In her novel The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins clearly takes key elements of her story from the ancient greek myth of theseus. This story is very similar to The Hunger Games in several ways. In both stories each capital asks for tributes who will then have to fight for survival. Katniss like Theseus are very brave and strong and both volunteer to be put into these fights for survival. Both Katniss and Theseus have noticed the amount of injustice in their area. Katniss like Theseus succeed not only in winning the games but through love, in katniss case with Peeta, and in Theseus's case with Minos's daughter. In the hunger games, Katniss couldn't of won without peeta’s help, and same goes for theseus which in some way used Ariadne in his advantage
In the novel, The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins is a dystopian young adult book that is based in Panem that is divided into twelve districts. Each year the districts have to send a boy and a girl into an arena to fight to the death. The novel’s protagonist is Katniss, who lives in the poorest district. Katniss makes the audience think of the important ideas of bravery, societal class and love.
I chose to the modern mythology known as The Hunger Games a novel written by Suzanne Collins and later adapted into a feature film. The novel was actually part of a trilogy The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. The story begins by introducing you to our main character Katniss Everdeen who lives in a world run by the Capitol where President Snow resides and has enforced a form of martial law on all 13 districts. Every year the Capitol hosts their annual Hunger Games which is a form of entertainment for the Capitol. Out of every district two tributes, one boy and one girl will be picked to participate in the Hunger Games which is a battle to the death. Whichever tribute manages to survive till the end will be rewarded by getting to stay in the capitol and their district will be given more food and supplies. The reason Katniss becomes a part of the games is because her little sister prim is chosen during the reaping to be the tribute so Katniss hearing her sisters name volunteers as tribute to save her sisters life but she tries to win the games for her district and to provide for them. The only problem is she finds it hard to murder the other tributes because they are all so young and she doesn’t see why she must kill them for the Capitols entertainment.
I read the Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. In Percy Jackson he doesn’t want to be a demigod and in the Hunger Games Katniss doesn’t want to be a tribute but they both had no choice. In both books plenty of people are trying to kill them both, but they always prevail in the end. They are both brave and both will do anything for their family’s like go to the Underworld or volunteer for your death sentence. Also they both have special skills only one was inherited and the other was learned.
Every year a competition is held where one girl and one boy, ages 12-18, from each District is chosen for a game of survival. The last tribute alive, wins riches and lots of food. These games are called The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is from the poorest District, 12. She shows survival every single day of her life. Everyday she hunts, illegally, to supply for her family because her father died when she was young. Going into the games was no different. During a conversation with Peeta he says, “You know what my mother said? She said ‘District 12 might finally have a winner,’ but she wasn't talking about me. She was talking about you.” Because everybody knew how good she was at surviving, District 12 got a little bit of faith. He is saying that even his mom believed more in her than in him, because she had experience in survival and he, as a baker’s son, did not. This shows the audience that despite hardships and losses a human has the ability to overcome and do whatever it takes to survive. Katniss shows a strong relationship with her sister. After Prim, her sister, is drawn for the games she volunteers and goes into the games to protect her sister. Throughout the movie any decision that Katniss makes, is made with the thought of Prim. During an interview with Caesar Flickerman, he
The 1930s for the United States was not one of the best times in history. October 29, 1929 was the start of the great depression. One of the hardest parts of history in the united states. The Great depression was when the stock market crashed and unemployment skyrocketed. Unemployment reached to nearly 13 to 15 million people, which is about 25 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. Industrial production declined by 50 percent, international trade plunged 30 percent, and investment fell 98 percent, and almost half of the banks in the united states also have failed. People across the nation lost their farms and homes. Some traveled to other states in hopes of employment with no luck.
Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist in The Hunger Game series, is one of the survivors of the hunger game. Katniss comes from district 12, the poorest area in the whole countries. The character’s image is tough and strong because she wants to protect her family from any dangers. Therefore, she volunteers to replace her sister in the hunger game to protect her. She even become the symbol of resistance (the Mockingjay) of the war to the Capitol during the revolution. For people in the Panem, Katniss is the victor of the hunger game, the hope, who survives from the torture and poverty. The image of Katniss represents people who fight for survival in the real world. People sometimes need to give up something when they faced difficulty, like Katniss, she makes efforts to fight with the government.
In the novel “The Hunger Games” Suzanne Collins conveys the qualities of a hero through the main character Katniss Everdeen. The novel is based around a dystopian nation, in which is placed in Panem. Through which a boy and a girl from each district must take part in ‘The Hunger Games’ where they have to fight to the death, until there is one survivor. Katniss subsequently evolves as a significant hero portraying the heroic qualities such as selflessness, identity change and intelligence. Selflessness is shown as she puts others before herself, her identity changes as she has to put up a brave face, and intelligence is displayed as her strategies progress in the games.
In the novel, the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, Katniss Everdeen does whatever it takes to survive in the Hunger Games. Katniss battles against twenty-three other children from the twelve districts along with hunger, cold, and sickness to stay alive in the games. Katniss must use many of her attributes to win the Hunger Games, such as her resourcefulness, caring, and determination.
The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins delineates that there are times when people believe that all hope is lost but only those who are strong will persevere through their darkest moments. Suzanne Collins portrays the theme throughout the novel with the main protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, as she struggles to endure her daily life and the annual Hunger Games. Collins displays the prodigious amount of persistence of Katniss Everdeen and her comrade, Peeta Mellark, which allows them to survive throughout the Hunger Games.
The Hunger Games, A book series by Suzanne Collins, differs in few ways from Veronica Roth’s Divergent. The Hunger Games lead role, Katniss Everdeen, lives in a world of few choices. The government controls the lives of everybody in the 12 districts. When Katniss’ little sister, Primrose, is chosen to fight in the annual Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She is forced to fight and forced to kill, all to survive. This competition results in the people fearing not only their government, but also their futures. Katniss becomes a symbol of rebellion against the
The Hunger Games are literally a fight to the death in which each of the 12 districts sends too tributes, one male and one female. Being entered into the Games means either fortune and fame or unavoidable death. Katniss Everdeen volunteered for her little sister Prim when she got chosen. And the male tribute was Peeta Mellark, for district 12. Katniss knew Petta when he trew a piece of bread to her when it was raining.
To begin with, The Hunger Games is the first book in the Hunger Games Trilogy, and is written by Suzanne Collins. First off, the novel takes place in Penem, a make-believe future where the Capital is surrounded by districts. The Districts are like slaves to the Capital, give away resources to the Capital and only keep some resources to themselves; so you can imagine that the districts are very poor. The Capital also forces the districts to give up one boy and girl to go to annual Hunger Games, so to prevent War. Katniss, the main character in the book, ends up being part of the hunger games alongside with Peeta. Katniss then has to fight for her life because there may only be one victor. Lastly, throughout this book you’ll see conformity and civil disobedience play a huge role in the Hunger Games.
In the history of cinema, most movies involving a hero 's journey involve mostly the same plot; man gets a call, goes on a journey, gets in a battle or two, and saves the helpless woman from some evil source. The Hunger Games has the same plot as other hero films, but takes a complete turn on the actor encompassing the hero. The hero in this film is a Katniss Everdeen, a poor girl from a dystopian society. In this film Katniss volunteers for her sister to be in the Hunger Games, which is an event where individuals are thrown into an arena where people from twelve districts fight each other to the death for entertainment. Katniss must win the hunger games and make it back to her family. Katniss eventually befriends Peta and they defeat all obstacles and win the Hunger Games together. The Hunger Games is a perfect example of a hero 's journey plot. It follows the steps that any hero journey movie would, including the call, crossing the threshold, a supreme ordeal, companions and mentors, a transformation and the end gift. This film encompasses the classic hero journey plot, with an exception of having a strong female lead instead of male.
While Theseus and Katniss have many similarities the biggest one are the trails they both go through, Theseus with the maze and the minotaur and Katniss and the annual Hunger Games. In myth of Theseus, Athens is invaded by Crete after Minos, the king of Crete, had sent his son to Athens and there he was killed when the Athenian king sent him on “an expedition full of peril”(Hamilton 157). After King Minos captured Athens he threatened to raze Athens to the ground unless every nine years Athens “sent him a tribute of seven maidens and seven youths”, all for the entertainment of King Minos and revenge for his son. Similarly in The Hunger Games, in the Country of Panem, after a failed revolution, the government in the capital city made each of the 12 districts send 2 tributes to the capital. Once they got to the capital they were forced to fight in an arena for the entertainment of the higher ups in the government. Theses trails that both Theseus and Katniss faced
In the novel, The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins, the reasons for Katniss and Peeta's winning the Game was all thanks to the help of their team. Their team has helped them, Katniss and Peeta, by training them at their sessions, helping them get their sponsors, and keeping them alive while being in the Game.