
Simone De Beauvoir: Why So Serious?

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Why So Serious? Simone de Beauvoir starts off Ethics of Ambiguity with central existentialism. Meaning humans create their own “essence” through the choices and actions they make. When Beauvoir is discussing the human essence she is not only talking about the concept but also Heidegger’s assertion in Being and Time. The creation of oneself is based on both the past actions and the future choices. De Beauvoir then continues with how there are different attitudes of men which are, The sub man, The serious man, The nihilist, and The adventurer. In this paper I will be discussing how De Beauvoir describes the attitude the adolescence, the serious man, and why she disagrees with how the serious man lives. De Beauvoir starts to describe the serious world in chapter two “Personal Freedom and Others”. The serious world is where the environment is already established, where one did not contribute, and the man’s only choice is to submit. De Beauvoir starts to describe what adolescence is like where one starts to ask questions like “Why must I act this way?”; “what happens if I act another way?” to De Beauvoir this is when one discovers their subjectivity and the subjectivity of others. When one is in their adolescent years they start to notice contradictions and weakness amongst adults. “Men no longer appear as Gods.”(De Beauvoir Ethics). Adults …show more content…

This means that a man has the ability to choose what they want to do with their life. Everyone has freedom, but it is their choice to decide what they want to do with it. What they do with their freedom describes what type of attitude they have as De Beauvoir mentions “The sub-man, the serious man, the nihilist, and the adventurer.” De Beauvoir thinks the serious man is the most dangerous out of all the attitudes. The serious man is a “grown-up” child who submits their freedom to ready-made

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