Nationalism has been a driving force of concord and discord throughout the 20th century: it has been a catalyst of nearly all wars, yet it has also brought people together to solve problems. During Big Era 8, wars changed dynamics in homes across Europe. As males were unable to work because they were fighting, women and children filled the gap to keep up production and munition for the war. Economically, the Great Depression crippled the economy of Europe and prevented trade to be prevalent. Politically, liberal governments that had flourished vanished and transitioned to new ideas such as fascism and communism; however, these new ideas eventually led to a more advanced world. Nationalism incited nearly all of these changes. Rationing and propaganda during World War 1, the rise of swadeshi in India and the formation of the USSR, and …show more content…
A total war encompassed the entire population, not just those who were fighting in the war. Propaganda and rationing encouraged citizens to participate in the war. Nina MacDonald’s poem Sing a Song of War-Time describes a young child and analyzes the change in roles and sacrifices for the war. When the narrator says, “If I ask for cake, or/ Jam of any sort/ Nurse says ‘What! In War Time’” (MacDonald 9-11). MacDonald goes on to hint that the economy suffers because they “Haven’t any money, / Can’t buy toys” (MacDonald 14-15) Socially, the war is impactful to the child because he isn’t able to have treats or buy any toys because every opportunity for rationing and limiting is used to give to the war. Economically, the family can’t buy toys for the child because there is no money to spend. Politically, the government introduced many laws to make distribution fair, but many new agencies were introduced during the first World War that led to counter-productive decisions that didn’t help families (Herwig
Nationalism shaped the development of European countries from the way some European countries disagreed with the way they were being ruled. In document 7 it says, “So long as we live. What foreign force has seized, we’ll reclaim with sabre.” Poland decided that they didn’t like the way they were being treated and would gain back their countries independence as many times as needed. Hungary realized that they wanted independence when the man who dared call himself king did something that made the people of Hungary angry. “. . . he erases the Hungarian nation from the list of independent nations of Europe . . .” (Doc 3). In Russia workers wanted better rights and reformed, this event was called Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday lead to even greater problems, “Bloody Sunday leads to Revolution in 1905.” (Doc 5).
Nationalism: is a strong feeling of pride in one’s country and believing that one’s country is better than other country and this aggressive nationalism in the early 1900’s was a source of tension in Europe, which fueled the war. Nationalism was very strong in France and Germany; it unified the Germans, as they were proud of their growing military and industrial strength. While, France wanted to regain its position as a leading European power. Similarly, Russia had encouraged a form of nationalism in Eastern Europe called Pan Slavism. It drew all Slavic people and Russia was the largest Slavic country ready to defend small Serbia. Multinational Austria Hungary opposed Slavic national movements. After Napoleon’s exile to Elba congress of Vienna was held and it tried to solve the problem in Europe. Delegates of Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia agreed upon a new Europe whereas Germany and Italy were left as divided states. So there
In WW1, it will produce conflicts between countries as they both feel they’re better than the other; in other words, it starts war. Another reason nationalism lead to war is because some countries, like Serbia, were being oppressed by other countries and didn’t appreciate it. (Doc E) Now, people will react in different ways when pushed around by a bigger person. Serbia decided to take the extreme nationalist resort of violence. They did so by
Two men came to America with a organization of people on a ship to set up their own colony. Both of them had a goal and a reason for coming to the new world. When both of them came to set up a colony they had high hopes. They soon realized it would be a struggle to survive and had to endure a lot when they decided to come to the new world. They were not exactly the same though and had some differences and came to the new world for contrasting reasons.
6. Nationalism can be both a unifying and disunifying force in many different ways. One way nationalism was a unifying force was that it brought people together who were not loyal to the king and did not want him to rule. Many of these people we known as liberals and radicals. Since they were not loyal to their kings they were instead loyal to their people or to those that they shared a common bond with. Nationalism was also able to unify masses of people. Specifically nationalism was able to unify the country of Italy when nationalist in Italy had looked for leadership form from the largest and most powerful kingdom in the Italian states, Piedmont-Sardinia. Another country that was also unified by nationalism in the mid-1800's was the country
Nationalism in Big Era 8 helped unite the people of a “common culture” into one political body; moreover, nationalism enforced the idea of cultural superiority and created violence throughout this period nationalism was a primary catalyst in WWI, the interwar revolutions, and in the rise of German fascism. Nationalism helped lead to the assassination of Arch Duke Franz-Ferdinand, which was the initial stimulant for WWI. Additionally, nationalism lead to many countries, including India, to create reforms and unite under a common identity. Finally, nationalism sparked WWII because it caused the rise of fascism and restored national pride to the Germans and Japanese, which lead to the breakout of WWII. Nationalism was a powerful force that reshaped
The years after World War One brought about vast changes to many parts of the world. Places like South Asia and the Middle East were able to see the need for self government away from foreign control. This sparked a number of nationalist movements during the 1920’s and 1930’s. The Middle East had to Westernize to rid foreign control while India had to be united under non-violence and Hindu values.
The start of the 20th century was marked by a strong sense of nationalism in many European powers. This shared patriotism, was evoked by many governments to gain support about becoming a part in World War I. Many people bought into this sense of belonging and sought to fight for
Nationalism can be traced to the nineteenth century, European peoples came to identify strongly with communities they called nations. Members of a nation considered themselves a distinctive people that spoke a common language, observed common customs, inherited common cultural conditions, held common values, and shared common
Nationalism created distrust of other nations due to cultural variances, political goals, aggressive competition, and rivalry between Europe’s powers for natural resources. Advertisements appeared all over promoting the idea that young men in Europe should go and fight for the greatness of their country. All types of men in Europe signed up for war believing entirely that it was a heroic and worthwhile cause that they were going to fight for. Another cause leading to WWI was imperialism which is a policy or practice by which a
Before the war, nationalism had swept through the world, most notably playing a role in other
In the novella, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Orwell uses Squealer to describe the quote, “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” by John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton. In the story, when all the animals were working hard on tending the farm, Squealer sits around explaining the “endless work in supervision and organisation [on] the farm” (119). Squealer, with power to convince the others animals what he does is right, lives a lavish life without having to do much work on the farm. Squealer is able to leech off the other animal's work to benefit himself because of the amount of power he has gained.
The political and social conditions of Europe before the onset of the World War I were extremely unstable and undergoing a rapid transition that was driven by national interests of different nations living in the region. Nationalism was endorsed to promote patriotism among masses and to achieve political objectives that were in alignment with the national or political interests of countries. As the time passed, the growing influence of imperialism and the ideology of nationalism manifested multifaceted
Nationalism has played a crucial role in world history over the past centuries. It continues to do so today. For many, nationalism is indelibly associated with some of the worst aspects of modern history, such as the destructive confidence of the Napoleon’s army and the murderous pride of Nazi Germany. Large numbers of people, descent in their hearts, have carried out unbelievable atrocities for no better reason than their nation required them to. Authoritarian and totalitarian regime have crushed dissent, eliminated opposition, and trampled on civil liberties in the name of the nation.
We’re looking at the difference between Romanesque cathedrals and Gothic cathedrals. I know you all are so excited to learn what a flying buttress is because I know I was. Spoiler alert, it is nothing like what it sounds like. It’s much more cool and innovative, which is what these two periods were all about. Taking knowledge from the past and improving it.