Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Recognition – Single
WRCI 411 – Assignment 1
August 2013
WRCI 411 – Assignment 1
August 2013
List of Figures and Tables ........................................................................................................................ 1
Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 1
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The output is based on a function, usually a step function or sigmoid function (basically a rounded or differentiable step function). The neuron should output a 0 until it ‘fires’ when it should output a 1. This allows it to be used as a logic function. For this case the neuron should fire for only one letter/character (and an interfered equivalent) and for all other possible cases it should not fire.
The strength of a neural network is that it can ‘learn’ or be ‘taught’ a pattern and recognise this pattern. From this it should be able to make decisions for cases it has not seen before. There are many methods for teaching a neuron, most relying on derivation to find the slope of the so-called weight-space (some rely on brute-force, but these are seldom used). The basic Gradient Decent rule acts on the slope of the weight-space and will be used for this report.
The code was written in m-code and implemented by MathWorks Matlab R2011a.
The artificial neuron is taught by manipulating the values of the elements in the weight matrix (W in the code) until the error in the output matrix (from the dot product of the teaching set (X) and W) is lower than a set number (0.005). This is achieved with a while loop.
Within the while loop is another while loop which loops another error checking loop though each of the vectors of the X matrix. The code edits each of the elements of the W matrix by using the equation: =
− η
Represented in
by 1, and then the new value is used in the expression in which it appears. For example,
To send a message, a neuron will send a ripple of electrical energy down its axon. This ripple is called "action potential." The way it works is by changing the chemical makeup of the axon's negatively charged interior. Positively charged sodium ions move into the cell and negatively charged potassium ions move out, then the ions move to their original positions. This produces a wave of positively charged
In the above assignment statement, the variable x holds the string “Python”, y holds the float 127.5, and z holds the integer 54.
send this information to the central nervous system. The motor neurons in turn carry processed
4. The calculation should be executed only after all the valid input values are provided.
This concept particularly stood out to me because when we started learning how to do this, I didn’t quite understand. As I got more and more help from Yenmin, I started to see where these ideas are coming from even though I still struggle. However, a concept that made me really think is when it came down to kinematic equation. Although the idea of kinematic equation seem easy when it was being taught in class, it still took a while for me to grasp on where each and every part of the equation came from and to understand the true meaning and importance. In the end of this though, I learned that it wasn’t that hard than I thought it was. In physics, I struggle a lot. Even though the idea of drawing and describing acceleration arrows, motion maps, x, and v, and graphs based on the given scenario stood out to me, I still struggle with that. Now that I am 2 months smarter, the advice that I would have given to my past self to be successful in physics is to try harder and to not be afraid to ask for help because Physics is not an easy concept. It is hard to expect that you’ll understand physics right when you learn it. It takes time and patient. In the next unit, my plan for success is to put more effort in Physics and to not give up
1. Describe the basic functioning of a neuron beginning with receiving signals from other neurons or sense organs and ending with the transmission of a signal to another neuron. Explain how a pattern of neuron firing is related to behavior.
Describe the anatomy of the neuron and the ways that neurons communicate with each other.
Once a presynaptic neuron is passive, an electrical current is spread along the length of the axon (Schiff, 2012). This is known as action potential (Pinel, 2011). Action potential happens once an abundant amount of depolarisation reaches the limit through the entry of sodium, by means of voltage gated sodium channels
senses at input until it emerges as a behavioral response at output. The information we
Graded potential is one of the methods of transmission of chemical information from one neuron to another. It occurs in specific regions in neural cell, such as: post-synaptic plasma membrane “dendrite or soma” or regions of sensory stimuli reception. Difference in levels of chemical concentration causes
Write a discussion of error summarizing 2 sources of error, why are your results and the other group different?
Learning methods simply mean a person’s natural desired way of take in, managing and memorizing new content and skills. There are three major models that look at the way on how a person learns best including: auditory, visual, and sense of touch. Auditory is when a person learns through conversation such as listening and talking. Visual is when a person learns through imitating such as observing and copying. Sense of touch is when a person learns through physical actions such as movement and touch. Different learning methods are being taught by teachers to teach mathematic skills to 2nd graders in today’s classroom, but only certain learning methods can enhance the learning experience for the students. In the long run, this could
This is often paraphrased as “neurons that fire together wire together.” The combination of neurons which could be grouped together as one processing unit were called “cell assemblies.” Their combination of connections makes up the ever changing algorithm which dictated the brains response to the stimuli. To Hebb, the cell assembly is the neurological basis of an idea or thought. This is how he explains why houses, cows, or loved ones need not be present for us to think of them (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2013). Hebb argued that in infants and children, learning involves setting up new cell assemblies. In adults, however, learning more often includes fine-tuning existing cell assemblies. As for Robert C. Bolles, learning involves the development of expectancies. That means that organisms learn that one kind of event reliably precedes another event (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2013). Expectancy learning in Bolle’s theory does not require reinforcement. The temporal order and contiguity between two stimuli or between a response and its consequence determine the nature of the learned expectancy. For example, a flash of lightning becomes a predictor for thunder.
When a matrix is placed parallel to another matrix separated by a plus symbol, one very important thing must be taken into consideration. Which is do the matrices being added together have the same number of rows and columns, for example, matrix one is a three by three which means it has three rows and three columns and matrix two is also a three by three. The first step is to add up the first row in matrix one with the first column in row two and then again for the second row and column. After those steps are followed the addition of the matrix should be complete. In subtraction of matrices the same steps should be