president of the united states and the leader of anti-slavery republican party. His speech was delivered on the 19th november 1863 mat gettysburg during the great civil war. They both used emotive words engages both king and lincoln audience. Lincoln believe that their nation is under god.king fannie lou hamer and medgar evers were all important figures in the early civil rights movement. They helped to liberate african americans in the 1950s and 1960s. Lincoln wrote his speech for 2 reason. First the speech
President Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most famous known in United States history. The Gettysburg Address was given during one of our nation’s most trying times. It gave the Union and the Confederates both a sense of unity. The Gettysburg Address itself represented the slaves, the soldiers, and the union as a whole. For those many reasons, this famous speech should be included in the next addition of 40 Model Essays.
Abraham Lincoln will forever be embedded in history for delivering a presidency filled with work that was geared towards the best interest of the American people. Lincoln took the seat at a very difficult time in America’s early history, which was the Civil War. Lincoln made sure that after the war, that America rebuilds itself. One thing from Lincoln’s iconic speech that is not forgotten is “all men are created equal”. In today’s society, all people are granted the same freedoms and equalities. It could be said that Lincolns speech though was given in 1863 was the start of the Civil Rights movement in a sense. Even though it was only around 270 words, The Gettysburg Address was a speech with many messages8. These powerful words, spoken by an influential president, was sure to promote change and equality throughout America eventually.
There has been many important strides in equality in this country all the way back to the founding of this country. There has been many things that have represented our beliefs as a country and two believed to be of the utmost important. The Gettysburg Address is considered one of the greatest speeches ever given and The Declaration of Independence, we as a nation wanting to be free of the tyranny of Britain. The Gettysburg Address because It was such a short speech that it was never believed it would have the impact it has today but as we all know that thought was wrong. In the speech Abraham Lincoln was able to express so much with so little commemorating the soldiers who had fought the battle and used the ideals in which our country was founded. The Declaration of Independence was where these ideals of Freedom and Equality came from at least for our country that is. That the men who died and fought in the civil war were fighting for a country to have freedom, unity, and the ideal that all men are created equal.
In the I Have a Dream speech it quotes “I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of “interposition” and “nullification” — one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. The reader can imply from this information that Martin Luther King, Jr. hopes that in the future racism is obliterated from this earth and never seen again. The former and latter both had an intended audience for their speeches. In the Gettysburg Address it states “ Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.” President Lincoln was telling this to the people of America if any nation can endure this civil war. The reader can imply from the information that the civil war is very harsh for a nation to endure. Furthermore, MLK,Jr. also had a great vision of America and had a targeted audience. In the I Have a Dream speech it quotes “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.” The reader can garner from this message that the latter was targeting the people of America as his audience. Both speeches were for the people of America and had a great message towards them. In the
Two very influential speeches, The Gettysburg Address and The Second Inaugural Address were both spoken by Abraham Lincoln. The time period of the speeches is quite interesting, the first taking place before The Civil War and the second one, after The Civil War. His word choice is elaborate and precis, which makes it quite easy to analysis what he is trying to put forward in his speeches. Although some may argue that Lincoln had other ideas in mind, it is quite evident that his vision of America was heavily based around equality of all people. His underlined intentions, the information he puts forward, and his words about religion are all strong examples of his views on the situation of equality in America. This can be further explained by analyzing the two speeches in question.
Lincoln in trying to dedicate the battlefield to the men and woman who died in the war. He says, “We have come today to dedicate a portion of this field. ”(Gettysburg Address)That shows that he is dedicating a portion of the field to the people who died on it. King is trying to convince the lawmakers to pass the law that makes all blacks and whites equal. King tells us this by saying, ”The greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.
By using allusion to historical leaders and documents, he reminds the audience of the past and strengthens his argument the time for change was long overdue. Repeating the phrases “I have a dream”, “Now is the time”, “Let freedom ring” and “Free at last”, King used anaphora and repetition to bring the speech to a great climax and leave the audience completely energized. King also used parallelism to unify the movement’s effort into one group of equal parts by urging the audience to “Go back to” Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, as well as “the slums and ghettos of our Northern cities”. He also used parallelism to send a message of unification to all parts of the country by repeating the phrase “Let freedom ring” combined with names of many of our country’s mountain ranges, just as in the song “America” by Samuel Francis Smith (My Country! ‘Tis of Thee). Perhaps it was King’s use of metaphors that made the speech draw in the audience. He described the circumstances of racism and inequality with phrases descriptive of slavery including “flames of withering injustice”, “chains of discrimination” which connected the audience to their past while inspiring them to change their future.
Abraham Lincoln addressed the people of the United States in his writing “The Gettysburg Address.” Lincoln’s speech addresses how our nation dealt with the struggle of equality and humanity. Lincoln’s strong ideas and beliefs on humanity are shown in his speech: “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion” (503).
From comparing these two speeches, The Gettysburg Address, by Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president, and the speech, I have a Dream, by King, you find that they had similar visions for America. In their influential speeches, they both allude to an important event in American history. Lincoln refers to 87 years, before the civil war, when the forefathers signed the declaration of independence stating that they are independent from Britain (Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln). King also refers to the past saying, "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation." In which he is talking about the Emancipation Proclamation when President Lincoln issued it 100 years ago, changing the course and making the war a fight for the preservation of human freedom. The reader indicates that they choose to allude back to a historical event because it backed their speeches up with historical evidence and proof. Furthermore, the themes of these two spectacular discussions are quite similar. For one, they talk about how there should be equality and no one should be left out. President Lincoln state's, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." King stated that he had a dream that his children will be able to live where they won't be judged by their skin color, but by their character
From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial more than two score years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King electrified America with his momentous "I Have a Dream" speech. Aimed at the entire nation, King’s main purpose in this speech was to convince his audience to demand racial justice towards the mistreated African Americans and to stand up together for the rights afforded to all under the Constitution. To further convey this purpose more effectively, King cleverly makes use of the rhetorical devices — ethos, pathos and logos — using figurative language such as metaphors and repetition as well as various other techniques e.g. organization, parallel construction and choice of title.
King's speech directly quotes the Declaration of Independence and mirrors Abraham Lincolns speech by saying " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." So then, it is clear that both the Gettysburg Address and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech focus on the goal of equal rights for all Americans.
Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech was made on August 28, 1963. He talked about the history of his people: the Black nation and the need to be treated equal like other people. He makes a point that the Emancipation Proclamation declared freedom for the black man. However, it was the freedom that never existed, since it was a toothless tiger. He says that Declaration of Independence has given it all, everyone with color or white, the freedom to quest happiness, meaning jobs and better civil rights legislation.
Allerations that were stated by King in the speech were " Symbolic shadow we stand today" this was in reference to standing on the steps of the Lincoln memorial to the president who defeated southern states over slavery. " Being behind a great leader" meaning the father of Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln. Another alleration is " We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of the self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating"(M.L.K.).The repetitition in the speech is with rhythm and was actually not even in the original speech the whole part of the speech when King states " I Have A Dream' was add libbed the day of the speech. King uses repetition to touch on main points that King wants to express the most and generate strong emotion to and among leaders. When king keeps repeating " I Have A Dream, Let Freedom Ring".it is merely a technique to aid in memorability. Allegory in the speech is " Negro being free", and Persuading you to see and want the same. The Forecasting King used in the speech was stating in the beginning of the speech
“The Gettysburg Address,” a speech written by Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech states the importance of freedom and equality. Martin Luther King message to his audience In order to communicate their message of freedom and equality, Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln used allusions in their speeches. One major similarity in their use of allusions is their reference to the Constitution of Declaration of Independence. Yet, a difference is that King alludes to the Bible while Abraham Lincoln refers to the Civil War. In 1787 the Constitution of Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia by our Founding Fathers. The importance of the Constitution of Declaration of Independence is that it