
Similarities Between The Sun And The Great Gatsby

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In life, people often search for the conditions that make them feel content. The works of Ernest Hemingway's The Sun also Rises and F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is known for being extraordinary pieces of text, that are able to provide a story with a lot of messages that are meant to cause the reader to think. In both novels, the concept that people will go to great extents to accomplish what they seek is easily prevalent in both stories. The source of desire is an unique topic that is not entirely perfectly known however there are many popular theories that may be providing some possible answers. The Great Gatsby has many characters, all seeking for something in their life to make it more exciting some harder than others. A prime example is the main character …show more content…

What the schedule shows are the sacrifice and ambition that Gatsby had to become wealthy in order to attract Daisy. The events such as the workout periods and the activities that are supposed to improve physical appearances, shows Gatsby was willing to dedicate a copious amount of time to get the women he always wanted. Unfortunately, people will go to the extreme to have things be the way they want. Daisy from the book is an offence of using others to get what she wants where she even lies to Tom her husband by saying “‘ [She] never loved him’ [Daisy] said, with perceptible reluctance. ‘Not at Kapiolani?’ demanded Tom suddenly. ‘No.’” in order to get away from Tom to be with Gatsby (Fitzgerald 108). Daisy’s way of trying to be together with Gatsby, shows how willing she is to get what she want, she even goes and lies about the last few years with Tom, being extremely cruel to Tom by being immediately contempt

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