
Similarities Between The Matrix And The Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

The Matrix brings a famous theory of philosophy to Hollywood, whether or not our knowledge of reality is true. This theory has been talked about by many philosophers, in reading the synopsis’s from two of these philosophers, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and Descartes “Meditation I of the Things of Which We May Doubt”, you can see the similarities and differences to the Matrix. In each of these theories they are seeking to know if our reality is real, or if an outside force for is manipulating it as long as they have lived. In Plato’s cave the manipulator would be the people containing the prisoners, only showing them shadows upon the wall. In Descartes meditation, he theorized that we were being controlled by evil demons. And finally in the Matrix a super computer is manipulating the human race. …show more content…

Once this person is set free, he would learn and adjust to the real reality and then he would realize that he is happy in the change and take pity on those still imprisoned in the wrong reality. Like the bound prisoner, Neo was kept and bound to a fake reality; only being shown images sent to his brain by a super computer, as the prisoner was only shown shadows on the wall. The prisoner is freed by his captor and is subjected to the real reality, but in the Matrix Neo isn’t freed by the captor, instead he escapes from the false reality. Once on the other side, the prisoner begins to be happy with this new reality and pity those still in the cave; while Neo chooses to escape the false reality and after doing so returns to the false reality to teach others the

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